


1. 行 [háng]2. 行 [xíng]行 [háng]行列:字里~间。罗列成~。兄弟姐妹的次弟;排行:我~二,你~几?步行的阵列。量词。用于成行的东西:泪下两~。某些营业所:银~。花~。商行。行业:同~。各~各业。用长的针脚成行地连缀……







汉语拼音:háng lǐ xiāng



  1. Switching countries and cultures, living out of a suitcase, doesn't seem to bother her in the slightest.


  2. Their scheme to get rid of the corpse escalates to the point where they have to chop up his body just to fit him into a small trunk.


  3. I did not look back up the concourse or even glance to see if he was still knitting his hands at the suitcase.


  4. "I do not know how many sweaters he has that are blue. But I hope he has the one or two left in his suitcase, " he said.


  5. Jump-ropes and resistance bands are easy to sneak into a suitcase.


  6. So if anybody here has trouble with the concept of design humility, reflect on this -- it took us 5000 years to put wheels on our luggage.


  7. The customs guys would have been wondering why a girl was travelling with a suitcase half full of men's deodorant.


  8. When you leave your car, please do not put the mobile phone in a place easy to be seen. Better take it with you or put it in trunk.


  9. Point out to the stout man that the bins further on are empty and offer to put his bag there as you move on.


  1. 行李箱放哪儿呢?

    Where shall we put our suitcases ?

  2. 这是我的行李箱。

    This is my luggage.

  3. 为什么不打开行李箱?

    Why are you keeping your suitcase packed?

  4. 为什么不打开行李箱?

    Why are you keeping your suitcase packed?

  5. 你拿行李箱做什么?

    What do you need luggage for?

  6. 打开行李箱,想拿什么拿什么。

    Take anything want out of the suitcase.

  7. 这比行李箱还要刺激

    This is hotter than the suitcase.

  8. 行李箱里塞满了东西。

    The trunk was full of stuff.

  9. 不要用高档的行李箱?

    Not to use the good suitcase?

  10. 不要用高档的行李箱?

    Not to use the good suitcase?

  11. 我正在帮你装行李箱。

    I'm packing your suitcase now.

  12. 我正在帮你装行李箱。

    I'm packing your suitcase now.

  13. 行李箱就放在那里吧。

    Leave the suitcase where it is.

  14. 行李箱就放在那里吧。

    Leave the suitcase where it is.

  15. 我仍缺少两个行李箱。

    I am still missing two suitcases.

  16. 衣服被叠放在行李箱里。

    The clothes were packed down in a suitcase.

  17. 或许有些可以放在行李箱。

    Maybe we can put some in the trunk.

  18. 有人开了我的行李箱。

    Someone broke into my trunk.

  19. 你的行李箱怎么不见了

    I didn't see your suitcase.

  20. 我帮你把行李箱拉进来

    I'm gonna go grab your suitcase.

  21. 你的行李箱怎么不见了。

    I didn't see your suitcase.

  22. 我帮你把行李箱拉进来。

    I'm gonna go grab your suitcase.

  23. 我们得去买新的行李箱

    We need to go buy you some new luggage.

  24. 加收开行李箱的费用10元。

    Plus 10 yuan for opening the trunk.

  25. 我们得去买新的行李箱。

    We need to go buy you some new luggage.

  26. 打开车门,行李箱和发动机舱!

    Open the doors, trunk and engine compartment!

  27. 然而, 他们还没有打包行李箱。

    However, they have not packed their suitcases yet.

  28. 我爸爸打开了车尾行李箱。

    My father unlocked the trunk.

  29. 有肩带的平底的小行李箱

    a small case with a flat bottom and a shoulder strap

  30. 他主动提出帮她提行李箱。

    He offered to carry the suitcase for her.


  1. 问:行李箱拼音怎么拼?行李箱的读音是什么?行李箱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:行李箱的读音是xínglǐxiāng,行李箱翻译成英文是 bag; case

  2. 问:行李箱打开输入信号拼音怎么拼?行李箱打开输入信号的读音是什么?行李箱打开输入信号翻译成英文是什么?

    答:行李箱打开输入信号的读音是xíng lǐ xiāng dǎ kāi shū rù xìn hào,行李箱打开输入信号翻译成英文是 trunk open input




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