







汉语拼音:zhèn jìng









  1. 持重,沉静。

    《国语·晋语七》:“ 黶 也果敢, 无忌 镇静。” 韦昭 注:“镇,重也;静,安也。”一本作“ 镇靖 ”。 唐 刘禹锡 《荐处士王龟状》:“古者选公族大夫,必以惇惠者教之,文敏者道之,果敢者諗之,镇静者循之。” 清 魏源 《默觚下·治篇十一》:“以持禄养骄为镇静,以深虑远计为狂愚。”

  2. 安静,平静。

    宋 柳永 《一寸金》词:“台鼎须贤久,方镇静,又思命驾。” 元 刘祁 《归潜志》卷四:“﹝ 赵思文 ﹞出为 汝州 防御使,迁 集庆军 节度,所在镇静,吏民赖之。” 清 采蘅子 《虫鸣漫录》卷一:“诸檀越……扣门而施,见众僧有端坐若无事者,有蹙额不胜,有佯为镇静者。” 柳青 《铜墙铁壁》第十一章:“在这里的民工和干部……都是这样镇静的时候,不免显着他惊惶失措了。”

  3. 安定。

    《宋书·何承天传》:“今若务存遵养,许其自新,虽未可羈致北闕,犹足镇静边境。” 唐 白居易 《与宗儒诏》:“及司管籥,镇静有方。”《资治通鉴·晋惠帝太安二年》:“公为岳牧……而使姦凶滋蔓,祸衅不测,岂藩翰王室,镇静方夏之义乎!”

  4. 止息;抑制。

    晋 桓温 《荐谯元彦表》:“若 秀 蒙蒲帛之徵,足以镇静頽风,轨训嚣俗。” 瞿秋白 《论大众文艺·欧化文艺》:“另外还有武侠主义的连环图画,阶级妥协主义的时事小调……去迷惑群众,镇静群众,糟蹋群众。”



  1. The tough-talking prime minister shot a female tiger with a tranquilizer gun after it had freed itself from a restraint.


  2. There was sudden sweat on his forehead, but he forced his face and his voice to be calm as he stepped to the side of the bed.


  3. Trying to stay calm, I raced across town and made it to his office within 15 minutes.


  4. this story requires a long explanation and , therefore , have patience and compose your mind to hear it out.


  5. Many analysts seem to believe that this is the case and point to investors' composure in the face of latest grim statistics.


  6. He took a deep breath to calm himself down and began to stroll slowly that the big guy.


  7. Heyward rose to his feet, moved his chair well back and calmly surveyed the nineteen other men around the table.


  8. It took some time for her to recover from the shock and pull herself together.


  9. Before the door of the headmaster's office, she stopped and re-collected herself for a while.


  1. 优质钢, 镇静钢

    killed steel

  2. 设法保持镇静。

    Try and keep your cool.

  3. 保持/ 不再镇静

    to keep/ lose one's composure

  4. 而且他很镇静

    And he's so calm.

  5. 镇静!不要慌。

    Keep calm! Don't get flurried.

  6. 催眠药和镇静药

    Hypnotic and sedatives

  7. 不在乎,很镇静

    without a blink or qualm.

  8. 镇静些!别发慌。

    Keep calm! Don't get flurried.

  9. 沉着镇静, 谈笑自若

    go on talking and laughing without turning a hair

  10. 你必须保持镇静。

    You must observe calm.

  11. 它们还可以镇静。

    They may also be sedating.

  12. 镇静催眠药中毒

    poisoning of sedativehypnotic drugs

  13. 他十分镇静, 严肃。

    He is as sober as a judge.

  14. 他十分镇静,严肃。

    He is as sober as a judge.

  15. 她竭力保持镇静。

    She struggled to maintain her composure.

  16. 尽量放松保持镇静。

    Try to relax and keep calm.

  17. 镇静的样子冒充。

    To affect the appearance or possession of feign.

  18. 请镇静, 不必激动!

    Please compose yourself theres no need to get excited!

  19. 请镇静,不必激动!

    Please compose yourself theres no need to get excited!

  20. 请镇静,不必激动!

    Please compose yourself ; there is no need to get excited !

  21. 镇静药和催眠药

    Hypnotics and sedatives

  22. 他不动声色, 镇静如常。

    He remained unperturbed and was as calm as usual.

  23. 她恢复了镇静, 笑了笑。

    She recovered herselfher composure and smiled.

  24. 她镇静下来写回信。

    She composed herself to answer the letter.

  25. 竭力使自己恢复镇静。

    She fought to regain her composure.

  26. 他用烟酰胺使动物镇静。

    He used nicotinamide to tranquilize the animal.

  27. 叶可消炎, 温和镇静。

    Feverfew Its leaves can diminish the inflammation mildly.

  28. 假装镇静的样子冒充

    To affect the appearance or possession of feign.

  29. 叶可消炎,温和镇静。

    Feverfew Its leaves can diminish the inflammation mildly.

  30. 面对奉承,他保持镇静。

    He kept his head in the face of flattery.


  1. 问:镇静拼音怎么拼?镇静的读音是什么?镇静翻译成英文是什么?

    答:镇静的读音是zhènjìng,镇静翻译成英文是 calm

  2. 问:镇静剂拼音怎么拼?镇静剂的读音是什么?镇静剂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:镇静剂的读音是zhènjìngjì,镇静剂翻译成英文是 sedative

  3. 问:镇静地拼音怎么拼?镇静地的读音是什么?镇静地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:镇静地的读音是,镇静地翻译成英文是 undisturbedly

  4. 问:镇静型拼音怎么拼?镇静型的读音是什么?镇静型翻译成英文是什么?

    答:镇静型的读音是zhèn jìng xíng,镇静型翻译成英文是 quiet type

  5. 问:镇静的拼音怎么拼?镇静的的读音是什么?镇静的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:镇静的的读音是zhèn jìng de,镇静的翻译成英文是 palliative, sedative

  6. 问:镇静药拼音怎么拼?镇静药的读音是什么?镇静药翻译成英文是什么?

    答:镇静药的读音是zhèn jìng yào,镇静药翻译成英文是 sedative

  7. 问:镇静性浴拼音怎么拼?镇静性浴的读音是什么?镇静性浴翻译成英文是什么?

    答:镇静性浴的读音是zhèn jìng xìng yù,镇静性浴翻译成英文是 sedative bath

  8. 问:镇静药中毒拼音怎么拼?镇静药中毒的读音是什么?镇静药中毒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:镇静药中毒的读音是zhèn jìng yào zhòng dú,镇静药中毒翻译成英文是 sedative poisoning

  9. 问:镇静催眠药物拼音怎么拼?镇静催眠药物的读音是什么?镇静催眠药物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:镇静催眠药物的读音是zhèn jìng cuī mián yào wù,镇静催眠药物翻译成英文是 sedative-hypnotic chemical

  10. 问:镇静剂综合征拼音怎么拼?镇静剂综合征的读音是什么?镇静剂综合征翻译成英文是什么?

    答:镇静剂综合征的读音是zhèn jìng jì zōng hé zhēng,镇静剂综合征翻译成英文是 sedatives syndrome



镇静,平稳,冷静:保持镇静|镇静果敢。心情安定、平静。尽管人家挑衅,他仍保持镇静。出自《国语·晋语七》:“ 黶 也果敢, 无忌 镇静。” 韦昭注:“镇,重也;静,安也。”一本作“ 镇靖 ”。 唐 刘禹锡《荐处士王龟状》:“古者选公族大夫,必以惇惠者教之,文敏者道之,果敢者谂之,镇静者循之。” 清 魏源《默觚下·治篇十一》:“以持禄养骄为镇静,以深虑远计为狂愚。

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