


1. 朱 [zhū]2. 朱 [shú]朱 [zhū]红色:~红。~批。~笔。~文(印章上的阳文)。~门(红漆大门,旧时指豪富人家)。矿物名:~砂(无机化合物,中医用于镇静剂。亦称“辰砂”、“丹砂”)。~墨。姓。朱 [shú]〔~提(shí……







汉语拼音:zhū lì ān



  1. Whereas Mr Giuliani rescued New York from dysfunction, his successor as mayor has merely continued to run it well.


  2. Ms. Julian and I may disagree on many facets of this case, but I do agree with her the accused is a very nice guy.


  3. But consider this: Julian Assange did not upload the classified documents and wait for the world to beat a path to his door.


  4. IF JULIAN ASSANGE had had his way, this book would not exist.


  5. They both got up to leave and find Julian but I pulled them down before the could even take a step.


  6. Mr Thompson himself is said to prefer John McCain. But any of these candidates could grab some of his supporters, as could Rudy Giuliani.


  7. Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani said the rise of foreign economies, especially China, has created new challenges for the U. S. economy.


  8. "There's quite a bit of truth in it, " Julian Murton, member of the International Permafrost Association, told Reuters.


  9. Take a few minutes -- it doesn't have to be extensive -- to look over the top sites and experiment to see what works for you.


  1. 但我保证朱利安和我

    but I promise there's nothing going on.

  2. 朱利安是个蝴蝶收集者。

    Julien is a butterfly collector.

  3. 朱利安知道你有男朋友吗

    Look, does Julian know you have a boyfriend?

  4. 国王朱利安,多么伟大的人物!

    Original King Julian, what a des man!

  5. 朱利安已变成逆来顺受的可怜虫

    Julian has become a doormat.

  6. 朱利安是销售员和收租人。

    Julain is the sales agent and the rental agent.

  7. 朱利安整个冬天继续接受理疗。

    Julian continued his physical therapy through the winter.

  8. 好,所以朱利安制作了这个短片

    Okay, so Julian made this video.

  9. 朱利安,你总是有勇气没头脑。

    Julien, you always have the braveness expcept the idea.

  10. 诺里奇的朱利安神秘主义的幻想?

    Julian of Norwich Visionary or Mystic

  11. 慢慢地, 朱利安的脚趾恢复了知觉。

    Slowly, Julian's toes came to life.

  12. 朱利安花500美元买了一台电视机

    Julian Bought an idiot box for five hundred dollars.

  13. 朱利安把船牢牢地拴在岸边。

    Julian made the boat fast to the bank.

  14. 我是朱利安,这位是我的朋友桑迪。

    I'm Julian and this is my friend sandy.

  15. 朱利安最近才从劳德特大学过来

    Julian recently joined from Gallaudet.

  16. 萨克斯演奏者朱利安?史密斯获季军。

    Saxophonist Julian Smith came in third place.

  17. 朱利安的疼痛随着肿瘤的摘除完全消失。

    All of Julians pain disappeared with the tumor.

  18. 粉丝们称赞朱利安烹饪的食物美味绝伦。

    His fans agree that chef Julian's food is beyond compare.

  19. 粉丝们称赞朱利安烹饪得食物美味绝伦。

    His fans agree that chef Julian 's food is beyond compare.

  20. 朱利安想出了不少筹款的新办法。

    Julian has been thinking up new ways of raising money.

  21. 手术后5天来朱利安一直受到加护治疗。

    Julian remained in intensive care for five days.

  22. 朱利安被迫放弃了体育活动、歌唱和小提琴。

    Julian was forced to give up his sports, his singing and his violin.

  23. 朱利安被迫放弃了体育活动、歌唱和小提琴。

    Julian was forced to give up his sports, his singing and his violin.

  24. 库克10法律程序的面食和蔬菜这朱利安。

    Cook 10 proceedings the pasta and this Julienne of vegetables.

  25. 1983年1月13日,朱利安和他妈妈去了纽约。

    On January 13,1983, Julian and his mother left for New York.

  26. 弗朗辛从朱利安搂她的胳膊中挣脱出来。

    Francine worked her way out of Julian's grasp.

  27. 他来替朱利安伯伯干活,从头学习做生意。

    He came to work for Uncle Julian and learn the business from the ground up.

  28. 即使最小的失误都会导致小朱利安终身瘫痪。

    Even the smallest slip could permanently paralyze the patient.

  29. 爱泼斯坦询问了朱利安病情的详细情况。

    Epstein asked for medical details about Julian.

  30. 爸爸笔下与朱利安和兔宝宝共处的二十天

    Twenty Days with Julian and Little Bunny by Papa


  1. 问:朱利安拼音怎么拼?朱利安的读音是什么?朱利安翻译成英文是什么?

    答:朱利安的读音是zhūlì'ān,朱利安翻译成英文是 Julian

  2. 问:朱利安娜拼音怎么拼?朱利安娜的读音是什么?朱利安娜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:朱利安娜的读音是Zhūlì'ānnà,朱利安娜翻译成英文是 Juliane; Jullienne; Julienne

  3. 问:朱利安桥拼音怎么拼?朱利安桥的读音是什么?朱利安桥翻译成英文是什么?

    答:朱利安桥的读音是,朱利安桥翻译成英文是 Pont Julien

  4. 问:朱利安特拼音怎么拼?朱利安特的读音是什么?朱利安特翻译成英文是什么?

    答:朱利安特的读音是Zhūlì'āntè,朱利安特翻译成英文是 Giuliante

  5. 问:朱利安蒂拼音怎么拼?朱利安蒂的读音是什么?朱利安蒂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:朱利安蒂的读音是Zhūlì'āndì,朱利安蒂翻译成英文是 Giulianti

  6. 问:朱利安斯敦拼音怎么拼?朱利安斯敦的读音是什么?朱利安斯敦翻译成英文是什么?

    答:朱利安斯敦的读音是zhūlì'ānsīdūn,朱利安斯敦翻译成英文是 Julianstown

  7. 问:朱利安杰利拼音怎么拼?朱利安杰利的读音是什么?朱利安杰利翻译成英文是什么?

    答:朱利安杰利的读音是Zhūlì'ānjiélì,朱利安杰利翻译成英文是 Giuliangeli

  8. 问:朱利安·赖特拼音怎么拼?朱利安·赖特的读音是什么?朱利安·赖特翻译成英文是什么?

    答:朱利安·赖特的读音是Zhūlì'ān·Làitè,朱利安·赖特翻译成英文是 Julian Wright

  9. 问:朱利安阿尔卑斯山拼音怎么拼?朱利安阿尔卑斯山的读音是什么?朱利安阿尔卑斯山翻译成英文是什么?

    答:朱利安阿尔卑斯山的读音是,朱利安阿尔卑斯山翻译成英文是 Julian Alps



“朱利安”是个多义词,它可以指朱利安(动画角色), 朱利安(比较教育学创始人), 朱利安(中国国际广播电台主持人)。

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