




1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……



汉语拼音:jūn shàng






  1. 即君主。

    《荀子·不苟》:“父子为亲矣,不诚则疏;君上为尊矣,不诚则卑。” 三国 魏 阮籍 《达庄论》:“出媚君上,入欺父兄,矫厉才智,竞逐纵横。” 唐 封演 《封氏闻见记·卤簿》:“人臣仪卫,亦得同于君上,则卤簿之名,不容别有他义也。” 欧阳予倩 《忠王李秀成》第三幕:“主上要你等三十天,你能够逼迫君上吗?”参见“ 君主 ”。



  1. 网络
  2. wuliyang;Your Majesty;lgyzfy

  1. 而现在这个重任,在别克旗下,已经转到了君越头上。

    Now the task at Buick, the LaCrosse has been transferred to the head.

  2. 历史上,君与民之间的权力差距非常悬殊。

    The political leaders historically wielded proportionally much more power vis a vis people.

  3. 名字取材于历史上一位马其顿的君王。

    Alexandar is a quality dry red wine from BOVIN.

  4. 君、民之间关系处理上的差异。

    The different way of how to handle the relationship between the monarch and the people.

  5. 戏台上,佘太君自称为老身。

    On the stage, the Dowager called herself Laoshen.

  6. 戏台上,佘太君自称为老身。

    On the stage, the Dowager called herself"Laoshen".

  7. 他们就已经上了那辆别克君威。

    They'd gotten into the Buick regal.

  8. 戏剧史上昭君形象的演变及启示

    The development of Zhaojun's image in the history of play and its enlightenment.

  9. 以及顺的山君在框架上玩统一游戏。

    The tame tigers play the same game on the frame.

  10. 传说中太上老君住在九重霄之上。

    It is said that the supreme god lives in the highest part of heaven.

  11. 传说中太上老君住在九重霄之上。

    It is said that the supreme god lives in the highest part of heaven.

  12. 在中国神话里,太上老君专职修炼仙丹。

    In Chinese Mythology, Laojun was in charge of alchemy.

  13. 说,我已经立我的君在锡安我的圣山上了。

    I have installed my King on Zion, my holy hill.

  14. 在列王记上和列王记下,他是统治我们的君王。

    And in Kings and Chronicles, He's our Reigning King.

  15. 使君未出郡斋外,江上早闻齐和声。

    That gentleman do not show county, river outside jaipur's earlier harmony, smell.

  16. 明君叔叔在钱得问题上很慎重,对不对?

    Myungeurs uncle is meticulous concerning money matters, right?

  17. 明君叔叔在钱的问题上很慎重,对不对?

    Myungeurs uncle is meticulous concerning money matters, right ?

  18. 九重宫殿是历史上彝族君长的宫廷建筑。

    Nine heavy palaces were in the history the Yi's leader's palace construction.

  19. 说,我已经立我得君在锡安我得圣山上了。

    But I have put my king on my holy hill of Zion.

  20. 从根本上讲,子君的悲剧是父权制思想的悲剧。

    Fundamentally, the tragedy of Zi Jun is a tragedy of the patriarchy thought.

  21. 因传说古时太上老君常在此炼丹而得名。

    As a result of the ancient legend Lao often named after the Alchemy.

  22. 深兰姆及君度入茶杯,入英式热茶,上加牛奶。

    Pour rum and Cointreau into tea cup, fill with English hot tea and top with milk.

  23. 深兰姆及君度入茶杯, 入英式热茶, 上加牛乳。

    Pour rum and Cointreau into tea cup, fill with English hot tea and top with milk.

  24. 杨淑君在2008年的北京奥运会上获得了第五名的成绩。

    She finished in fifth place in the2008 Beijing Olympics.

  25. 我上传的这合唱版, 女声不是邓丽君, 她是梦蕾。

    In the duet version of this song I uploaded, the female vocal is not Teresa Teng.

  26. 网友在天涯论坛上传了多张关于贾君鹏的恶搞图片。

    A lot of parody pictures of JiaJunpeng were uploaded by netizens to the Tianya Forum.

  27. 君当恕艺人,特别是在文明出了毛病的二十世纪上半叶。

    But we must excuse these artists, especially in the first half of the twentieth century, when civilization was chaotic

  28. 这在主客观上带有把光海君政府变为傀儡政权得倾向。

    Which aimed at turning the government Guang hai jun into puppet regime.

  29. 这在主客观上带有把光海君政府变为傀儡政权的倾向。

    Which aimed at turning the government Guang hai jun into puppet regime.

  30. 我知道了在山上的祠堂里供奉的那尊雕像就是桐君老人。

    Oh, now I know the statue enshrined in the temple on the mountain is actually the statue of him.




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