


1. 且 [qiě]2. 且 [jū]且 [qiě]尚,还,表示进一层:既高~大。尚~。况~。表示暂时:苟~偷安。姑~。表示将要、将近:城~拔矣。年~九十。一面这样,一面那样:~走~说。表示经久:这双鞋~穿呢!文言发语词,用在句首,与“夫”……





汉语拼音:qiě màn






  1. 暂且慢着。

    《儒林外史》第二一回:“且慢,等你再想几时看。” 鲁迅 《故事新编·奔月》:“‘且慢’, 羿 说着,想了一想,‘那倒不忙,我实在饿极了。’” 姚雪垠 《李自成》第一卷第十二章:“且慢,请你把闯字大旗交给我们第一队。”



  1. Slowly and lightly, as if scared of breaking the peace of the night. She would help me to cover the quilt quite well.


  2. Somebody has to take the lead , and I decided to do it. If you are scared by global warming , wait until we learn about local warming .


  3. But wait a minute, Hector Sants surely has a point when he counters it is not the job of financial regulators to fix pay rates.


  4. That would be great, just you and me traveling around Europe. But, wait. Reality check.


  5. And if you think I have had faults , wait .


  6. No, we gotta get out of here now. - Wait, wait, wait.


  7. Expected late cotton stock sold in cases of digestive tract the poor market situation long wait and a long time.


  8. Holds on a minute, the financing securities loan's advantage good effect discretely is also regarded by many analysts.


  9. This deep, slow, relaxed breathing, used in Savasana (Corpse Pose) and other restorative poses, is most commonly associated with yoga.


  1. 且慢高兴!

    Don't rejoice so soon!

  2. 且慢 坐下。


  3. 百万英镑, 且慢。

    A million pounds, wait a moment.

  4. 百万英镑,且慢。

    A million pounds, wait a moment.

  5. 且慢,我有话要说。

    Hold on – I have something to say.

  6. 且慢, 听我把话说完。

    Wait a minute, let me finish what I have to say.

  7. 且慢,听我把话说完。

    Wait a minute,let me finish what I have to say.

  8. 且慢,等我把话说完。

    Wait a minute, let me finish what I have to say.

  9. 且慢,我要和你算帐。

    Wait a minute, I have a bone to pick with you.

  10. 且慢,那不可能是对的。

    Wait a minute, that can't be right.

  11. 先生且慢, 让我再找一下!

    Wait please, gentleman, Let me check again.

  12. 且慢,先让我做一下示范。

    Wait a moment, let me give you a demonstration.

  13. 很有特色的酒,他说,且慢!

    A wine of great character, he said.

  14. 且慢,这里说的是一座交易所。

    However, it is an Exchange.

  15. 如果你认为我错了, 且慢断定。

    And if you think I have had faults, wait.

  16. 噢, 且慢, 我们并非要赶走任何人。

    Oh, wait a minute. we're not kicking anybody out.

  17. 且慢!它们不能吃!它们只是用来装饰的!

    Stop! They're not edible! They're just for decoration!

  18. 嗯,且慢,我并不完全同意这个前提。

    Well, now just a second, I don't altogether agree with the premise.

  19. 且慢!他们不是海盗,只不过是一群黑人。

    Avast!These aren't pirates, they're just a bunch of black people.

  20. 且慢高兴!他答应我们的要求是有条件的。

    Don't rejoice too soon! He agreed to our request only on certain conditions.

  21. 且慢, 似乎一场小规模的糖果革命正在进行。

    But wait, it seems that a minor confectionary revolution is afoot.

  22. 且慢,转念一想,我可不想破坏了你的悬念。

    Wait, on second thought, I don't want to be the one to ruin it for you.

  23. 且慢, 单簧管不是也要吹奏与听音不同的乐曲吗?

    But are not clarinet players doomed to play different notes from what they hear

  24. 但是这种方法收敛速度很慢且易趋向发散。

    This method has an inherent slow rate of convergence and a trend of divergence.

  25. 而远离边缘得再生上皮细胞分化较慢且不完全。

    Columnar cells close to the edge of the operation range show regenerating actively.

  26. 而远离边缘的再生上皮细胞分化较慢且不完全。

    Columnar cells close to the edge of the operation range show regenerating actively.

  27. 挥动愈快且释放愈慢,则球飞愈远!

    The faster the swing and later the release, the further the ball goes!

  28. 鲸鲨移动很慢, 且经常在海洋表面觅食。

    Whale sharks move slowly, and often feed near the ocean's surface.

  29. 发现基本蚁群优化算法存在慢收敛且易停滞等问题。

    The ant colony optimization algorithm has found slow convergence and easy to stagnation.

  30. 运用更多左煞车直到你感觉这旋转慢下来且几乎停止。

    Apply more left brake until you feel the spinning slow down and almost stop.


  1. 问:且慢拼音怎么拼?且慢的读音是什么?且慢翻译成英文是什么?

    答:且慢的读音是qiěmàn,且慢翻译成英文是 to wait a moment




【读音】qiě màn




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