


1. 脚 [jiǎo]脚 [jiǎo]人和某些动物身体最下部接触地面的部分:~心。~掌。~背。~跟。~步。~印。~法(指踢球、踢毽等的技巧)。~镣。~踏实地(形容做事实事求是,不浮夸)。最下部:~注。山~。墙~。剩下的废料,渣滓:下~料。〔……


衬在底下或铺在上面:~高。~平。~背。~脚石(喻被人用来往上爬)。用来衬、铺的东西:~子。~褥。替人暂付款项:~款。~付。~支。陷沉,淹没:~没(mò ㄇㄛˋ)。~陷。填补空缺:~补。……



汉语拼音:jiǎo diàn









  1. A flat piece of coarse fabric or other material used for wiping one's shoes or feet, or in various other forms as a floor covering.


  2. The company's flagship product for the sun block and the steering wheel cover, car cushion, the Ottomans , and other products.


  3. Balance yourself on a corner of the ottoman and rub your clit on the corner and periodically lift your hands and my feet off the ground.


  4. Viewed from the front, the front legs function from the shoulder joint to the pad in a straight line.


  5. The rear feet are not as large or as round as on the front feet but compact, with thick pads and are of substantial size.


  6. "Let me only just find a door-mat, " says you to yourself, "and my theory is proved! "


  7. The company has blamed problems with the accelerator pedal and badly positioned floor mats.


  8. After some further toil his efforts were rewarded, and a very shabby door-mat lay exposed to view.


  9. People will feel only a slight movement at most, like stepping on an entrance mat, he says.


  1. 海洋之星脚垫

    Sea star car floor mat

  2. 装坯用三脚垫

    wedge stilt

  3. 脚垫厚实并且坚实。

    The pads are tough and thickly cushioned.

  4. 脚垫厚实, 发达而结实。

    The pads are thick, well developed and strong.

  5. 脚垫结实, 足爪圆拱。

    Pads strong and feet arched.

  6. 脚垫结实,足爪圆拱。

    Pads strong and feet arched.

  7. 脚垫上有泥土和血迹。

    Soil and blood on the carpet.

  8. 给脚垫和小地毯吸尘。

    Vacuum rug pads and the backs of area rugs.

  9. 脚掌紧而圆, 脚垫为黑色。

    Paws are tight and round with black pads.

  10. 双脚平放在地板或者脚垫上。

    Feet flat on the floor or footrest.

  11. 这只狗的脚垫上有一根刺。

    The dog had a thorn in its pad.

  12. 脚垫和趾甲为黑色或暗蓝灰色。

    The pads and nails are black or slate gray.

  13. 有时, 此病毒还会引起脚垫发硬。

    Occasionally, the virus may cause footpads to harden.

  14. 红色的皮质脚垫, 梳妆台是40年代的风格。

    Gules coriaceous foot is filled up, dresser is the style of 40 time.

  15. 现欲专营脚垫批发,面向胶东半岛。

    For now the franchise Ottomans wholesale, and the Jiaodong Peninsula.

  16. 我们在蹭脚垫上蹭了一下我们的脏脚。

    We wiped our muddy feet on the doormat.

  17. 我们在蹭脚垫上蹭了一下我们得脏脚。

    We wiped our muddy feet on the doormat.

  18. 脚垫厚实而有弹性,趾甲坚硬而且颜色深。

    Pads are thick and springy while nails are strong and dark colored.

  19. 如脚垫、坐垫、方向盘套、水晶香水等。

    Such as the Ottomans, cushion, steering wheel cover, crystal perfume, and so on.

  20. 跪垫, 踏脚垫用来踏脚或跪着的厚垫子

    A thick cushion used as a footstool or for kneeling.

  21. 脚垫发达、紧密且有弹性,覆盖着结实的组织。

    The pads are well developed, compact and elastic, covered with strong tissue.

  22. 她的鞋和我的鞋总是并排放在家门口的脚垫上。

    Her shoe and my shoe always is put on the crural mat of door mouth side by side.

  23. 离去时,后腿间保持中等距离,可以看见脚垫。

    Moving away the hindquarters travel with moderate width between and the foot pads can be seen.

  24. 主营汽车头枕抱枕,香水,座垫,脚垫的批发业务。

    Principali testa cushion auto, profumi, la sede, il pad in piedi il business wholesale.

  25. 从臀部到飞节长而强壮有力,飞节到脚垫短而结实。

    From hip to hock long and sinewy, hock to pad short and strong.

  26. 上海花木雨水泵站沉井刃脚垫层施工经验

    Experience in Construction of Caisson Cutting Edge Bedding in Huamu Drainage Pumping Station in Shanghai

  27. 狼爪一般都被切除, 脚垫和指甲呈黑色且紧凑。

    Dewclaws generally removed. Feet small, round, and compact with black pads and nails.

  28. 足爪小,紧凑且圆,脚垫厚实,黑色的指甲非常结实。

    Feet small and compact, round with thick pads and strong black nails.

  29. 该公司指责加速问题是由于油门踏板和脚垫位置不当。

    The company has blamed problems with the accelerator pedal and badly positioned floor mats.

  30. 在犬保持自然站姿时, 脚垫既不外翻, 也不内侧。

    The paws neither turn in nor out when the dog is in natural stance.


  1. 问:脚垫拼音怎么拼?脚垫的读音是什么?脚垫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脚垫的读音是jiǎodiàn,脚垫翻译成英文是 mat; plantar callus



“脚垫”是个多义词,它可以指脚垫(健康), 脚垫(汽车脚垫)。

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