







汉语拼音:wén jìng








  1. 文雅安静。

    茅盾 《多角关系》:“你--文静一点不好么?” 刘白羽 《从富拉尔基到齐齐哈尔》:“他看起来那样文静,甚至有点拘谨。”



  1. and there was an anxious haggard look about the gentle face, which it had never worn before.

  2. "She's a quiet one, " he thought; "she's grown up in poverty, and I am marrying for the sake of my motherless children. "

  3. She did, and a sweet quiet thing she is, with never a word to say for herself, like a woman should be.

  4. Even if I give all I will give to you, when I first looked to you, I'll be your quiet deep shock, and left me to miss the only endless.

  5. She might have given people an impression of her character being vulnerable but deep inside her it could be passionate and strong.

  6. "Take him away, " said the Head Teacher quietly to one of her assistants.

  7. Ursula laid her embroidery in her lap and looked up, her face was calm and considerate.

  8. She looked so quiet and good, and reminded me so much of my happy schooldays in Canterbury, that I could not help crying.

  9. Judged by his external appearances he was a quiet man, but he had a violent temper.


  1. 她举止文静。

    She is quiet in her demeanor.

  2. 文静娴雅的举止

    ladylike behaviour

  3. 娇嫩文静的美女

    a delicate and quiet beauty

  4. 她性格文静内向。

    She has a calm and introverted disposition.

  5. 她性情非常文静。

    She is possessed of a wonderfully calm temperament.

  6. 我是非常文静的。

    I am very gentle and quiet.

  7. 极温和的,极温顺的,文静的

    extremely quiet or docile

  8. 他举止文静, 说话审慎。

    His manner was quiet, his speech deliberate.

  9. 他很文静,不多说话。

    He was quiet and sparing of speech.

  10. 女子文静,不须冶容。

    Silence is the best ornament of a woman.

  11. 文静而善于思考的男子

    a quiet and reflective man

  12. 文静的跟我一般无奈。

    And the quiet one is as frustrated as I am.

  13. 他器宇轩昂,举止文静。

    He was erect in attitude, and quiet in demeanour.

  14. 还有,我比他更文静。

    Also, I'm quieter than he is.

  15. 高雅,文静而谦逊的态度。

    A gentle, quiet and unassuming manner.

  16. 玛丽是个文静的姑娘。

    Mary is a quiet girl.

  17. 我想要朴素而文静的。

    I'd like something plain an quiet.

  18. 她举止文静,而且非常冷静。

    Her manner was quiet and very controlled.

  19. 我得梦中情人是文静得!

    My dream lovers is Gentle and Quiet!

  20. 我的梦中情人是文静的!

    My dream lovers is Gentle and Quiet!

  21. 给我看件朴素、文静的。

    Show me something plain and quiet.

  22. 玛丽性格文静, 好沉思默想。

    Mary has a quiet, contemplative nature.

  23. 我妹妹是个文静的女孩。

    My si sister is a quiet girl.

  24. 她有一个非常文静的性情。

    She has a very calm temperament.

  25. 艾瑞那小姐的仪态优雅文静。

    Miss Arena has a graceful, sedate manner.

  26. 我最好的朋友袁立也是文静的。

    My best friend Yuan Li is quiet, too.

  27. 比尔很文静,设法鼓励他说话。

    Bill is very quiet, try to bring him out.

  28. 她娇柔、文静、敏感,吃不起苦。

    She was delicate, refined, sensitive, unused to hardship.

  29. 私下里他文静, 谦虚, 不事张扬。

    Personally he was quiet, modest and unobtrusive.

  30. 她文静的性格衬托出他的杰出。

    Her quiet character serves as a foil to his brilliance.


  1. 问:文静拼音怎么拼?文静的读音是什么?文静翻译成英文是什么?

    答:文静的读音是wénjìng,文静翻译成英文是 gentle



“文静”是个多义词,它可以指文静(象棋大师), 文静(华中农业大学讲师), 文静(攀枝花市政府法制办主任), 文静(苏州电视台主持人), 文静(演员), 文静(云南艺术学院设计学院教师), 文静(桂林中学教师), 文静(张春桥夫人), 文静(汉语词语), 文静(2011年快乐女声选手), 文静(《依家有喜》角色), 文静(电视剧人物)。

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