







汉语拼音:qīng jìng








  1. 指天气晴朗宁静。

    《史记·龟策列传》:“新雨已,天清静无风。”《汉书·宣帝纪》:“东济 大河 ,天气清静,神鱼舞 河 。”《隋书·天文志下》:“若天气清静,无诸游气,日月不明,乃为失色。”

  2. 指心性纯正恬静。

    《吕氏春秋·审分》:“清静以公,神通乎六合,德耀乎海外。” 汉 刘向 《列女传·弃母姜嫄》:“ 姜嫄 之性,清静专一。”《北史·苏绰传》:“心不清静,则思虑妄生。” 宋 范仲淹 《与唐处士书》:“清静和平,性与琴合。”

  3. 不烦扰。多指为政清简,无为而治。

    《老子》:“躁胜寒,静胜热,清静为天下正。”《史记·曹相国世家》:“ 盖公 为言治道贵清静而民自定。” 章炳麟 《论式》:“道家独主清静。”

  4. 安静,不嘈杂。

    汉 王褒 《洞箫赋》:“详察其素体兮,宜清静而弗諠。” 晋 陆云 《与兄平原书》之十九:“可因今清静,尽定昔日文。” 清 东轩主人 《述异记·怪洋三则》:“衙门壮丽,但觉清静,而无一人。” 赵树理 《三里湾·有没有面》:“扭在一块儿生气,哪如分开清静一点?”

  5. 犹安定,太平。

    《汉书·杜周传》:“ 延年 乃选用良吏,捕击豪强,郡中清静。” 宋 洪迈 《容斋三笔·赵充国马援》:“ 羌 来和亲,于是 陇右 清静。” 巴金 《秋》三九:“外州县不清静,没有人敢买米。”



  1. "Environment is " no say " and " a few people , quiet. " Whether sitting ordinary furniture, tatami or packets of " very uncomfortable.


  2. No one would have dared to intrude upon the privacy of his home, or to molest him in his sacred retreat of sorrow.


  3. Really? Let me have a touch. I never expect such a quiet place in the downtown.


  4. While walking through the streets on a quiet Sunday morning, he came upon a large crowd gathered by the side of the road.


  5. Tom : You know what? I haven't even had a chance to unpack yet, honey. I just, uh, I just need to chill out for the next few days.


  6. She thought the best way of getting a little quiet was to take Nana to the nursery for a moment, but in custody of course.


  7. and, to be silent and alone becoming soon her only wish, she readily agreed to her mother's next counsel of going early to bed.


  8. When the bar was more or less cleared, Tough Bill was lying insensible on the floor with a great gash in his head.


  9. I had lived a placid, uneventful, sedentary existence all my days-the life of a scholar and a recluse on an assured and comfortable income.


  1. 我感到我需要清静。

    I felt I needed privacy.

  2. 她喜欢清静地独居。

    She likes to live in privacy.

  3. 你能不能清静一会儿

    Could you please keep silent for a while

  4. 你要牺牲一点清静。

    You will sacrifice a little of your solitude.

  5. 她渴望安宁, 渴望独享清静。

    She longed for peace and solitude.

  6. 走开,让我清静一下!

    Just buzz off and leave me alone!

  7. 我只是想清静几天。

    I just,uh,I just need to chill out for the next few days.

  8. 能不能让我清静一会儿

    If I could just have a moment of quiet.

  9. 所以这里长年累月都很清静。

    So it is quiet all over the year.

  10. 可是他们会让我清静吗??

    But how can they let me alone ?

  11. 咱们找个清静的地方谈谈。

    Let's find a quiet place to chat.

  12. 让我清静一会吧,格斯。

    Leave me alone, Gus.

  13. 她渴望过清静的私人生活。

    She was longing for some peace and privacy.

  14. 你就不能滚开,让我清静清静

    Why dont you just piss off and leave me alone.

  15. 做个好孩子,让我清静一下。

    Be a good soul and leave me alone.

  16. 同样的喜欢大自然,清静又优雅。

    Same likes the nature, also is quietly graceful.

  17. 他不在的时候这里非常清静。

    It is very quiet without him.

  18. 行了,拜托你让我清静一下。

    Okay, please, please, give me some peace, please.

  19. 行了,拜托你让我清静一下。

    Okay, please, please, give me some peace, please.

  20. 我丈夫在上班, 家里清静得很。

    My husband was at work and the house was quiet.

  21. 所以我们变得更加清静闲散起来。

    So we grew more at quiet with ourselves.

  22. 这个时间找个清静地方可不容易。

    It's not easy to find a quiet place at this hour.

  23. 政治家有时巴不得能过些清静日子。

    Politicians must sometimes long for a quieter life.

  24. 关闭动画可以让浏览体验更加清静。

    Turn animation off to get a calmer browsing experience.

  25. 清静无为一种安静且消极的状态

    A state of quietness and passivity.

  26. 我所需要的就是一点安宁和清静。

    All I want is some peace and quiet.

  27. 你能走开去让我清静一点吗?

    Can you go away and leave me alone?

  28. 他说,清静独处是非常难得的事情。

    Privacy, he said, was a very valuable thing.

  29. 最起码她们那里还有清静的时候。

    Well, at least she had some silence once in a while.

  30. 她换了个清静的角落的座位坐下。

    She reseated herself in a quiet corner.


  1. 问:清静拼音怎么拼?清静的读音是什么?清静翻译成英文是什么?

    答:清静的读音是qīngjìng,清静翻译成英文是 quiet

  2. 问:清静经拼音怎么拼?清静经的读音是什么?清静经翻译成英文是什么?

    答:清静经的读音是,清静经翻译成英文是 Qingjing Jing



“清静”是个多义词,它可以指清静(网络作家), 清静(汉语词语)。

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