






看:~觉。~力。~野。鄙~。注~。近~。~而不见。熟~无睹。亲临某事:~事。~察。看待:藐~。重~。等闲~之。看望:探~。省(xǐng )~。比照:“天子之卿受地~侯”。古同“示”,表明。……


郊外,村外:~外。~景。~游。~趣。~餐。~战。四~。郊~。界限,范围:分~。视~。指不当政的地位,与“朝(cháo )”相对:朝~。下~。在~。~史。不讲情理,没有礼貌:~蛮。粗~。巨大而非分的欲望:~心。不受约束:心玩儿~了。不是人工驯……



汉语拼音:kāi kuò shì yě



  1. Gradually we grew up, some moved to a new home, lengthen the sense of distance, we also began to make new friends, broaden our horizons.

  2. Books allow me to increase my knowledge, broaden their horizons, to understand many principles.

  3. English is a collection of useful English learning extracurricular activities, can help students to understand foreign horizons, general.

  4. It used to be the Nobel literature prize for vying for prize money, rigorous selection process and global horizons and cause for concern.

  5. Experience as much as you can in life as it will expand your perspective and give you a broader base of inspiration to draw from.

  6. In a place like China you need to escape the system and explore the view, just to know where you are, or you might as well have stayed home!

  7. You need the kind of advanced guidance that inspires vision and helps you discover superior insight and achieve unparalleled results.

  8. And the "bottom elevated" to broaden our horizons, enhance ventilation, expand public space, and promote community interaction.

  9. The cross culture exposure in his early career has given him a trained vision and respect for values of variety.


  1. 我想丰富阅历,开阔视野。

    I want to diversify my experience and broaden my view sight.

  2. 好书能让我增长知识, 开阔视野, 懂得许多道理。

    Books allow me to increase my knowledge, broaden their horizons, to understand many principles.

  3. 以纵论天下的开阔视野,把握时代脉搏,共谋发展大计。

    It also means that we will take a global perspective, keep pace with the times and work together for development.

  4. 我的孩子们在开放的环境中学习和成长,能够开阔视野。

    My children live in this open environment that could help them develop an international outlook.

  5. 站在高处视野开阔。

    A high place commands a much wider view.

  6. 这座房子面向大海视野开阔。

    The house has a view over the sea.

  7. 开阔管理视野

    broadening vision in management.

  8. 观察所高处或视野开阔的建筑, 用于了望

    A high place or structure commanding a wide view, used for observation.

  9. 但是视野开阔, 向远处一直可以望见密西西比河。

    But the view is open all the way down to the Mississippi River.

  10. 他奔跑的步伐很大,速度惊人,视野开阔,本领过人。

    He played with a swagger, blessed with pace, vision and flair.

  11. 我们一时间感到视野开阔, 眺望着远处那美丽的景色。

    For a time we had fine extensive views.

  12. 驾驶室采用新型钢构, 视野开阔, 安全可靠, 减震降噪。

    Cab uses new steel structure, broadminded, secure, damping noise reduction.

  13. 悬崖边上的球洞,视野开阔,一个小小的右狗腿。

    The hole is at the edge of the cliff with an open view and a small right dogleg.

  14. 驾驶室视野开阔,隔声和密封性能优良,减振效果好

    Driver compartment features wide visibility, excellent noise isolation and sealing, and satisfactory vibration reduction.

  15. 楼层好位置佳, 本栋楼处于花园中心位置, 视野开阔!

    Good floor locations, the buildings in the garden center at the location, view open!

  16. 一个企业家应具有开阔的视野。

    An enterpriser should have the wide vision.

  17. 出国旅游使他开阔了视野, 增长了知识。

    Going abroad broaden him and get more knowledge.

  18. 天窗光线拥有最开阔的视野,最新鲜的空气,最明朗的采光。

    Scuttle light has the openest view, the freshest air, the most Anacreontic daylighting.

  19. 就没有今天的神采飞扬,没有现在开阔的视野和事业天空。

    Does not look good on today's emissions, not now broad vision and the cause of the sky.

  20. 在两次快速的传递后,小牛队员们获得一片开阔的视野。

    It put everybody one step behind.Two quick passes later the Mavericks had a beautiful wide open look.

  21. 奥多姆拥有球就像一个守卫一样并且他有很开阔的视野。

    Odom handles the ball like a guard and will play on the perimeter.

  22. 大车越开越快, 把房子和工厂抛在后面, 进入一片开阔的视野。

    Houses and factories gave place to open fields train gathered speed.

  23. 电视能开阔我们的视野。

    The television can widen our field of vision.

  24. 真正的好书, 可以我们的净化心灵, 开阔我们的视野。

    Good Books Cleanse the heart and broaden our horizons.

  25. 开阔自己的视野,每天接触新奇的事物,是我的梦想。

    To widen my view and contact novel things are my own dream.

  26. 把百叶窗开启, 视野更加开阔。

    The vision is broader when the shutter is open.

  27. 博览群书会开阔人的视野,反过来又会使人对读书更感兴趣。

    Reading extensively can broaden one's mind, which in turn makes one more interested in reading.

  28. 整体式环形天篷使得在飞机座舱内具有开阔的全向视野。

    The overall circular ceiling contributes to a wide view around the plane from the aviation cockpit.

  29. 这里地势平坦, 其视野之开阔令人敬畏。

    The land is flat, and the views are awesomely extensive.

  30. 宽容的以视野的开阔或接受程度为特点的宽容大量的

    Marked by breadth or tolerance of views broadminded.


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