







汉语拼音:qīn rù









  1. 越境进犯。

    《书·泰誓中》“侵于之疆” 孔 传:“言我举武事侵入 紂 郊疆伐之。”《史记·匈奴列传》:“其后 汉 方南诛 两越 ,不击 匈奴 , 匈奴 亦不侵入边。”

  2. (外来的或有害的事物)进入内部。

    夏丏尊 叶圣陶 《文心》五:“黄昏渐渐侵入室内,窗外传来了‘好月亮!好月亮!’的邻儿们的呼叫声。”如:讲究卫生,就能够减少病菌侵入人体的机会。



  1. It is often happened that news right infringes private right and connective private right is often neglected and violated.


  2. The invading-resistance of tobacco plant was proved to be more ready to be delivered to offspring than spreading-resistance to the disease.


  3. And Tryphon removed from Ptolemais with a great army, to invade the land of Juda, and Jonathan was with him in custody.


  4. These statistics are easy to gather, but without an unintrusive means of retrieving the data when it is needed, they are not very useful.


  5. It was one of those words that came with church-Latin to England before the arrival of French; that makes it Old English.


  6. The king of England was at war with him, and had led a great army into Scotland to drive him out of the land.


  7. After this inside procedure, tissue samples are sent to a laboratory for analysis, often taking a week or so for results to be confirmed.


  8. Fire seems to have been the critical factor in preventing invasion of the grassland by woody plants.


  9. And there's been a lot of buzz about a Massachusetts town. That's because tens of thousands of honey bees have invaded downtown Pittsfield.


  1. 地下水侵入

    ingress of groundwater

  2. 车门侵入量

    door intrusion.

  3. 雷电侵入波

    lightning incoming surge

  4. 病菌侵入门户

    portal of entry.

  5. 侵入逾渗法

    invasion percolation.

  6. 下层侵入岩墙

    subintrusive dyke

  7. 红花铺侵入体

    Honghuapu intrusions

  8. 分异侵入作用

    differentiated intrusion.

  9. 侵入他国领空

    violate another country's airspace

  10. 侵入法医学程序

    intrusive medical procedure

  11. 侵占侵入或侵犯

    An intrusion or encroachment.

  12. 病菌会侵入机体。

    Germs invade the organism.

  13. 侵占或侵入侵犯

    To encroach or intrude on violate

  14. 感染侵入并发生感染

    To invade and produce infection in.

  15. 九仙汤侵入体

    Jiuxiantang intrusion.

  16. 中生代侵入岩

    Mesozoic intrusive rocks

  17. 钾玄质侵入岩

    shoshonitic intnsive rocks

  18. 细菌会侵入有机体。

    Germs may invade the organism.

  19. 岩浆侵入杂岩体

    magma intrusive complex

  20. 你这是非法侵入!

    You're trespassing!

  21. 病菌已侵入肺部。

    Germs have invaded the lungs.

  22. 晚三叠世侵入岩

    Late Triassic intrusive rocks

  23. 叙事嬗变与观念侵入

    The Change of Narration and the Invasion of Concept

  24. 早晚两期侵入岩体

    early and later intrusive rocks

  25. 巩坚沟变形侵入体

    Gongjiangou Deformation Intrusions

  26. 非法侵入严究不贷。

    Trespassers will be prosecuted.

  27. 他的心为色欲侵入。

    Lust invaded his mind.So he addressed Ven.

  28. 你非法侵入我的土地。

    You are trespassing on my land.

  29. 侵入的闯入的或就要闯入的。

    Intruding or tending to intrude.

  30. 侵入侵入已经存在的岩石中

    To thrust into preexisting rock.


  1. 问:侵入拼音怎么拼?侵入的读音是什么?侵入翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侵入的读音是qīnrù,侵入翻译成英文是 invade

  2. 问:侵入岩拼音怎么拼?侵入岩的读音是什么?侵入岩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侵入岩的读音是,侵入岩翻译成英文是 intrusive rock

  3. 问:侵入带拼音怎么拼?侵入带的读音是什么?侵入带翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侵入带的读音是qīnrùdài,侵入带翻译成英文是 invaded zone

  4. 问:侵入性拼音怎么拼?侵入性的读音是什么?侵入性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侵入性的读音是qīnrùxìng,侵入性翻译成英文是 invasiveness

  5. 问:侵入水拼音怎么拼?侵入水的读音是什么?侵入水翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侵入水的读音是qīn rù shuǐ,侵入水翻译成英文是 water intrusion

  6. 问:侵入法拼音怎么拼?侵入法的读音是什么?侵入法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侵入法的读音是qīn rù fǎ,侵入法翻译成英文是 trespass law

  7. 问:侵入物拼音怎么拼?侵入物的读音是什么?侵入物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侵入物的读音是qīn rù wù,侵入物翻译成英文是 invader

  8. 问:侵入的拼音怎么拼?侵入的的读音是什么?侵入的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侵入的的读音是qīn rù de,侵入的翻译成英文是 intruded, intruse

  9. 问:侵入种拼音怎么拼?侵入种的读音是什么?侵入种翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侵入种的读音是qīn rù zhǒng,侵入种翻译成英文是 invader species, adventitious species

  10. 问:侵入线拼音怎么拼?侵入线的读音是什么?侵入线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侵入线的读音是qīn rù xiàn,侵入线翻译成英文是 encroachment line

  11. 问:侵入者拼音怎么拼?侵入者的读音是什么?侵入者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侵入者的读音是qīn rù zhě,侵入者翻译成英文是 Intruder

  12. 问:侵入学说拼音怎么拼?侵入学说的读音是什么?侵入学说翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侵入学说的读音是qīn rù xué shuō,侵入学说翻译成英文是 invasion theory

  13. 问:侵入家宅拼音怎么拼?侵入家宅的读音是什么?侵入家宅翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侵入家宅的读音是qīn rù jiā zhái,侵入家宅翻译成英文是 forcible entry

  14. 问:侵入岩体拼音怎么拼?侵入岩体的读音是什么?侵入岩体翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侵入岩体的读音是qīn rù yán tǐ,侵入岩体翻译成英文是 intrusive body

  15. 问:侵入岩床拼音怎么拼?侵入岩床的读音是什么?侵入岩床翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侵入岩床的读音是,侵入岩床翻译成英文是 intrusive sheet

  16. 问:侵入性痣拼音怎么拼?侵入性痣的读音是什么?侵入性痣翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侵入性痣的读音是qīnrùxìngzhì,侵入性痣翻译成英文是 invasive mole

  17. 问:侵入接触拼音怎么拼?侵入接触的读音是什么?侵入接触翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侵入接触的读音是qīnrùjiēchù,侵入接触翻译成英文是 intrusive contact

  18. 问:侵入方式拼音怎么拼?侵入方式的读音是什么?侵入方式翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侵入方式的读音是qīn rù fāng shì,侵入方式翻译成英文是 mode of infection

  19. 问:侵入深度拼音怎么拼?侵入深度的读音是什么?侵入深度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侵入深度的读音是,侵入深度翻译成英文是 invasion depth

  20. 问:侵入生长拼音怎么拼?侵入生长的读音是什么?侵入生长翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侵入生长的读音是qīn rù shēng zhǎng,侵入生长翻译成英文是 intrusive growth



越境进犯 1.越境进犯。《书·泰誓中》“侵于之疆” 孔 传:“言我举武事侵入 纣 郊疆伐之。”《史记·匈奴列传》:“其后 汉 方南诛 两越 ,不击 匈奴 , 匈奴 亦不侵入边。”还有当年日本人侵入我国,犯下种种罪。

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