




1. 占 [zhān]2. 占 [zhàn]占 [zhān]迷信的人用铜钱或牙牌等判断吉凶:~卜。~卦。姓。占 [zhàn]据有,用强力取得:~据。霸~。强~。处于某种地位或情势:~理。~优势。口说,口授。估计上报:令民得以律~租。……



汉语拼音:qīn zhàn









  1. 见“ 侵占 ”。

  2. 亦作“ 侵佔 ”。侵夺占据。

    宋 苏轼 《申三省起请开湖六条状》:“今方二十餘年,而两岸人户復侵占牵路,盖屋数千间。”《元史·河渠志二》:“此湖在 宋 时委官差军守之,湖旁餘地,不许侵占,常疏其壅塞,以洩不势。”《初刻拍案惊奇》卷三三:“ 杨氏 赘婿,原非 刘 门瓜葛,即时逐出,不得侵佔家私。” 峻青 《东去列车》:“接替他的人不催促他三四遍以上他是不走的,致使有些同志和他开玩笑说他‘老是侵占别人的工作时间’。” 艾思奇 《辩证唯物主义历史唯物主义》第十三章:“他们利用自己职位的方便,侵占一部分公共财产。”



  1. The Kochs admitted that they had improperly taken thirty-one million dollars' worth of crude oil, but said that it had been accidental.


  2. Few of the Dwarves are able to survive in this sharp frost, not to mention the enemies who would dare trying to usurp the town.


  3. The British Times featured detailed reports of the public opinions of different countries about the German occupation of Jiaozhou Bay.


  4. Who's not going to be overrun by an infinite number of other beings -- if you're different from all the other beings?


  5. Russia is not justified in holding on to Georgian territory or trying to overturn a democratically elected regime.


  6. Turns out the ship has been taken over by an evil and really gross alien menace that turns human corpses into horrible deformed zombies.


  7. So long as the youth in, I cannot be sorrowful, even though the dark night invades the world, the sun also may come back.


  8. In those 28 years, China was involved in only three brief wars for self-defence without occupying any land of any other country.


  9. A year ago Nokia lobbed a lawsuit at Apple, alleging that its American rival's iPhone infringes on a number of its "essential patents" .


  1. 职务侵占罪

    functionary embezzlement.

  2. 大股东侵占

    large shareholder expropriation.

  3. 侵占罪研究

    A Study of the Crime of Embezzlement.

  4. 侵占公有土地

    seize public land

  5. 非法侵占权利

    an illegitimate seizure of power

  6. 侵占商业秘密

    Misappropriation of a trade secret

  7. 侵占公共财产

    to aggress upon the public property

  8. 武力侵占东北

    military occupation northeast of China.

  9. 侵占国家收入

    unlawful appropriation of state revenus

  10. 控股股东侵占

    expropriation of controlling shareholders.

  11. 侵占, 侵犯, 冒犯

    To encroach, infringe, or trespass.

  12. 侵占一边境城镇

    seize a border town

  13. 管理者利益侵占

    manager expropriation

  14. 侵占侵入或侵犯

    An intrusion or encroachment.

  15. 侵占或侵入侵犯

    To encroach or intrude on violate

  16. 侵占, 泛滥, 超过限度

    An act of overrunning.

  17. 侵占,泛滥,超过限度

    An act of overrunning.

  18. 侵占者中的一员

    became one of the best friends.

  19. 对他们财产的侵占。

    An encroachment on their property.

  20. 领土被侵占者瓜分。

    The territory was carved up by the occupying powers.

  21. 侵占人民的基本权利

    Usurp the fundamental rights of the people

  22. 侵占罪犯罪客体新论

    A New Theory of Criminal Object in Embezzlement

  23. 论职务侵占罪客体

    Discussion on the Object of Crime of the Crime of Duty Encroachment

  24. 他侵占了我的权利。

    He usurped my rights.

  25. 侵占罪告诉问题研究

    Research on the Complaint about the Crime of Embezzling

  26. 他侵占了我的时间。

    He trenched on my time.

  27. 葡萄牙侵占澳门始末

    The Whole Story of Portuguese Invading and Occupying Macao

  28. 他们指控他侵占公款。

    They accused him of having peculated the public money.

  29. 侵占罪疑难问题研究

    Some Difficult Questions relating to the Crime of Misappropriation

  30. 论侵占罪的犯罪对象

    On Crime Object of Seize Crime


  1. 问:侵占拼音怎么拼?侵占的读音是什么?侵占翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侵占的读音是qīnzhàn,侵占翻译成英文是 seize

  2. 问:侵占型拼音怎么拼?侵占型的读音是什么?侵占型翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侵占型的读音是qīn zhàn xíng,侵占型翻译成英文是 invasional type

  3. 问:侵占物拼音怎么拼?侵占物的读音是什么?侵占物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侵占物的读音是qīn zhàn wù,侵占物翻译成英文是 spolium

  4. 问:侵占种拼音怎么拼?侵占种的读音是什么?侵占种翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侵占种的读音是qīn zhàn zhǒng,侵占种翻译成英文是 aggressiveness species

  5. 问:侵占罪拼音怎么拼?侵占罪的读音是什么?侵占罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侵占罪的读音是qīnzhànzuì,侵占罪翻译成英文是 The behavior of taking an amount of property as o...

  6. 问:侵占公产拼音怎么拼?侵占公产的读音是什么?侵占公产翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侵占公产的读音是qīn zhàn gōng chǎn,侵占公产翻译成英文是 purpresture

  7. 问:侵占公款拼音怎么拼?侵占公款的读音是什么?侵占公款翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侵占公款的读音是qīnzhàn gōngkuǎn,侵占公款翻译成英文是 positive misprision

  8. 问:侵占分款拼音怎么拼?侵占分款的读音是什么?侵占分款翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侵占分款的读音是qīn zhàn fēn kuǎn,侵占分款翻译成英文是 positive misprision

  9. 问:侵占动产拼音怎么拼?侵占动产的读音是什么?侵占动产翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侵占动产的读音是qīn zhàn dòng chǎn,侵占动产翻译成英文是 conversion

  10. 问:侵占土地拼音怎么拼?侵占土地的读音是什么?侵占土地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侵占土地的读音是qīn zhàn tǔ dì,侵占土地翻译成英文是 appropriation of land

  11. 问:侵占公款犯拼音怎么拼?侵占公款犯的读音是什么?侵占公款犯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侵占公款犯的读音是,侵占公款犯翻译成英文是 embezzler

  12. 问:侵占他人财产拼音怎么拼?侵占他人财产的读音是什么?侵占他人财产翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侵占他人财产的读音是qīn zhàn tā rén cái chǎn,侵占他人财产翻译成英文是 appropriation of property

  13. 问:侵占侵害赔偿拼音怎么拼?侵占侵害赔偿的读音是什么?侵占侵害赔偿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侵占侵害赔偿的读音是qīn zhàn qīn hài péi cháng,侵占侵害赔偿翻译成英文是 conversion damages




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