


1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……


1. 朝 [zhāo]2. 朝 [cháo]朝 [zhāo]早晨:~阳。~晖。~暮。~霞。~气。~思暮想。~令夕改。~秦暮楚(喻反复无常)。日,天:今~。明~。朝 [cháo]向着,对着:~向。~前。~阳。坐北~南。封建时代臣见君;亦指宗教……



汉语拼音:shàng cháo








  1. Moments later it reappeared and taxied up to the cruise ship, no doubt letting off a new group of guests for an Alaskan adventure.


  2. The neighbors peered around the doorway, and a line of little boys clambered on the window bars and looked through.


  3. He began to think it was to be, and that he could not prevent it - a very promising step of the mind on its way to resignation.


  4. By 2 am, the wind kicked up and started pelting us from the side, blowing cold mountain air across us, not to mention some precipitation.


  5. About 60ft away a furry brown face was peering up from a pile of rubbish that was piled by an empty house. The face belonged to a bear.


  6. Lonnie listened to the grunting of the pigs as they walked up the driveway towards the big house.


  7. The way the tool works is the best example yet of how Facebook is moving in exactly the wrong direction with its new privacy settings.


  8. Jack decided to go skiing with his buddy, Bob. So they loaded up Jack's minivan and headed north.


  9. Even the cautious step towards a more moderate stance in the South China Sea dispute is triggering a backlash at home.


  1. 也再也没有被传唤上朝!

    And I have never been summoned again!

  2. 古代官员上朝都要穿朝靴。

    In ancient times, all courtiers had to wear special boots to enter the court.

  3. 古代官员上朝都要穿朝靴。

    In ancient times, all courtiers had to wear special boots to enter the court.

  4. 想去阳台上朝别人扔东西吗?

    Wanna go throw stuff at people off the balcony?

  5. 这里是大臣们每天上朝的必经之路。

    Officials must pass this way to go to court every day.

  6. 你从嘹望台上朝对面的坑道洞口望去。

    From the observation platform you looked across the mouth of the excavation.

  7. 古代大臣上朝时手里都会拿着一个玉圭。

    In ancient times, all officials would hold a jade tablet in their hands when going to court.

  8. 古代大臣上朝时手里都会拿着一个玉圭。

    In ancient times, all officials would hold a jade tablet in their hands when going to court.

  9. 航程船在其航线上朝正东或正西方航行的距离

    the distance sailed due east or west by a ship on its course

  10. 收盘价收盘价是竹线图上朝右的小短横线。

    The Close The closing price is a bar chart by a tick pointing to the right.

  11. 收盘价收盘价是竹线图上朝右得小短横线。

    The Close The closing price is a bar chart by a tick pointing to the right.

  12. 当他们在车道上朝大房子走时, 朗尼听着猪的哼声。

    Lonnie listened to the grunting of the pigs as they walked up the driveway towards the big house.

  13. 宝座后面两侧各有一面大扇,上朝时由宫女擎举着。

    There are two fans behind the throne, one on each side. When the court was held, those two fans were held by the court ladies.


  1. 问:上朝拼音怎么拼?上朝的读音是什么?上朝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:上朝的读音是shàngcháo,上朝翻译成英文是 To go to court; to hold court.



1. 臣子到朝廷觐见君王,奏事议政。 《梁书·武帝纪下》:“﹝ 大同 六年﹞八月戊午,赦天下。辛未,诏曰:‘经国有体,必询诸朝,所以尚书置令、仆、丞、郎,旦旦上朝,以议时事,前共筹怀,然后奏闻。’”《三侠五义》第四七回:“打发他等去后,办下谢恩摺子,预备明日上朝呈递。” 吴晗 《朱元璋传》第七章第二节:“朝官按制度每天黎明就得上朝,天不亮起身梳洗穿戴。” 2. 君王到朝廷上处理政务。 吴晗 《朱元璋传》第四章第四节:“ 唐 、 宋 以来,皇帝上朝照例用女乐。”

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