








1. 义 [yì]义 [yì]公正合宜的道理或举动:正~。~不容辞。~无反顾。仗~直言。合乎正义或公益的:~举。~务。~愤。~演。见~勇为。情谊:~气。恩~。~重如山。意思,人对事物认识到的内容:意~。含~。释~。微言大~。指认为亲属的:~……



汉语拼音:sān guó yǎn yì






  1. Last night, rushed the "Romance of Three Kingdoms, " the article written just to be able to come back school, and his hand for a walk.


  2. Reasons: (shocked) did not expect that you should have brought any constitutional habit! ! Oh, not the Constitution, but the Three Kingdoms.


  3. " Then, like the " Three Kingdoms ", one of the men to a " Xing Bing Fa Wu.


  4. This summer, still very calm. He continued to do his nest, I continue to look at the hands of the "Three Kingdoms" , had my day.


  5. "Romance of Three Kingdoms, " the article getting lower and lower the rate is not nothing to write, but the heart has been quiet for long.


  6. Perhaps the rebellion was a bit like "Romance of Three Kingdoms" in Cao Cao, want to love their parents are not left to a sub-pocketing.


  7. I do not know how to do, even after a meal will be holding a "Three Kingdoms" stand in half an hour, until you feel not so saturated.


  8. Read half, it still felt watching "Three Kingdoms" brilliant, or at least their campaign strategy in line with Chinese style.


  9. Looking at the "Three Kingdoms" , she called me and said her face covered with spots, and she was afraid.


  1. 读三国演义

    Read Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

  2. 三国演义研究

    Studies in the Romance of the Three Kingdom.

  3. 三国演义中的故事。

    From The Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

  4. 三国演义深层意蕴发凡

    Statement of the Deep Meanings of The Romance of the Three Kingdoms

  5. 三国演义与三峡文化

    Historical Romance of the Three Kingdoms and the Three Gorges Culture

  6. 论三国演义中的空幻意识

    On the Illusions Revealed in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms

  7. 电视台明天开播三国演义。

    The Romance of the Three Kingdoms will start showing tomorrow on TV.

  8. 三国演义的人物, 结构和主题

    The Characters, the Structure and Theme in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms

  9. 三国演义的悲剧态势及其形成

    The tragic flavor and its formation in Romance of the Three Kingdoms

  10. 儒家伦理道德重建与三国演义

    The Reconstruction of Confucian Ethics and the Novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms

  11. 浅析三国演义中刘备的领导艺术

    An analysis of LIU Bei's leadership skill in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms

  12. 嘉靖本三国演义中的历史及地理错误

    The Historical and Geographical Errors in the Romance of Three Kingdoms of Jiajing Edition

  13. 三国演义的孤独者形象及其审美意义

    Solitary Images and Their Aesthetic Significances in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms

  14. 有的老师甚至叫小孩子去读三国演义。

    Some teachers even ask little children to read Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

  15. 这一点影响了三国演义的人物形象塑造。

    This method affects the characterization in Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

  16. 三国演义中刘备的性格特点, 举例说明。

    In The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, the Liu Bei's character characteristic, by way of explanation.

  17. 从三国演义看历史小说虚构的得与失

    Viewing the Fictive Gain and Loss of the Historical Novel from

  18. 她问我读的什么小说, 读没读过三国演义?

    She asked what I was reading. I know the romance of three kingdom?

  19. 突然三国演义赫大的字眼映入我的眼帘。

    Suddenly Three Kingdoms He big words that spring to my eyes.

  20. 三国演义的布局艺术表现为艺术调度的和谐性。

    The compositional art of Three Kingdoms represents the harmany of artistic control.

  21. 这款游戏的设计理念源自小说三国演义。

    The game was designed with the novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms in mind.

  22. 三国演义中七复情节的运用及其美学意义

    The Utilization and Esthetic Significance of Seven Repeated Plot in The Three Kingdoms

  23. 从董卓形象的塑造看三国演义的评价系统

    A Study of the Evaluation System of The Story of Three Kingdoms from the Characterization of Dong Zhuo

  24. 有瓷雕巨擘之称的三国演义,气势磅礴,栩栩如生。

    The giant ceramic engraving work the Three Kingdoms cuts a magnificent, vigorous and vivid picture.

  25. 小说《三国演义》中孙权的妹妹,是一个郡主。

    In the novel The Three Kingdoms , the sister of Sunquan is a daughter of the imperial family.

  26. 古代告语类文体在三国演义中被成功运用。

    Ancient informing style is successfully applied in The Romance of The Three Kingdoms.

  27. 从三国演义的诗词演变看文人对小说艺术的提升

    Literary men advanced the art of Novel through the development of poems in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms

  28. 摘要讲史平话与三国演义成书的关系十分密切。

    Historical Pinghua has much bearing on the novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

  29. 刘备是三国演义中争议比较大的人物形象之一。

    This paper analyses a contentious and complicated character, Liu Bei, in The Three Kingdom.

  30. 泡泡三国以三国演义中善于箭术的老将黄忠作为主角。

    Guroo is an addictive casual shooting game.


  1. 问:三国演义拼音怎么拼?三国演义的读音是什么?三国演义翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三国演义的读音是SānGuóYǎnyì,三国演义翻译成英文是 Romance of the Three Kingdoms, a classic Chinese...



“三国演义”是个多义词,它可以指三国演义(彩绘注音版•超值版), 三国演义(美绘版少年儿童读物), 三国演义(2009年中日两国合作制作的动画片), 三国演义(1994年王扶林执导央视版电视剧), 三国演义(《三国演义》连环画), 三国演义(蓝港在线三国演义网页游戏), 三国演义(3D动画片), 三国演义(罗贯中著作小说)。

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