




1. 红 [hóng]2. 红 [gōng]红 [hóng]像鲜血的颜色:~色。~叶。~灯。~尘。~包。~烧。~润。~艳艳。~口白牙。~绳系足(旧指男女前生注定的姻缘)。象征顺利或受人宠信:~人。~运。~角(jué)儿(受观众欢迎的演员)。……


1. 色 [sè]色 [sè]由物体发射、反射的光通过视觉而产生的印象:颜~。~彩。~相(xiàng )。~调(diào )。脸上表现出的神气、样子:脸~。气~。~厉内荏。情景,景象:行~匆匆。景~宜人。种类:各~用品。品质,质量:音~。成……



汉语拼音:zǐ hóng sè



  1. Good pork color was pink or red, unsafe pork is often dark red or purple color.


  2. Its symptoms are in the stool, coughing or crying, in the child's anus to see a purple nodules.


  3. It was a brilliant fuchsia type color, but faded easily so our idea of the color mauve is not what the appearance of the original color was.


  4. Arranged in little rows, the waving lavender seems to stripe the landscape, from baby blue to mature deep mauve. It is a heaven of bees.


  5. Around twenty years ago, the edition of it has changed to the purplish red used nowadays with the badge of royal family on the cover.


  6. The premium Fish Rock, Australian Merlot is a sweet style wine. It has an intense purple crimson hue with a blackcurrant fruit nose.


  7. I had wondered about buying the little girl one of the delectable mauve enamel and silver frames on display at Asprey.


  8. The total of the day in red indicates that employee has encoded more hours, numbers in mauve indicates less hours.


  9. The sky had become overcast , purplish , with little streaks of white .


  1. 青黑紫红色

    livid purple

  2. 土灰紫红色

    dusty mauve.

  3. 紫红色泥岩

    aubergine mudstone.

  4. 萼片红色或紫红色。

    Sepal red or amaranth.

  5. 紫红色天鹅绒短上衣

    a wine velvet jacket

  6. 好的, 紫红色很配我。

    Do that. I look good in aubergine.

  7. 好的,紫红色很配我。

    Do that. I look good in aubergine.

  8. 黑色, 稳固和闪亮紫红色

    Black, steady and brilliant robe with fuchsia hues.

  9. 瑞秋有一双紫红色的。

    Rachel has those in burgundy.

  10. 花紫红色者,为窄萼凤仙花。

    The purple red are a narrow sepal balsa mine.

  11. 西边的天空发出紫红色的光辉。

    The western sky glowed with purple and crimson.

  12. 紫红色深色紫红淡一点的颜色

    A moderate to dark or deep purplish red.

  13. 紫色,紫红色王室尊严,君权,公正。

    Purpure purple Royal majesty sovereignty and justice.

  14. 紫色,紫红色王室尊严,君权,公道。

    Purpure, purple Royal majesty, sovereignty and justice.

  15. 穿紫红色衣服成亲是种风俗。

    It is a custom to get married in a mauve dress.

  16. 穿紫红色衣服成亲是种风俗。

    It is a custom to get married in a mauve dress.

  17. 花小芳香, 紫色。紫红色或蓝色。

    Spend small scent, purple, amaranth or blue.

  18. 深紫红色中度到深度的紫色

    A moderate to dark purple.

  19. 网上能买到紫红色的眼镜吗

    Can be the glasses of amaranth bought on the net.

  20. 是一只深紫红色的高跟鞋

    It's a a Pump Burgundy.

  21. 樱桃色中等或深的红色至紫红色

    A moderate or strong red to purplish red.

  22. 我们并不知道紫红色到底是什么。

    We have no idea what mauve is.

  23. 她穿着一件紫红色的丝绒晚礼服。

    She wears a wine velvet evening dress.

  24. 咱们的伴侣们给了咱们一朵紫红色的花。

    Our friends gave us a purple flower.

  25. 我们得朋友们给了我们一朵紫红色得花。

    Our friends gave us a purple flower.

  26. 我们的朋友们给了我们一朵紫红色的花。

    Our friends gave us a purple flower.

  27. 来自紫胶或胭脂虫的紫红色色素。

    a purplish red pigment prepared from lac or cochineal.

  28. 特征深紫红色泛着绯红的光晕。

    Sensorycharacteristics Very deep crimson mauve purple colour with deep mauve hue.

  29. 图示细胞核内可见紫红色的包含体。

    Note the mauve to pink intranuclear inclusions.

  30. 滋养体包核为紫红色,胞质为蓝色。

    The nucleus and cytoplasm of trophozoite was amaranth and blue, respectively.


  1. 问:紫红色拼音怎么拼?紫红色的读音是什么?紫红色翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紫红色的读音是zǐ hóng sè,紫红色翻译成英文是 prunosus, prunus

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