


1. 转 [zhuǎn]2. 转 [zhuàn]3. 转 [zhuǎi]转 [zhuǎn]迁徙;流亡:老弱~乎沟壑。不直接的,中间再经过别人或别的地方:~送。~达。~发。~运。周~。改换方向:~弯。向左~。改变位置:~移。改变形势、情况:~……





汉语拼音:zhuǎn shǒu







  1. 移动手臂。

    南朝 梁 庾肩吾 《咏美人看画诗》:“转手齐裾乱,横簪歷鬢垂。”

  2. 一反手。比喻时间十分迅速。

    宋 苏轼 《山村五绝》之四:“杖藜裹饭去怱怱,过眼青钱转手空。” 宋 陈亮 《铨选资格策》:“虽如两 苏 兄弟之习於论事,亦不过勇果於 嘉祐 之制策,而持重於 熙寧 之奏议,转手之间,而两论立焉。”

  3. 转交或转卖。

    明 沉周 《<定武兰亭叙>跋》:“此帖旧藏於 穿山 陈氏 。 陈氏 为余内家,过必借閲。今转手於人,犹幸一见。” 老舍 《赵子曰》第一:“他还常含着泪说:‘拆那堵界墙时候,从墙基发现了一尊小铜菩萨。他把那尊菩萨卖了三块洋钱。后来经别人一转手卖给一个 美国 人,竟自卖了六百块大洋。’” 茹志鹃 《高高的白杨树》:“这时候 七霸天 算盘一敲,觉得这样下去自己会一文也捞不到,便一转手,把 小凤儿 卖给了 伴云庵 的当家师。”

  4. 门上可以转动的把手。

    洪深 《赵阎王》第一幕:“他慢慢地走到门旁,在门上摸上两摸,摸着转手,开了门。”



  1. He said the transactions were not secret and no different from cash payments from the United States.


  2. The small town Chan brothers did not believe in haunted houses and could not pass on the great price for such a large building.


  3. If I sell health insurance for less than a fair premium, you do not have the option of buying more than you need and selling it on.


  4. 'I don't know if any money exchanged hands or not. . . . And I suspect the U. S. government has no way of knowing either. '


  5. Through a smart bit of asset flipping, it was the only bank that profited from the ill-fated takeover of ABN Amro, a Dutch bank, in 2007.


  6. 'If your kids want to paint their bedrooms, as a favor to me, let 'em do it, ' he said. 'Don't worry about resale values. '


  7. In other words, they must demonstrate the precise properties of what they are trying to offload.


  8. Sure, your vehicle's resale value will never be the same, but at least you'll never starve if you get stranded in a snowstorm.


  9. Rather than flip the family home, however, he made a second investment.


  1. 转手贸易中间人

    switch dealer

  2. 然后转手卖出

    and then sell it off again.

  3. 转手换成外币

    switch in foreign currencies

  4. 这本书几经转手。

    The book changed hands many times.

  5. 那辆汽车几经转手。

    That car has changed hands many times.

  6. 实际上钱并没有转手。

    No money actually changed hands.

  7. 这房子最近几经转手。

    The house has changed hands several times recently.

  8. 这房子今年转手两次。

    This house has changed hands twice this year.

  9. 区别在于钱转手的方式。

    The difference is in the way money changes hands.

  10. 这种古玩已经多次转手了。

    This curio has passed throgh many hands.

  11. 可能通过第三方转手了。

    Probably routed through a third party.

  12. 这房子今年已转手两次。

    This house has changed hands twice this year.

  13. 他们转手给另外一个人贩卖。

    They give it to another guy who sells it for'em.

  14. 门票以面值三倍的价钱转手。

    Tickets were changing hands at three times their face value.

  15. 这辆汽车已经转手好几次了。

    This car has already changed hands several times.

  16. 规则要求按顺时针方向旋转手轮。

    Regulation is accomplished by rotating the handwheel clockwise.

  17. 这种贸易就是多边补偿,也叫转手补偿。

    This trade is a multilateral compensation, also known as hands compensation.

  18. 真爱可以在哪里找到,是否也可以转手。

    Where can I find true love, whether can also transfer.

  19. 他一转手就把两只表调换过来。

    He switched the watches by sleight of hand.

  20. 他们的获利不是靠日后转手的有利卖价。

    They aren't dependent on the right seller materializing later on.

  21. 谁说要你买房子了,我还要转手呢。

    Who's talking about buying anything? I am giving it away.

  22. 那个小流氓转手就把我的衣服卖了!

    That punk kid's out there selling my stuff!

  23. 这些文件被婊子一样转手是完全可能的。

    It's entirely possible that the papers were whored out like that.

  24. 深圳得黄牛票,转手费可以高达250块钱。

    Shenzhen scalped tickets, premium money can be as high as248.

  25. 深圳的黄牛票,转手费可以高达250块钱。

    Shenzhen scalped tickets, premium money can be as high as250.

  26. 旋称反转手征带和摇摆带的统一描述

    Unified Description of Signature Inversion, Chiral and Wobbling Bands

  27. 这个文件经过多次转手才传到她手里。

    The document had passed through several hands before it reached hers.

  28. 框架协议已经签署,但似乎尚没有资金转手。

    Framework agreements have been signed, but no money appears to have changed hands.

  29. 法里尔先生拍得汽车后再将其转手。

    Mr. Farrier bought cars at auctions and sold them on.

  30. 这栋漂亮的豪宅已经转手好几次了。

    That beautiful mansion has changed hands several times.


  1. 问:转手拼音怎么拼?转手的读音是什么?转手翻译成英文是什么?

    答:转手的读音是zhuánshǒu,转手翻译成英文是 resell

  2. 问:转手买卖拼音怎么拼?转手买卖的读音是什么?转手买卖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:转手买卖的读音是Zhuǎnshǒumǎimài,转手买卖翻译成英文是 to change hands

  3. 问:转手交易拼音怎么拼?转手交易的读音是什么?转手交易翻译成英文是什么?

    答:转手交易的读音是zhuǎn shǒu jiāo yì,转手交易翻译成英文是 switch operation

  4. 问:转手汇率拼音怎么拼?转手汇率的读音是什么?转手汇率翻译成英文是什么?

    答:转手汇率的读音是zhuǎn shǒu huì lǜ,转手汇率翻译成英文是 switch rate

  5. 问:转手贸易拼音怎么拼?转手贸易的读音是什么?转手贸易翻译成英文是什么?

    答:转手贸易的读音是zhuǎn shǒu mào yì,转手贸易翻译成英文是 switch trade

  6. 问:转手交易商拼音怎么拼?转手交易商的读音是什么?转手交易商翻译成英文是什么?

    答:转手交易商的读音是zhuǎn shǒu jiāo yì shāng,转手交易商翻译成英文是 in-and-out trader

  7. 问:转手型证券拼音怎么拼?转手型证券的读音是什么?转手型证券翻译成英文是什么?

    答:转手型证券的读音是zhuǎn shǒu xíng zhèng quàn,转手型证券翻译成英文是 pass-through securities



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