




1. 敦 [dūn]2. 敦 [duì]敦 [dūn]厚道,笃厚:~朴。~厚。~实。诚心诚意:~聘。~请。督促:“使虞~匠”。~劝。~促。姓。敦 [duì]古代盛黍稷的器具。……


1. 塔 [tǎ]塔 [tǎ]佛教特有的高耸的建筑物,尖顶,多层,常有七级、九级、十三级等,形状有圆形的、多角形的,一般用以藏舍利、经卷等:宝~。佛~。像塔形的建筑物或器物:水~。灯~。纪念~。金字~。~楼。姓。……



汉语拼音:lún dūn tǎ






  1. The tower of London is one of the most popular tourist attractions in London.


  2. The first Valentine's Day card was sent by Charles, Duke of Orleans, to his wife while he was imprisoned in the Tower of London.


  3. Once upon a time, its lese-majeste would have got them all bundled into the Tower of London, not least because one of them is a woman.


  4. And there was a time when anyone who tried would have gone straight to the Tower of London -- or worse.


  5. Besides them, there was a cruise on the Thames River, a visit to the Tower of London as well as a walk through Piccadilly Circus.


  6. She has almost become a symbol of all that Britain wants to stand for--- something and everlasting as the tower of London.


  7. The judge and the Beefeater [the Queen's guard in London famed for the tall, furry hats (the beefeaters) they wear].


  8. I would fly to England to see the Tower of London and to hear the bagpipes.


  9. Legend saidthat six ravens must be kept at the Tower of London; if not, the British Empire would fall.


  1. 伦敦塔卫士

    Yeoman Warder.

  2. 伦敦塔任务

    Tower of London task.

  3. 伦敦塔测验

    The tower of London test.

  4. 参观伦敦塔

    a tour of the Tower of London.

  5. 伦敦塔溜冰场

    Tower of London Ice Rink.

  6. 去伦敦塔要多少钱?

    How much to the tower of london?

  7. 伦敦塔, 历史上的监狱。

    London Tower. prison in history.

  8. 英国王冠在伦敦塔展出。

    The Crown of England is on view at the Tower of London.

  9. 他们已参观过伦敦塔了。

    They have visited the Tower of London.

  10. 在右边的是著名的伦敦塔。

    On the right is the famous tower of london.

  11. 伦敦的白金汉宫和伦敦塔。

    And the Buckingham Palace and London Tower in London.

  12. 当时他被囚禁在伦敦塔中。

    He was imprisoned in the Tower of London at the time.

  13. 王室的御宝在伦敦塔展出。

    The crown jewels are on display in the tower of london.

  14. 我们看到河对岸的伦敦塔桥。

    We see Tower Bridge across the river.

  15. 我们看到河对岸得伦敦塔桥。

    We see Tower Bridge across the river.

  16. 游客们仍在向伦敦塔蜂拥而去。

    Tourists still flock to the tower of london.

  17. 伦敦塔对游客有很大的吸引力。

    The Tower of London is a great attraction to tourists.

  18. 伦敦塔是英国城堡的一个典范。

    The Tower of London is a fine example of an English castle.

  19. 而两个问题是多大了伦敦塔?

    And question two is How old is the Tower of London?

  20. 然后我们去了伦敦桥和伦敦塔。

    Also, we go to the London Bridge and London Tower.

  21. 我在哪儿能买到有关伦敦塔的书?

    Where can I get a book about the tower of London?

  22. 英国最著名的城堡可能要算伦敦塔了。

    Possibly the most famous castle in Britain is the Tower of London.

  23. 年的今天,威廉洛德大主教在伦敦塔斩首。

    Archbishop William Laud is beheaded at the Tower of London

  24. 稍后, 光荣得炮兵部队在伦敦塔鸣62炮致敬。

    Later the honorable the prince a 62 gun salute at the tower of London.

  25. 伦敦塔英国皇家要塞,位于泰晤士河北岸。

    Tower of London Royal fortress on the northern Bank of the River Thames.

  26. 稍后,光荣的炮兵部队在伦敦塔鸣62炮致敬。

    Later the honorable the prince a 62 gun salute at the tower of London.

  27. 你有机会到英国时, 应该游览一下伦敦塔。

    You should visit the Tower of London when you have a chance to visit England.

  28. 然后一棵树会从伦敦塔的顶部跃起。

    Then a Tree shall spring up on the top of the Tower of London.

  29. 不看看城东的伦敦塔,到伦敦的观光就不算完整。

    No visit to London is complete without a look at the Tower of London, in the eastern part of the city.

  30. 在伦敦逗留期间, 我们去伦敦塔参观了两次。

    When we were in London we visited the Tower twice.


  1. 问:伦敦塔拼音怎么拼?伦敦塔的读音是什么?伦敦塔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:伦敦塔的读音是,伦敦塔翻译成英文是 Tower of London

  2. 问:伦敦塔桥拼音怎么拼?伦敦塔桥的读音是什么?伦敦塔桥翻译成英文是什么?

    答:伦敦塔桥的读音是,伦敦塔桥翻译成英文是 Tower Bridge

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