


1. 将 [jiāng]2. 将 [jiàng]将 [jiāng]快要:~要。~至。~来。即~。带领,扶助:~雏。扶~。~军。拿,持:~心比心。把:~门关好。下象棋时攻击对方的“将”或“帅”。用言语刺激:你别~他的火儿了。保养:~养。~息。……





汉语拼音:jiàng zuǒ






  1. 将领及佐吏。

    《晋书·刘琨传》:“每见将佐,发言慷慨。”《资治通鉴·晋愍帝建兴二年》:“文武将佐,务安百姓,上思报国,下以寧家。” 宋 范仲淹 《奏乞将边任官员三年满日乞转一资》:“以此将佐而下,常患乏人。”



  1. Othello, leave some officer behind, And he shall our commission bring to you;


  1. 在刘邦之下还有一位天才将佐--韩信。

    Liu Bang, the first emperor of the Han Dynasty, had the talented general Han Xin working for him.

  2. 非民之将也,非主之佐也,非胜之主也。

    One who acts thus is no leader of men, no present help to his sovereign, no master of victory.

  3. 这些蘑菇将会是一道美味的佐菜。

    These mushrooms would make a delicious side dish.

  4. 因为教员的辅佐,我将能切确地讲英语。

    With the teacher's help, I shall be able to speak English correctly.

  5. 莫洛佐夫说, 明年的头奖中将有一套房子。

    Next year, the top prizes will include an apartment, Morozov said.

  6. 莫洛佐夫说,明年得头奖中将有一套房子。

    Next year, the top prizes will include an apartment, Morozov said.

  7. 西佐插手的另一个阴谋就是将死星计划。

    Another plot involving Xizor was the release of the Death Star plans.

  8. 佐治亚州直到1918年才将法定婚龄从10岁改为14岁。

    Georgia did not raise the age of consent from 10 to 14 until 1918.

  9. 百年奥运盛典将在佐治亚州亚特兰大举行。

    The centennial Olympics will be in Atlanta, Georgia.

  10. 佐伊将于三个月后毕业于牛津大学英语系。

    Zoi will graduate from Oxford with a degree in literature in three months time.

  11. 可以想象,这个数额今年将大幅度上升,佐利克说。

    I could imagine that will go up considerably this year, Zoellick said.

  12. 兽医师、兽医佐应将使用执照号码载明于诊疗纪录。

    Veterinarians and assistant veterinarians shall indicate their prescription license number on the relevant medical records.

  13. 任何这样的场面,都将辅佐于一个修补他形象的计划。

    Any of these scenarios would be paired with a plan to restore his image.

  14. 他和佐利克一样,也认为美元将不再是主宰型货币。

    Like Zoellick, he thinks the dollar will no longer be the dominant currency.

  15. 国会议员将提议一份允许恩佐成为公民的特别议案。

    The Congressman would propose a special bill that would allow Enzo to become a citizen.

  16. 只要龙开始睡过头, 须佐之男就将它砍成碎片。

    As soon as the dragon started sleeping off its binge, Susanoo got to work hacking it to bits.

  17. 他说这个新文件将保证佐治亚州的黑人受到公平对待。

    He says the new document will guarantee fairness for blacks in Georgia.

  18. 白加士街北行之车辆将不准右转入佐敦道东行。

    Vehicles on Parkes Street northbound will be prohibited from making right turn onto Jordan Road eastbound.

  19. 例如,八十年来他们一直将明矾作为一种佐剂加入疫苗。

    For example, they have spent eight decades adding alum to vaccines as what is known as an adjuvant.

  20. 于宝灵街西行及佐敦道西行之车辆将不准左转入庙街。

    Vehicles on Bowring Street westbound and Jordan Road westbound will be prohibited from making left turn onto temple street.

  21. 盟军将南军撤至佐治亚洲,田纳西州彻底落入联军之手。

    The Confederate army withdrew south into the state of Georgia. Tennessee was completely in Union hands.

  22. 她请求佐伊将卡门送进孤儿院或静修处,因为她发现照顾这个孩子负担过重。

    She requested Zoe to put Carmen into an orphanage or ashram as she found it too much of a burden looking after the child.


  1. 问:将佐拼音怎么拼?将佐的读音是什么?将佐翻译成英文是什么?

    答:将佐的读音是jiàngzuǒ,将佐翻译成英文是 A general and his subordinate; referring to...



jiàng zuǒ ㄐㄧㄤˋ ㄗㄨㄛˇ 将佐 将领及佐吏。《晋书·刘琨传》:“每见将佐,发言慷慨。”《资治通鉴·晋愍帝建兴二年》:“文武将佐,务安百姓,上思报国,下以宁家。” 宋 范仲淹 《奏乞将边任官员三年满日乞转一资》:“以此将佐而下,常患乏人。”

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