


1. 肃 [sù]肃 [sù]恭敬:~立。~坐。~然。严正,认真:严~。~静。~穆。整~。躬身作揖,迎揖引进:~客。萎缩:~杀。……





汉语拼音:sù mù







  1. 严肃恭敬。指人的态度、神情等。

    《后汉书·乐成靖王党传》:“﹝ 刘萇 ﹞不惟致敬之节,肃穆之慎,乃敢擅损牺牲,不备苾芬。” 唐 玄奘 《大唐西域记·屈支国》:“僧徒肃穆,精勤匪怠,并是耆艾宿德、博学高才、远方俊彦慕义至此。”《孽海花》第二七回:“第二个却生得方面大耳,神情肃穆,鬚髯丰满,大概是 乌赤云 了。” 朱自清 《欧游杂记·罗马》:“他画这屋顶时候,以深沉肃穆的心情渗入画中。”

  2. 指事物所产生的气氛,谓使人有凛然之感。

    汉 应璩 《与满炳书》:“夫 漳渠 西有 伯阳 之馆,北有旷野之望,高树翳朝云,文禽蔽緑水,沙场夷敞,清风肃穆。” 宋 陆游 《自雪堂登四望亭因历访苏公遗迹至安国院》诗:“三山葱蘢鮫鰐静,九关肃穆虎豹闲。” 章裕昆 《文学社武昌首义纪实·被迫登台之黎元洪》:“刁斗森严,气象肃穆,人人志易神移。” 郭沫若 《潮集·游里加湖》:“傍晚在湖边林际散步,山气肃穆,沁人心脾。”



  1. At the solemn funeral service a few days later, the farmer stood near the casket and greeted folks as they walked by.


  2. I could see the lad was in a bit of state but I fell asleep soon after.


  3. The stillness, the solemnity that brooded in the woods, and the sense of loneliness, began to tell upon the spirits of the boys.


  4. Even when it had grown dusk, and the shadows of coming night made it more solemn still, the child remained.


  5. What sort of life would his be if, day and night, shadows of his crime were to peer at him from silent corners.


  6. The president and his wife Michelle stood heads bowed on the South Lawn of the White House.


  7. THE mood in Britain on October 20th combined that of a football cup final and a state funeral.


  8. Injection of a lake boat, slim and graceful in the lake, as if a battleship opened to us, the solemn silence.


  9. Mother said these words in quiet solemn look, stood there with hand on the corner of table for support, looking upward at me.


  1. 肃穆的礼仪

    a solemnly mannered ceremony.

  2. 肃穆的送葬行列。

    asolemn funeral procession

  3. 肃穆得送葬行列。

    asolemn funeral procession.

  4. 纪念会气氛肃穆。

    The commemoration meeting was permeated with a solemn atmosphere.

  5. 自觉肃穆, 高唱国歌。

    Be serious and sing the national anthem loudly.

  6. 自觉肃穆,高唱国歌。

    Be serious and sing the national anthem loudly.

  7. 天上的月亮皎洁肃穆。

    The moon was above, lustrous and serene.

  8. 追悼会会场庄严肃穆。

    The mourning hall was filled with a solemn silence.

  9. 它是多么庄严肃穆。

    How stately it looks!

  10. 庄严肃穆的揭阳学宫

    The solemn Jieyang Learning Palace

  11. 纪念碑的揭幕庄严而肃穆。

    The monument was unveiled with great solemnity.

  12. 周遭的寂静, 森林中的肃穆

    The stillness, the solemnity that brooded in the woods

  13. 墓周古柏笼罩, 幽静肃穆。

    Cooper over the tomb of weeks, a quiet solemnity.

  14. 沉寂肃穆笼罩着这座房子。

    a solemn stillness prevailed around the house.

  15. 军人葬礼上庄严肃穆的情景

    The solemn pomp of a military funeral.

  16. 山姆先生的葬礼庄严肃穆。

    The funeral of Mr.Sam was a solemn occasion.

  17. 山姆先生的葬礼庄严肃穆。

    The funeral of Mr. Sam was a solemn occasion.

  18. 这是个庄严肃穆的大教堂。

    This is a solemn cathedral.

  19. 冬青树使园子看上去很肃穆。

    The hollies in the garden make it look solemn.

  20. 我肃穆地捧起我那沉重的心。

    I lift my heavy heart up solemnly.

  21. 左右胁侍菩萨仪态庄严肃穆。

    The Buddhas on his two sides appear solemn.

  22. 这寂静就像教堂里的肃穆一样。

    And the silence is like that of a church.

  23. 那个场合、时刻、行列的庄严肃穆。

    The solemnity of the occasion, moment, procession.

  24. 我们把灵寝装饰得庄严肃穆。

    We decorated the seat of the bier awfully and solemnly.

  25. 我们把灵寝装饰得庄严肃穆。

    We decorated the seat of the bier awfully and solemnly.

  26. 他肃穆地轻声念了几句祈祷词。

    He quietly intoned several prayers.

  27. 我肃穆地端起了我繁重的心。

    I lift my heavy heart up solemnly.

  28. 和最后的武士里面那尴尬的肃穆怪异。

    the embarrassing solemn antics of The Last Samurai.

  29. 认为黑色是肃穆的象征, 是丧葬用的色彩。

    Symbol thinking that black is solemn, be the color that burial uses.

  30. 葬礼是在庄严肃穆的哀乐声中进行的。

    The service of burial is done with solemn and mournful music.


  1. 问:肃穆拼音怎么拼?肃穆的读音是什么?肃穆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:肃穆的读音是sùmù,肃穆翻译成英文是 solemn and respectful




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