




1. 食 [shí]2. 食 [sì]3. 食 [yì]食 [shí]吃:~肉。~欲。吃的东西:~品。粮~。零~。丰衣足~。俸禄:“君子谋道不谋~”。日月亏缺或完全不见的现象:日~。月~。食 [sì]拿东西给人吃:~母(乳母)。食 [yì]……





汉语拼音:bǔ shí zhě



  1. His mother senses a nearby predator. But it's not the dingo. Her attention is fixed on the wedge- tailed eagle flying above.

  2. He is now making a robot predator to see how the shoal reacts to less benign intruders.

  3. Evolution did not narrowly require that insects fly or swim, only that they somehow move quick enough to escape predators or catch prey.

  4. A recent announcement by the Pentagon that it was throwing two armed Predator drones into the fray may also have had a psychological impact.

  5. And I've done calculations that show that this could be see from as much as 300 feet away by a predator.

  6. These intelligent, versatile predators can swim up to a mile in the ocean and can roam 40 miles at a time.

  7. Allosaurus was a powerful predator that walked on two powerful legs, had a strong tail. The Allosaurus hunted in groups.

  8. The population of final predator is often too large.

  9. Birds' mating is often a quick business as it can leave them open to attack from predators.


  1. 染病捕食者

    predator with disease.

  2. 食饵与捕食者系统

    system between the predator and prey

  3. 那是猎物是捕食者是配偶

    Is it prey? Is it predator? Is it mate?

  4. 捕食者追赶和猎物逃逸

    predator pursuit and prey evasion

  5. 这个苍蝇会察觉到这个捕食者

    The fly is going to sense this predator.

  6. 是危险的捕食者 还是风声?

    Is it a dangerous predator, or is it just the wind?

  7. 显然,这个顶端捕食者就是我们。

    That top predator, of course, is us.

  8. 它们要发生性关系。它们要躲避捕食者

    They have sex. They hide from predators.

  9. 最终捕食者的族群经常都太大。

    The population of final predator is often too large.

  10. 这会让捕食者失明或者受到干扰。

    This blinds or distracts the predator.

  11. 鸟儿不敢放松对捕食者的警戒。

    The birds cannot afford to relax their vigilance against predators.

  12. 现在, 捕食者进入画面, 一切都改变了。

    Now, all this changes when a predator enters the scene.

  13. 我不想用这个无情的 捕食者形象。

    I didn't want to go with this ruthless predator image.

  14. 一类食饵与捕食者系统的极限环

    On the Limit Cycle of a Kind of Bait and Predacious System

  15. 或许这只是一个聪明的捕食者的灵光一现。

    Or maybe it was just a clever predators inspired moment.

  16. 在这个模型里,可以看到捕食者正在进攻。

    Here on the model you see the predator attacking.

  17. 豹海豹是北极最凶猛得海洋捕食者之一。

    The leopard seal is one of the Antarctic fiercest marine predators.

  18. 我们当时正接近 消灭这些最后的野外捕食者

    We were just getting around to polishing off these last wild predators.

  19. 但是周围没有捕食者的时候狗也会汪汪叫。

    But dogs bark when there are no predators around.

  20. 追逐的场所主要取决于捕食者内在的行为特点。

    Hunting site is determined primarily by inherited behavioral characteristics.

  21. 追逐得场所主要取决于捕食者内在得行为特点。

    Hunting site is determined primarily by inherited behavioral characteristics.

  22. 原来,在海洋食物链里还有另外一个顶端捕食者

    There's another top predator in the ocean, it turns out.

  23. 稀疏效应下一类捕食者与食饵系统极限环

    Limit cycle of a kind of predators and food bait system under sparse effect

  24. 捕食者和寄生者是否能够调节其猎物种群得大小呢

    Do predators and parasites regulate the population size of their prey

  25. 猫鼬得行动将告之它们得捕食者和它们接触得其他动物。

    Mongooses movements will give clues about their predators and other animals they interact with.

  26. 猫鼬的行动将告之它们的捕食者和它们接触的其他动物。

    Mongooses movements will give clues about their predators and other animals they interact with.

  27. 这种爬行动物浑身是刺, 几乎所有的捕食者都退避三舍。

    The reptiles prickly skin repels nearly all of its predators.

  28. 我们能从这个移动的海洋中看到 捕食者在哪里。

    So what we can see on this moving ocean is we can finally see where the predators are.

  29. 四处巡游的捕食者在30小时内便将所有的鱼儿捕食殆尽。

    And cruising predators snatched up nearly all of them within 30 hours.

  30. 他认为这些捕食者在展示一种他所声称的栖息行为。

    He believes the predators are displaying what he calls refuging behavior.


  1. 问:捕食者拼音怎么拼?捕食者的读音是什么?捕食者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:捕食者的读音是bǔ shí zhě,捕食者翻译成英文是 predator

  2. 问:捕食者转换拼音怎么拼?捕食者转换的读音是什么?捕食者转换翻译成英文是什么?

    答:捕食者转换的读音是bǔ shí zhě zhuǎn huàn,捕食者转换翻译成英文是 predator switching

  3. 问:捕食者猎物比率拼音怎么拼?捕食者猎物比率的读音是什么?捕食者猎物比率翻译成英文是什么?

    答:捕食者猎物比率的读音是bǔ shí zhě liè wù bǐ lǜ,捕食者猎物比率翻译成英文是 predator-prey ratio

  4. 问:捕食者饱和效应拼音怎么拼?捕食者饱和效应的读音是什么?捕食者饱和效应翻译成英文是什么?

    答:捕食者饱和效应的读音是bǔ shí zhě bǎo hé xiào yìng,捕食者饱和效应翻译成英文是 predator satiation

  5. 问:捕食者猎物相互作用拼音怎么拼?捕食者猎物相互作用的读音是什么?捕食者猎物相互作用翻译成英文是什么?

    答:捕食者猎物相互作用的读音是bǔ shí zhě liè wù xiāng hù zuò yòng,捕食者猎物相互作用翻译成英文是 predator-prey interaction



“捕食者”是个多义词,它可以指捕食者(美军无人侦察机), 捕食者(红冒所著小说)。

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