






1. 期 [qī]2. 期 [jī]期 [qī]规定的时间,或一段时间:定~。限~。~限。学~。量词,用于刊物或其他分期的事物:第五~。盼望,希望:~望。~冀。~盼。~待。限度:“征敛无~求索无度”。必,决定:“~死,非勇也”。〔~颐〕指人……



汉语拼音:huī fù qī








  1. And yet, Stephen -- always the soul of courage -- has promised to provide for our needs even as he gasps for air on his convalescent bed.

  2. When you're first trying to get over someone, you can't immediately plan to be friends.

  3. After a year of convalescence, test object encounters old times stimulation again, different person can have different reaction.

  4. The economic recovery in the past, airlines are generally rapid increase in flights, but Cash believes that this will not happen.

  5. All invasive surgeries require a recovery period, and alcohol only tends to impede this process.

  6. "Folks, ultimately, we believe that this is the right path -- the path that will lead us to a robust economic recovery, " he added.

  7. You will not need to go through lengthy recovery periods, as the work of rebuilding will be very quick.

  8. Workers who lost their jobs in the 2001 recession did not return to the same industry during the recovery.

  9. After the first harvesting, about one month's recovering for the grape tree can ensure the production and quality of the next harvesting.


  1. 恢复期的饮食

    a convalescent diet

  2. 脑梗死恢复期

    Convalescent cerebral infarction.

  3. 恢复期脑梗死

    cerbral infarction during convalescence stage

  4. 恢复期及后遗症期

    Eliminate sputum to through collaterals deooction

  5. 现在开始到以后是恢复期

    The time that's left of me.

  6. 对于目前是否仍在恢复期?

    Current recovery is still ?

  7. 多尿期与恢复期亦较短。

    The polyuria time and the recovery period are also short.

  8. 脑震荡患者恢复期心理状况调查

    The psychologic investigation of patients with brain concussion in recovery

  9. 丰胸的恢复期要多长时间?

    Does the convalescence of breast enhancement want how long ?

  10. 针药结合治疗脑血管疾病恢复期190例

    Treatment of 190 cases of recovered cerebrovascular disease by acupuncture combined medicine

  11. 老年人全麻恢复期的观察与处理

    Observation and disposal for the elderly patient in general anesthesia convalescence

  12. 麻醉恢复期病人躁动的分析与处理

    Analysis and treatment of patient with dysphoria in recovery phase after anaesthesia

  13. 目得观察模拟失重恢复期骨质得变化。

    Objective To observe bone mass changes during convalescence after simulated weightlessness.

  14. 接下来, 他将面临六个星期得恢复期。

    He now faces up to six weeks on the sidelines.

  15. 接下来,他将面临六个星期的恢复期。

    He now faces up to six weeks on the sidelines.

  16. 没错啊,恰巧撞上试验对象的恢复期

    I know, and you had your trial patients to think about.

  17. 经济依旧脆弱, 因为我们仍然处于恢复期。

    You know, the economy is fragile because we're still in a recovery period.

  18. 至于出血时间,13例发生在急性期,7例发生在恢复期。

    As to bleedineg moment,13 cases occur in acute period, and7 cases occur in recovery period.

  19. 老年全麻手术患者恢复期的安全防护

    Safety protection of elderly patients during general anesthesia recovery period

  20. 流感恢复期,注意不能淋雨,不能过度疲劳。

    When recovering from influenza, you should keep from getting wet or overtired.

  21. 颅脑损伤患者恢复期的早期康复护理

    Early rehabilitation care of the craniocerebral injury patients in the recovery stage

  22. 小儿急性支气管炎恢复期中医介入疗法研究

    Curative Effect Study on Chinese Medicinal Treatment for Child Acute Bronchitis During Convalescence

  23. 头痛一般发生在前驱症状期和意识恢复期。

    Have a headache to produce advanced drive commonly semiotic period and recognizant convalescence.

  24. 而上述发现表明, 海冰得恢复期大大缩短。

    But the above discovery indicated that sea ice period big reduction.

  25. 而上述发现表明, 海冰的恢复期大大缩短。

    But the above discovery indicated that sea ice period big reduction.

  26. 综合疗法治疗中风病恢复期验案举隅

    Examples of Experienced Cases in Recovery Period of Stroke Treated with Integrated Therapy.

  27. 脑震荡患者恢复期智力测试成绩的特征分析

    Analysis of the characters of the cerebral concussion patients through intelligence measurement during convalescence stage

  28. 首次住院恢复期精神病患者心理需求调查分析

    Investigation on the Psychological Need for the Convalescent Psychosis Inpatients First Admitted in Hospital.

  29. 目得探讨恢复期精神分裂症病人得自我概念。

    Objective To desacribe self concept and sub concept of rehabilitative schizophrenic patients.

  30. 抚触对恢复期极低出生体重儿体重的影响

    Influence of Touching on Body Weight of Very Low Birth Weight Newborns in Recovery Stage


  1. 问:恢复期拼音怎么拼?恢复期的读音是什么?恢复期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:恢复期的读音是,恢复期翻译成英文是 convalescence

  2. 问:恢复期的拼音怎么拼?恢复期的的读音是什么?恢复期的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:恢复期的的读音是huī fù qī de,恢复期的翻译成英文是 convalescent

  3. 问:恢复期限拼音怎么拼?恢复期限的读音是什么?恢复期限翻译成英文是什么?

    答:恢复期限的读音是huī fù qī xiàn,恢复期限翻译成英文是 period of recovery

  4. 问:恢复期患者拼音怎么拼?恢复期患者的读音是什么?恢复期患者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:恢复期患者的读音是,恢复期患者翻译成英文是 reconvalescent

  5. 问:恢复期血清拼音怎么拼?恢复期血清的读音是什么?恢复期血清翻译成英文是什么?

    答:恢复期血清的读音是huī fù qī xuè qīng,恢复期血清翻译成英文是 convalescent phase serum

  6. 问:恢复期带菌者拼音怎么拼?恢复期带菌者的读音是什么?恢复期带菌者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:恢复期带菌者的读音是huī fù qī dài jūn zhě,恢复期带菌者翻译成英文是 convalescent carrier

  7. 问:恢复期血清疗法拼音怎么拼?恢复期血清疗法的读音是什么?恢复期血清疗法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:恢复期血清疗法的读音是,恢复期血清疗法翻译成英文是 isoserotherapy

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