




1. 然 [rán]然 [rán]对,是:~否。不~。不以为~。以为对,答应,信守:~纳(以为对而采纳)。~诺(许诺,信守诺言)。这样,如此:当~。~后。~则。表示一种语气(a.表决定,犹焉,如“寡人愿有言~”;b.表比拟,犹言一般,如“如……



汉语拼音:xīn rán








  1. 喜悦貌。

    《史记·吕太后本纪》:“上有欢心以安百姓,百姓欣然以事其上,欢欣交通而天下治。” 晋 陶潜 《五柳先生传》:“好读书,不求甚解,每有会意,便欣然忘食。” 宋 杨万里 《芭蕉雨》诗:“芭蕉得雨便欣然,终夜作声清更妍。” 毛泽东 《送瘟神》诗序:“遥望南天,欣然命笔。”



  1. To Donne she always served the treat, and was happy to see his approbation of it proved beyond a doubt.

  2. Still in fine fettle at the age of 87, Ruth Young, a retired Oakland school nurse, jumped at the chance, she said, to "spit for the cause. "

  3. You are ready to be a ladder, letting others step on your shoulders to pick the fruit of success.

  4. men, who walk with God on earth, would fain be away, to walk with him on the golden pavements of the New Jerusalem.

  5. Einstein readily agreed to give it, walked over to a pay phone, picked up the phone book, looked up his number, and read it to the reporter.

  6. One of President Bush's daughters is engaged. Jenny Bush said "yes" when longtime boyfriend Henry Hager asked her to marry him.

  7. No one seems to compile statistics on the standing-desk trend. But anecdotal reports suggest Silicon Valley is embracing the movement.

  8. Yet, Mrs Gandhi remembers a welcome from her mother-in-law, Indira, while her own father was more cautious about her choice.

  9. He took a fancy to me, and offered me a chance to go with him on his voyages, which I gladly accepted.


  1. 我欣然同意。

    And I said, Yes.

  2. 欣然地/ 勉强地

    with (a) good/ bad grace

  3. 他欣然应邀

    He accepted the invitation with alacrity.

  4. 她欣然而去。

    She went lifted up in spirit.

  5. 山伯欣然允诺。

    Shan Bo happily agreed.

  6. 他欣然接受了。

    He accepted with alacrity.

  7. 她欣然款待他。

    She entertained him with good grace.

  8. 诗人将欣然命笔

    Type what the poet fain would be.

  9. 欣然同意或乐意

    Cheerful acquiescence or willingness.

  10. 总督欣然接受邀请。

    The Governor is pleased to accept the invitation.

  11. 欣然接受一种思想

    to embrace an idea

  12. 既而雨霁, 欣然登山。

    It stopped raining afterwards, and we started climbing up the mountain with pleasure.

  13. 既而雨霁,欣然登山。

    It stopped raining afterwards, and we started climbing up the mountain with pleasure.

  14. 而是欣然接受矛盾。

    It's about embracing the paradox.

  15. 他欣然接受了邀请。

    He accepted the invitation with alacrity.

  16. 他欣然答应去亚洲。

    He jumped at the chance of a trip to Asia.

  17. 他们欣然接受了建议。

    They accepted the offer with alacrity.

  18. 承蒙邀请, 我欣然接受。

    Thank you for your invitation which I am very pleased to accept.

  19. 这一点被欣然接受了。

    This was gladly agreed to.

  20. 这一点被欣然接受了。

    This was gladly agreed to.

  21. 我对于这点欣然同意。

    To this I gladly assented.

  22. 胜固可喜, 败亦欣然

    winning is gratifying, and defeat is also relieved

  23. 他欣然同意我的要求。

    He readily lied with my request.

  24. 他欣然接受我的邀请。

    He accepted my invitation with alacrity.

  25. 我要你欣然接受事实。

    I ask you to accept the facts with good grace.

  26. 牧羊姑娘,牧草正欣欣然

    Shepherd, the meadows are in bloom.

  27. 这个城镇欣然接受了它。

    And the town has really embraced it.

  28. 学生们欣然赞成我的提议。

    The students were agreeable to my suggestion.

  29. 你必须学会欣然承认失败。

    You must learn to accept defeat with good grace.

  30. 他欣然同意了她的计划。

    He sparked to her plan.


  1. 问:欣然拼音怎么拼?欣然的读音是什么?欣然翻译成英文是什么?

    答:欣然的读音是xīnrán,欣然翻译成英文是 gladly

  2. 问:欣然地拼音怎么拼?欣然地的读音是什么?欣然地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:欣然地的读音是,欣然地翻译成英文是 delightfully

  3. 问:欣然的拼音怎么拼?欣然的的读音是什么?欣然的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:欣然的的读音是,欣然的翻译成英文是 candle

  4. 问:欣然乐意拼音怎么拼?欣然乐意的读音是什么?欣然乐意翻译成英文是什么?

    答:欣然乐意的读音是,欣然乐意翻译成英文是 kindly

  5. 问:欣然同意拼音怎么拼?欣然同意的读音是什么?欣然同意翻译成英文是什么?

    答:欣然同意的读音是,欣然同意翻译成英文是 goodwill



“欣然”是个多义词,它可以指欣然(汉语词语), 欣然(湖南卫视节目主持人)。

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