


1. 赵 [zhào]赵 [zhào]中国古代国名(a.战国时代的“赵”;b.西晋结束,匈奴族、羯族先后在北方建立“赵国”,史称“前赵”、“后赵”):~客(战国时燕赵多侠士,遂以“赵客”为侠士通称)。燕(yàn)~(燕赵之地,泛指北方)。姓……





汉语拼音:zhào guó



  1. He wanted to select a capable man to go with him. A man called Mao Sui volunteered.


  2. The minister Mr Green onion, will accompany the prince zhao wei to go as a hostage, before I leave either to say.


  3. Mao Sui volunteered to fight against the state of Chu and he successfully accomplished his mission.


  4. Actually, the most powerful state of the period was the State of Zhao.


  5. The early Warring States period, the northern part of the house is Zhongshan Scope, southern Zhao territoriality .


  6. The king of Wei thus sent his son to the State of Zhao, and his trusted minister Pang Cong to accompany him.


  7. Get the lead, Lin Hsiang-ju deliberations: "The King if they do not, it appeared that Zhao both weak and timid. "


  8. In the Warring States Period, the State of Qin besieged the capital of the State of Zhao.


  9. Soon afterwards the Qin armies attacked the State of Zhao, encircling the Zhao capital of Julu.


  1. 赵国兴衰管见

    On the Prosperity and Decline of the Kingdom Zhao

  2. 赵国的南北长城

    In the Southern and Northern Greats Wall of Zhao State

  3. 秦国兴兵攻打赵国。

    The State of Qin launched an attack on the State of Zhao.

  4. 秦国兴兵攻打赵国。

    The State of Qin launched an attack on the State of Zhao.

  5. 到赵国去作人质。

    On a trip to the State of Zhao, where the prince will become a hostage.

  6. 这样,赵国变得越来越弱。

    Mais il ne l'a pas fait.

  7. 他到赵国的京城邯郸做生意。

    He is doing business in handan, capital of zhao.

  8. 吴国一直雄视着赵国,虎视眈眈。

    The State of Wu always covetously eyed the State of Zhao.

  9. 吴国一直雄视着赵国,虎视眈眈。

    The State of Wu always covetously eyed the State of Zhao.

  10. 你放心陪太子去赵国吧。

    Just be assured and go to Zhao together with the crown prince.

  11. 弓弩及其在赵国军队中的应用

    Bow and crossbow and its application in the armed forces of zhao

  12. 从成语典故管窥赵国军事文化

    Observing the military civilization of Zhao country through a bamboo tube from the Idiom

  13. 蔺相如是赵国出使秦国得使臣。

    Lin Xiangru was the envoy the Zhao state detached to the Qin State.

  14. 蔺相如是赵国出使秦国的使臣。

    Lin Xiangru was the envoy the Zhao state detached to the Qin State.

  15. 蔺相如是赵国出使秦国的使臣。

    Lin Xiangru was the envoy the Zhao state detached to the Qin State.

  16. 试论赵国两次改革指导思想的变化

    On the change of the guideline reforms in Zhao state

  17. 赵国正在招幕侠士,准备与强秦对抗。

    The Zhao kingdom is recruiting knights to fight against the stronger Qing kingdom.

  18. 赵国正在招幕侠士,准备与强秦对抗。

    The Zhao kingdom is recruiting knights to fight against the stronger Qing kingdom.

  19. 赵国的平原君打算亲自到楚国去请救兵。

    Duke Pingyuan of Zhao planned to ask the ruler of the state of Chu personally for assistance.

  20. 太子悝是一位明理的年轻人,他深为赵国的安危担心。

    Prince Kui was a sober young man. He cared much about his country.

  21. 他任赵国宰相时,礼贤下士,门下宾客至数千人。

    Zhao prime minister when his term of office, Synod Corporal, subglottic guests to thousands of people.

  22. 赵国实行改革后, 军队得战斗力加强了, 连连打胜仗。

    After Zhao the reform, the army's fighting capacity was strengthened and won battles after the other.

  23. 赵国实行改革后,军队的战斗力加强了,连连打胜仗。

    After Zhao the reform, the army's fighting capacity was strengthened and won battles after the other.

  24. 由于传统的战车,宽大的战袍太笨重,赵国常常打败仗。

    Zhao was often defeated because their traditional war chariots and loose war robes were too cumbersome.

  25. 战国初,北部属中山国房子辖域,南部为赵国属地。

    The early Warring States period, the northern part of the house is Zhongshan Scope, southern Zhao territoriality.

  26. 中山在楼烦的攻击下,也无暇顾及对赵国的趁火打劫了。

    Zhongshan inlou fan attacks, also too busy to take account of the looting of Zhao.


  1. 问:赵国拼音怎么拼?赵国的读音是什么?赵国翻译成英文是什么?

    答:赵国的读音是,赵国翻译成英文是 Zhao

  2. 问:赵国才拼音怎么拼?赵国才的读音是什么?赵国才翻译成英文是什么?

    答:赵国才的读音是Zhào Guócái,赵国才翻译成英文是 Chao Kuo-ts'ai

  3. 问:赵国蓉拼音怎么拼?赵国蓉的读音是什么?赵国蓉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:赵国蓉的读音是,赵国蓉翻译成英文是 Chao Kuo jung






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