


生存,有生命的,能生长,与“死”相对:~人。~体。~检。~物。救活,使人活:~人无数。在活的状态下:~埋。逼真地:~脱。~像。不固定,可移动,或处在进去状态的:~塞(sāi )。~扣。~页本。耳软心~(没主见)。生动,不呆板,机灵,有生气:……




1. 分 [fēn]2. 分 [fèn]分 [fēn]区划开:~开。划~。~野(划分的范围)。~界。~明。条~缕析。~解。由整体中取出或产生出一部分:~发。~忧。~心劳神。由机构内独立出的部分:~会。~行(háng )。散,离:~裂。~离。……


1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……



汉语拼音:huó yuè fèn zǐ







  1. The radio talk shows were pushing it hard, and moderates were beginning to hear from anti-Clinton activists in their home districts.

  2. Of course, shyness is nothing bad, because there are loads of hyperactive people, who always have to be in the centre of attention.

  3. Before that she had attracted rather little national attention beyond the rapt circles of the tea-party movement.

  4. Although no large protests have occurred, at least one activist was detained for being present at a suggested demonstration spot.

  5. Beijing's torch relay has been marred by scuffles and protests by pro-Tibet activists in London, Paris and San Francisco over the past week.

  6. Mary Ruwart a libertarian speaker, writer, activist and was a leading candidate for the 2008 Libertarian Party presidential nomination.

  7. Bersih, also known as The Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections, is a loose alliance of NGOs and activists (bersih means "clean" ).

  8. On JDOM (on which I was a co-creator and long-time activist), most of our major software changes were in response to user requests.

  9. Two activists got jobs here in the last decade and presented evidence of what they said were mistreated and unhealthy monkeys.


  1. 灵魂。首要人物。活跃分子

    The life and the soul

  2. 我是学生会的活跃分子。

    I was quite active in the student union.

  3. 一个政党的真正活跃分子

    A real doer in party politics.

  4. 这些活跃分子不想做局外人。

    These activists don't want to feel out of the loop.

  5. 噢,这个活跃分子会告诉我们的。

    Oh, the hustler will tell us.

  6. 嗯,人们都说我是个活跃分子。

    Uh, people always say I am very active.

  7. 是的。他在我们公司是个活跃分子。

    He's a live wire in our company.

  8. 社团活跃分子爱参加社团组织活动的人

    A person given to joining groups, organizations, or causes.

  9. 同性恋活跃分子在电影院外进行示威活动。

    Gay activists were demonstrating outside the cinema.

  10. 他一直是许多委员会和协会的活跃分子。

    He has been active on many committees and associations.

  11. 政府官员必须耐心倾听互联网活跃分子的控诉。

    Government suits had to listen patiently to the complaints of internet activists.

  12. 谭力勤早年是85美术新潮的活跃分子之一。

    He has served as the juror of the digital art gallery and as a curator of the SpaceTime animation competition at SIGGRAPH.

  13. 玛丽不管和哪些伙伴在一起, 总是个活跃分子。

    Mary is the life and soul of any company she is in.

  14. 但我觉得自己是一个关注国民健康的活跃分子

    I think of myself as a national health activist.

  15. 我不觉得自己是一个关注精神健康的活跃分子

    I don't think of myself as a mental health activist.

  16. 一个活跃分子,应该有一种平静的爱好,例如看书。

    An active person, should have a restful hobby, such as reading.

  17. 凯瑟琳泰勒喜欢称自己是一个女性活跃分子。

    Kathleen Taylor likes to say shes a joiner, a woman of the people.

  18. 巴勒斯坦人称,他们以这种方式杀害了19名活跃分子。

    According to Palestinians,19 activists had been killed in such a fashion.

  19. 保证你在相关的论坛或者是网络组是一名活跃分子。

    Ensure you are an active member of a relevant forum discussion or networking group.

  20. 温迪是这个部门的活跃分子,对其他人很有激发力。

    Wendy is the real live wire of the department who motivates all the others.

  21. 在这所学校里他是一位学生会领袖,也是政治活跃分子。

    There he was a student leader and a political activist.

  22. 上星期二被拘留的118个领袖和活跃分子已全部获释放。

    All 118 leaders and activists detained last Tuesday in Harare have been released.

  23. 她的兄弟和姐妹也都是政治活跃分子,也因此逃离伊朗。

    Her brother and sister were also politically active and had to flee from Iran.

  24. 他是共济会中非常活跃的分子。

    He was very active in Freemasonry.

  25. 每个音乐家都是交响乐中活跃的一个分子。

    Each musician is an active member of the symphony.

  26. 脂朊脂酶并不是唯一受肌肉不活跃影响的分子。

    Nor is lipoprotein lipase the only molecule affected by muscular inactivity.

  27. 那几位活跃的政治家成了恐怖分子的目标。

    The active statesmen have become a target for terrorists.


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    答:活跃分子的读音是,活跃分子翻译成英文是 activist




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