






1. 色 [sè]色 [sè]由物体发射、反射的光通过视觉而产生的印象:颜~。~彩。~相(xiàng )。~调(diào )。脸上表现出的神气、样子:脸~。气~。~厉内荏。情景,景象:行~匆匆。景~宜人。种类:各~用品。品质,质量:音~。成……



汉语拼音:dàn zǐ sè



  1. Mr. Drake spoke to The Wall Street Journal from his home in London about lilac socks, well-dressed men and his plans for the future.


  2. The first move is going to be what? You're going to move the blue one up in order to get the lavender one to the right.


  3. She jumps up from her desk, carefully replaces her chair, and runs down the lavender-hued hallway to the doctor's office.


  4. It was a brilliant fuchsia type color, but faded easily so our idea of the color mauve is not what the appearance of the original color was.


  5. The lavender barred muslin was beautiful with those wide insets of lace and net about the hem, but it had never suited her type.


  6. There were lilac rockets in the sky-a signal of tank alarm, but they did not have anti-tank guns and were defeated soon.


  7. Although the petals into a light purple, but germination in the next tender, and the smell of flowers the .


  8. Instead, Ginger looked at me, smiled and winked, then she picked up her big lavender purse and put the wrappers in it.


  9. is rather an attractive mauve color, as you can see if you look carefully at the original surface of these cut pieces.


  1. 淡紫色的闪烁

    Flash of mauve.

  2. 淡紫色的遮阳帽

    The Lilac Sunbonnet

  3. 她的裙子是淡紫色的。

    Her skirt is mauve.

  4. 这件淡紫色的如何?

    How about the light purple one?

  5. 这件淡紫色得如何?

    How about the light purple one ?

  6. 略带淡紫色的粉红。

    pink with an undertone of mauve

  7. 略带淡紫色得粉红。

    pink with an undertone of mauve.

  8. 淡紫色陶醉,高贵,一见倾心。

    Lavender Enchantment, Majesty, Love at First Sight.

  9. 外观产品为淡紫色粉末。

    Appearance In powder with lavender color.

  10. 杰西你觉得呢?淡紫色?

    Jess, what do you think Lavender

  11. 你穿淡紫色总是更好看。

    Lavender always becomes you.

  12. 花朵是珍珠般的淡紫色。

    The flowers are pearly mauve.

  13. 花朵是珍珠般得淡紫色。

    The flowers are pearly mauve.

  14. 腮是否呈淡紫色?氨中毒。

    Are the Gills lilac in color ?Ammonia poisoning!

  15. 紫色从淡紫色到灰红紫色

    A moderate purple to grayish reddish purple.

  16. 她有一件淡紫色的衣服。

    She has a new lilac dress.

  17. 淡紫色是我最喜欢的颜色。

    Lavender is my favorite color.

  18. 我买了一些淡紫色的信纸。

    I bought some lavender writing paper.

  19. 我们不知道淡紫色是什么雕。

    We have no idea what mauve is.

  20. 淡紫色的雪莲在帕米尔绽放。

    Mauve lilies boom on the Pamir.

  21. 我们压根不知道淡紫色是什么。

    We have no idea what mauve is.

  22. 衣服是淡蓝色得, 镶着淡紫色得珠子。

    It was gas blue with lavender beads.

  23. 衣服是淡蓝色的,镶着淡紫色的珠子。

    It was gas blue with lavender beads.

  24. 对浅的蓝色紫罗兰色淡紫色的花冠

    Corolla mauve to pale blueviolet.

  25. 天空中的淡紫色渐渐退却,冷气消散。

    Money's a good point, said Jack, and Ennis had to agree.

  26. 开粉色至淡紫色或蓝紫色花。

    having flowers of pink to mauve or violetblue.

  27. 你将淡紫色的空气吸入了体内。

    Breathe in air the colour of lavender.

  28. 紫色就是紫色,我们不知道什麽叫做淡紫色。

    We have no idea what mauve is.

  29. 淡紫色的丁香花的确在灿烂地怒放着!

    The lavenderlilacs were indeed in glorious bloom!

  30. 说明淡紫色固体粉末,易受潮,不溶于水。

    Description Pale violet powder, hydroscopic, insoluble in water.


  1. 问:淡紫色拼音怎么拼?淡紫色的读音是什么?淡紫色翻译成英文是什么?

    答:淡紫色的读音是,淡紫色翻译成英文是 lilac

  2. 问:淡紫色的拼音怎么拼?淡紫色的的读音是什么?淡紫色的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:淡紫色的的读音是,淡紫色的翻译成英文是 lilac

  3. 问:淡紫色彩貂拼音怎么拼?淡紫色彩貂的读音是什么?淡紫色彩貂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:淡紫色彩貂的读音是dànzǐsècǎidiāo,淡紫色彩貂翻译成英文是 lavender mink

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