




价钱高,与“贱”相对:~贱(a.价格的高低;b.指人的地位高低;c.方言,无论如何)。春雨~如油。指地位高:~族。~戚。~望(尊贵的门第和声望)。敬辞,称与对方有关的事物:~国。~庚(请问别人年龄)。~姓。~干(gàn )(问人要做什么)。……



汉语拼音:quán guì







  1. 旧时指官高势大的人。

    《汉书·儒林传·严彭祖》:“ 彭祖 为 宣帝 博士,至 河南 、 东郡 太守。以高第入为左冯翊,迁太子太傅,廉直不事权贵。” 唐 李白 《梦游天姥吟留别》:“安能摧眉折腰事权贵,使我不得开心颜。”《水浒传》第七九回:“权贵满朝多旧识,可无一个荐贤人。” 茅盾 《昙》:“父亲是早已想利用她来结交权贵。”



  1. Equality in that country seems to be going into reverse. Reason: rise of an elite group enjoying a way of life denied by the masses.


  2. Are they seriously prepared to inflict more pain on the middle class because they refuse to ask anything more of those at the very top?


  3. If you know President Obama, president Hu Jintao or any other dignitary who can influence the process, please help.


  4. Those in power know this truth and the dark ones are afraid of the freedom that this truth will reveal for all humanity.


  5. But with him the fate of a joke, Changan ignored, powerful slander again destroyed, the poet was by Changan.


  6. For most of human history, only a privileged few have reasonably been able to hope that the future would be better than the present.


  7. Without a moral basis, he said, capitalism would just become the means by which the powerful would concentrate their wealth.


  8. A year later, Giorgio Armani beat out the other bigwigs and bought Skorpios for an estimated $190 million.


  9. elite ministers and court officials, is the monarch must be something with which to plan into account degree of people.


  1. 向权贵低头

    Bowed down to the mighty.

  2. 显要人物, 权贵

    Person with a high rank or position

  3. 王冠皇室或权贵的威望。

    Crown Royal or seigniorial authority.

  4. 权贵手脚长,惹了要遭殃。

    Gentle puddocks have long toes.

  5. 是权贵,尊严和吉祥的象征。

    It is the symbol of dignitary, reverence, and auspice.

  6. 一群权贵把王冠奉送给他。

    A section of the magnates offered him the crown.

  7. 企图巴结权贵以获取好处。

    attempting to win favor from influential people by flattery.

  8. 这是权贵, 尊严和吉祥的象征。

    It is the symbol of dignitary, reverence , and auspice.

  9. 她阿谀奉承讨好地方权贵的企图。

    A sycophantic attempt to ingratiate herself with the local aristocracy.

  10. 华尔街新晋权贵开始粉墨登场。

    There are a bunch of new butts to kiss on Wall Street.

  11. 然而, 他们中很少有出身权贵的。

    However, there are very few of them that came from privilege.

  12. 他们轻易干涉不了权贵们的特权。

    They could not easily tamper with the privileges of the nobility

  13. 无论对待权贵还是乞丐, 都要尊敬。

    Beggars or whether treatment bigwigs must respect.

  14. 权贵私有化与我国改革的走向

    Dignitary privateness and our country's reformational road

  15. 喜爱自由就是喜欢人们,喜爱权贵就是只顾自身。

    The love of liberty is the love of others; the love of power is the love of ourselves.

  16. 你想发财就必须与权贵拉上关系。

    You must get in with the influential officials if you want to get rich

  17. 这个世界的权贵无法支配另一个世界的事。

    The powerful people of this world do not hold sway over the other world.

  18. 介宁愿一死也不愿意屈服与权贵之下。

    He would rather die than yield to power.

  19. 火车轨道是平行的,一条是权贵,另一条是百姓。

    Train tracks are parallel, one is rich and powerful, the other is the people.

  20. 有富丽堂辉的宫殿和巨贾权贵的府第。

    There were palaces and wealthy houses filled with articles of luxury.

  21. 其他的时候,餐馆的选择是由当地的权贵决定的。

    Other times, the restaurant choice is left to local dignitaries.

  22. 看来,权贵资本主义在太平洋两岸都是如鱼得水。

    Crony capitalism, on both sides of the Pacific, it appears, has its rewards.

  23. 征募的贵族民团和权贵的私军与他同行。

    With him went the noble levy and the private magnate armies.

  24. 好话总是令人欢喜,讽谏总会得罪权贵。

    Flattering words are welcomed while advice or criticism will offend those rich and powerful people.

  25. 好话总是令人欢喜,讽谏总会得罪权贵。

    Flattering words are welcomed while advice or criticism will offend those rich and powerful people.

  26. 帝王们春天朝拜太阳,秋天朝拜月亮以期丰收和权贵。

    The emperor had to worship the Sun in the spring and the moon in the autumn for an ample harvest and sustainable power.

  27. 此人善于阿附权贵, 从来不为百姓办事。

    He is the kind of official that pander to the rich and famous, and never does anything practical for ordinary people.

  28. 此人善于阿附权贵,从来不为百姓办事。

    He is the kind of official that pander to the rich and famous, and never does anything practical for ordinary people.

  29. 他们遭到在朝权贵嫉视,许多党人被杀。

    They were envied by the ruling aristocrats, many of them being killed.

  30. 这种发型曾经一度是富有、权贵或迷人女性的象征。

    It was once seen as an emblem of rich, powerful, or glamorous women.


  1. 问:权贵拼音怎么拼?权贵的读音是什么?权贵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:权贵的读音是quánguì,权贵翻译成英文是 influential officials; bigwigs; dignitary

  2. 问:权贵之人拼音怎么拼?权贵之人的读音是什么?权贵之人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:权贵之人的读音是,权贵之人翻译成英文是 bigwig



旧指官高势大的人 安能摧眉折腰事权贵。--唐· 李白《梦游天姥吟留别》诗

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