






对人或事有深挚的感情:喜~。~慕。~情。~戴。~抚。~怜。~恋。~莫能助(虽同情并愿意帮助,但力量做不到)。友~。挚~。仁~。厚~。热~。喜好(hào ):~好(hào)。~唱歌。容易:铁~生锈。重视而加以保护:~护。~惜。吝惜:“百姓皆以……





汉语拼音:lú tián ài cài



  1. 网络
  2. Mana Ashida;Best Hit

  1. 人人都爱意大利菜。

    Everybody likes Italian.

  2. 这是你最爱的菜 鉴于你这么段日子很不容易。

    Well, I know it's your favorite, and considering the rough few days you've had.

  3. 她最爱吃墨西哥菜。

    Henriettas favorite is Mexican food.

  4. 他最爱吃的菜是烤鸭。

    He favorite dish is roast duck.

  5. 烘苹果是他爱吃得菜。

    Baked apples are his favourite dish.

  6. 但是保证你会爱死下道菜。

    But I assure you, the next course is to die for.

  7. 我的天,我的未婚夫会爱死这些菜的

    Oh my god, my fiance is gonna be in heaven.

  8. 表示。例如炒鱿鱼是他最爱吃的菜。

    Stirfried squid is his favourite dish.

  9. 法国人最爱吃的菜是蜗牛和青蛙腿。

    France is the most favorite dish of snails and frog legs.

  10. 法国人最爱吃得菜是蜗牛和青蛙腿。

    France is the most favorite dish of snails and frog legs.

  11. 我妈就买来一些我爱吃的菜, 豆角最好。

    My mother would buy some of my favorite vegetables, beans the best.

  12. 最爱吃的菜是那小葱拌豆腐,一青二白清清白白做人不掺假。

    Most loves the vegetable which eats is that shallot mixes the bean curd, blue two white pure personhoods do not adulterate.

  13. 这个摊主很会做生意,对顾客热情且从不缺斤短两,所以大伙儿都爱买他的菜。

    That vendor knows how to do business. He is always warm to his customers and never gives short weight. That's why everybody buys from him.

  14. 第一道菜,人人都爱吃。

    The first dish pleases all.

  15. 杰克很好呀!你知道我超爱吃珍做的菜。是几点啊?

    Jack Great! You know I love Jans cooking. What time

  16. 我做的菜他每样都爱吃,要求明天再做。

    No matter what turns out like, he loves and asks me to make it again tomorrow.

  17. 爱咪会煮很好吃的菜。

    Amy can cook very delicious food.

  18. 菠菜豆腐是我最爱吃得一种菜。

    Spinach with bean curd is one of my favourite dishes.

  19. 烤小羊肉是他最喜爱吃的菜餐。

    Roast lamb is one of his favourite dishesmeals.

  20. 今晚桌上的菜全是忠和最爱吃的。

    Tonight is the food on the table and Zhong favorite.

  21. 她丈夫的病名就像他最爱吃的菜名一样。

    Her husband's disease was called the same thing as his favorite dish.

  22. 那还有粤菜和淮扬菜。多数南方人都爱吃。

    Then there is the Guangdong cuisine and the Jiangsu cuisine. Most southerners like them.

  23. 什么菜我都喜欢吃,但川菜绝对是我的最爱。

    I can eat every kind of food but I absolutely like Sichuan dishes best.

  24. 什么菜我都喜欢吃,但川菜绝对是我的最爱。

    I can eat every kind of food but I absolutely like Sichuan dishes best.

  25. 爱迪生在园子里种菜, 卖掉菜再买化学药品。

    Edison planted vegetables in his garden and sold them to buy chemicals.

  26. 和自己爱的人在一起,喝水吃腌菜我也高兴。

    I will be happy together with lover, even the life is drinking water and eating marinaded vegetables.

  27. 我爱吃海鲜,有什麽鱼类或带壳海鲜的主菜可建议?

    I love seafood, what fish or shellfish entree do you recommend ?

  28. 我们认为, 与这道菜搭配很好的是爱达荷州的马铃薯。

    is a fluffy baked Idaho potato with just a tad of sour cream or yoghurt.

  29. 甘薯排,糖渍番薯以及甘薯烤锅菜都是很多人的最爱。

    Sweet potato pie, candied yams and sweet potato casserole are all favorites for many people.

  30. 好吧, 好吧, 我来说。还记得那个我做的, 你非常爱吃的菜头吗?

    Monica Okay. Okay, I got one. Do you remember that vegetarian pate that I made that you loved so much


  1. 问:芦田爱菜拼音怎么拼?芦田爱菜的读音是什么?芦田爱菜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:芦田爱菜的读音是,芦田爱菜翻译成英文是 Mana Ashida



芦田爱菜(Ashida Mana),2004年6月23日出生于日本兵库县西宫市,日本儿童演员、歌手。 2007年,3岁的芦田爱森进入Jobby Kids演艺经纪公司。2009年出道,出演朝日放送的短篇电影《大冒险妈妈》。2010年,演出连续剧《Mother》而受到注目,并得到第65回日剧学院赏新人奖。2011年3月参与《再见我们的幼儿园》的演出,以六岁的年龄创下日本电视剧史上最年少主角纪录。2012年举办个人演唱会。2013年,首次出演好莱坞电影《环太平洋》,在影片中中饰演幼年麻子;同年参与拍摄电影《人生别气馁》,饰演年幼的柴田丰。 2014年1月,芦田爱菜主演的《明天,妈妈不在》在日本播出。3月,出席第六届冲绳国际电影节。

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