


1. 付 [fù]付 [fù]交,给:支~。托~。~款。~梓(把稿件交付刊印)。~讫。~出。~与。~之一笑。~诸东流。量词,指中药(亦作“服”):一~药。……


关于货币、货物出入的记载:~本。~簿。~号。指“账簿”:一本~。债:~主。欠~。还(huán )~。……



汉语拼音:fù zhàng






  1. The study found that a woman expects a good-looking man to pay for her, perhaps as a way of making him invest in their future.


  2. Unable to pay, he would then tell the owner to call the police, and eat cutlery until they arrived.


  3. Then the only thing would be to leave my watch and say I would come back and pay later.


  4. If paying with a credit card, the customer writes the tip in the space below the cost of meal and then adds it into the total payment.


  5. Thank you, you have done me a good service. Now let me pay. How much is it altogether?


  6. Pay the bill without hesitation. Asking her to split the bill will be awkward, and paying for her meal on the first date is a nice gesture.


  7. I'd offer to pay for her if I thought she wouldn't be offended, but it's a rather delicate.


  8. A tiger in bed, a mink in her closet, a jaguar in her garage and a jackass to pay for it all.


  9. With no BlackBerry to distract him in the grocery line, he's likely to make a friend or two before checking out.


  1. 请先付账。

    Please pay the bill in advance.

  2. 拖延付账的人

    people who are tardy in paying their bills

  3. 拖延付账单

    Put off paying the bills.

  4. 请到柜台付账。

    Please pay the bill at the cashiers desk.

  5. 你得用现金付账。

    You have to pay in cash.

  6. 我宁愿各自付账。

    I prefer separate checks.

  7. 用旅行支票付账。

    Iv Paying by Travellers Cheques.

  8. 当付账的时候,你

    And then the bill came, and you.

  9. 就是没付账的害虫!

    Bils that should be sanitized!

  10. 你点菜,我来付账。

    You order the dishes and I'll foot the bill.

  11. 让我们一起付账吧。

    Let's settle the bill up together.

  12. 猜猜谁付账?是鄙人!

    Guess who ended up paying for it? Yours truly!

  13. 迅速更新应付账款。

    To promptly update of Accounts Payable.

  14. 请先到收银台付账。

    Please go to the cashier to pay the fee first.

  15. 你可以用信用卡付账。

    You can pay by credit card.

  16. 谁输了谁付账,怎么样

    he who is tardy pays for the party, okay.

  17. 这顿饭由我付账。

    This meal is on me.

  18. 他用她的信用卡付账的。

    He used her credit card.

  19. 付账后还余下30英镑。

    There were 30 pounds over after I paid the bill.

  20. 不必急着给他付账。

    There is no need to hurry with his payment.

  21. 不必急着给他付账。

    There is no need to hurry with his payment.

  22. 他不得不为晚餐付账。

    He had to fork out money for dinner.

  23. 他们为谁付账而争吵。

    They fight about who pays the bills.

  24. 这次让我来付账吧!

    Let me pay this time.

  25. 你们一直在付账单

    you guys have always paid for stuff.

  26. 这次让我来付账吧。

    Let me pay this time.

  27. 我可以用信用卡付账吗

    Can I pay for the bill by credit card.

  28. 他们没有付账就离开了。

    They cleared out without paying their bills.

  29. 他们胁迫我用现金付账。

    They bounced me into paying the bill in cash.

  30. 公事公办,你是要付账的。

    Business is business. You have to pay the bill.


  1. 问:付账拼音怎么拼?付账的读音是什么?付账翻译成英文是什么?

    答:付账的读音是fùzhàng,付账翻译成英文是 pay the bill

  2. 问:付账拼音怎么拼?付账的读音是什么?付账翻译成英文是什么?

    答:付账的读音是fùzhàng,付账翻译成英文是 foot a bill




【注音】:fù zhàng


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