


1. 沙 [shā]2. 沙 [shà]沙 [shā]非常细碎的石粒:~子。~石。风~。~尘。~砾(沙和碎石块)。~漠。~丘。~滩。~洲(江河里由泥沙淤积成的陆地)。~暴。~浴。~疗。~鸥(文学上指栖息岸边沙地的鸥一类的水鸟)。像沙的东西:……


1. 拉 [lā]2. 拉 [lá]拉 [lā]牵,扯,拽:~车。~网。~下马(喻使某人下台)。用车载运:~货。使延长:~延。~伸。排泄粪便:~屎。联络:~拢。~帮结伙。摧折:摧枯~朽。带领转移:把部队~出去。牵引乐器的某一部分使乐器发出声……





汉语拼音:shā lā jiàng



  1. In the USA and Canada, the term "French Salad Dressing" is often used to describe what is essentially a mixture of oil, vinegar and ketchup.


  2. Ask for salad dressing to be served "on the side" , so you can add only as much as you want.


  3. A visual reminder might be just enough to give you pause next time before you ladle on the blue cheese dressing.


  4. Request your salad dressing on the side so that you can carefully pour just a small amount.


  5. Olive Garden's Tour of Italy Lasagna with a bread stick, family size garden salad and dressing and a Coca-Cola?


  6. Also, there's the salad. The salad sauce is sour, sweet, salty, every flavor to its best proportion that it's beyond tasty.


  7. A grilled flour tortilla stuffed with seasoned, grilled chicken, pico de gallo and a blend of cheeses. Served with lettuce and sour cream.


  8. Four consecutive washes later, my hair still smells like salad dressing and I'm desperately searching for ways to get it off.


  9. Step 2: Along with the meat, throw side servings of capsicum, onion, guacamole, sour cream and salsa into a warm, flour tortilla.


  1. 虾丁加入沙拉酱, 备用。

    Put the dressing into the diced shrimp.

  2. 两种沙拉酱我都要。

    Ill take both kinds of salad dressing.

  3. 橄榄油,醋,第戎芥末用于沙拉酱。

    Olive oil, vinegar , and Dijon mustard For salad dressing.

  4. 腌芹菜, 苹果沙拉, 绿色沙拉和庄园沙拉酱

    Herb marinated vegetables Celeryapple salad Green salad and Manors salad sauce

  5. 我们有法式酱 大利酱,岛酱和田园沙拉酱。

    We have French, Italian, Thousand Island, and ranch.

  6. 往碗里添加柠檬汁和沙拉酱, 搅拌均匀。

    Add the lemon juice and salad dressing. Stir well.

  7. 他建议别吃奶酪, 培根和奶油沙拉酱。

    Skip the cheese, bacon and creamy dressings, he advises.

  8. 五种鲜美蔬菜及红蕃茄搭配自选沙拉酱。

    Five lettuce spring mix, red tomatoes with choice of dressing.

  9. 在另一碗中混合沙拉酱, 芹菜籽, 盐与胡椒。

    In a small bowl, combine the mayonnaise, celery seed, salt and pepper.

  10. 你能帮我煮些土豆吗 我今晚要做沙拉酱。

    Can you boil some potatoes for me I'm making potato salad.

  11. 家做的汉堡包,自做炸薯条,菠菜沙拉和核桃沙拉酱。

    Homemade Gourmet Cheeseburger, Homemade French fries and Spinach salad with walnut dressing.

  12. 卷心菜丝配苹果 芥末酱沙拉。

    Savoy cabbage slaw with apples and mustard seeds.

  13. 芽甘蓝菜配香菜苹果芥末酱沙拉。

    Brussels sprouts with mustard, apples and caraway.

  14. 因此每天添加一些香料或是醋到沙拉和酱中。

    Add a few glugs of vinaigrette or vinegar daily to salads and sauces.

  15. 在沙拉,调味酱和肉类中加入番茄,让它们更容易获得。

    Make them readily accessible by adding them to salads, sauces, and meats.

  16. 轻轻打开口袋, 抹上黄瓜酸奶酱, 沙拉和烤肉。

    Gently open the pocket and fill with the tzatziki, salad and meat.

  17. 我要一份沙拉,配上蘸酱。

    I'll have the salad. Dressing on the side.

  18. 马铃薯沙拉,培根,小葱,蛋黄芥末酱。

    Potato salad, chelloves, chopped bacon, green onions, mustard mayonnaise.

  19. 就番茄酱、小沙拉或蔬菜趁热吃。

    Serve with ketchup and a side salad or veggies.

  20. 把你得沙拉酱换成醋和油吧。

    Swap your ranch salad dressing for oil and vinegar.

  21. 把你的沙拉酱换成醋和油吧。

    Swap your ranch salad dressing for oil and vinegar.

  22. 我要主厨沙拉加千岛酱和冰红茶。

    I want a chef's salad with thousand island dressing and iced tea.

  23. 烟熏鲜贝, 茴香沙拉, 脆火腿片, 欧芹酱

    Smoked scallop, fennel salad, crispy prosciutto and salsa verde

  24. 腌三文鱼沙拉, 配蟹肉蛋黄酱及鳄梨

    SALAD OF CURED SALMON mud crab remoulade and avocado

  25. 清蒸大虾,石榴,茴香和芝麻菜沙拉配石榴和番茄酱。

    Poached prawn, pomegranate, fennel rocket salad with pomegranate tomato dressing.

  26. 克思罗沙拉是用切碎的圆白菜和蛋黄酱做成的。

    Coleslaw is a kind of salad made of finely chopped cabbage and mayonnaise.

  27. 提姆,我要一份乌贼跟一份凯撒沙拉你可以给我青酱吗?

    Tim, I need a calamari and a caesar salad.

  28. 和脚本沙拉,以及多态酱汁供您选择,还有编码烤肉串。

    and a scripting salad with or without polymorphic dressing, and a grilled coding kabob.



沙拉酱,起源于位于地中海的米诺卡岛,使用大量鸡蛋和油制作成,这种酱汁在饮食中占有一席之地由来已久。沙拉酱的消耗量持续增加,而且在近期内更为显著,特别是在年轻人之中,很多爱好者忍不住他们所有的食物中添加沙拉酱,包括那些已经调理好的菜肴。他们被称为“mayora”。这是一个新造的词句,结合了沙拉酱的前面几个字母,以及英语字尾-er 或-or,如同驾驶人(driver)或参观者(visitor)这两个单字一样。

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