


衬在底下或铺在上面:~高。~平。~背。~脚石(喻被人用来往上爬)。用来衬、铺的东西:~子。~褥。替人暂付款项:~款。~付。~支。陷沉,淹没:~没(mò ㄇㄛˋ)。~陷。填补空缺:~补。……





汉语拼音:diàn liào







  1. 见“ 垫脚 ”。



  1. Have prohibited packaging materials or bamboo products been used as packaging or dunnage in the consignment covered by this document?

  2. Underlay The packing placed under a letterpress block so as to bring its height up to impression level. See Interlay. Overlay.

  3. A packsaddle made of a stuffed leather pad.

  4. To remove the compost, you can push it all to one side of the bin. Place new bedding and food on the other side.

  5. This paper overview the toxicity of the bedding materials, extraction, and the bedding influences on laboratory animal growth and breeding.

  6. Litter will dry better if it is stirred frequently with rake or garden tiller .

  7. Loose packing material used to protect a ship's cargo from damage during transport.

  8. Kim Gabel uses newspaper cut into strips about two and a half centimeters wide.

  9. Within a few weeks the worms will move to the new bedding.


  1. 螺旋形垫料

    packing spiral.

  2. 垫料取出器

    packing drawer.

  3. 闸缸金属垫料

    press disc

  4. 给加厚垫料

    To upholsterdeeply and thickly.

  5. 管接头处垫料

    pipe joint composition.

  6. 一次性使用床上垫料

    disposable underpad

  7. 把蚯蚓散布到垫料上。

    Spread the worms over the bedding.

  8. 实验动物垫料质量的评估

    Criteria for Evaluation of Laboratory Animal Bedding

  9. 驮鞍内塞皮革垫料的驮鞍。

    A packsaddle made of a stuffed leather pad.

  10. 对照组用锯屑做垫料。

    The sawdust was used as the substrate in control group.

  11. 处理组以蚯蚓粪为垫料。

    And the wormcast was used in the experiment group.

  12. 柔性石墨垫料应用的探讨

    A Study on the Application of Soft Graphite Packing

  13. 温室苗床垫料切碎用的铡料台

    cutting bench

  14. 啮齿类实验动物的垫料和笼具

    Bedding Materials and Caging for Laboratory Rodents

  15. 非金属垫料抗拉试验的测试方法

    Standard test methods for tension testing of nonmetallic gasket materials

  16. 硅胶猫砂, 即用硅胶做宠物垫料。

    Silica gel cat litter is to use the silica gel as the padding material.

  17. 白杨刨花作为实验动物垫料的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Poplar Shavings as Bedding for Laboratory Animal

  18. 在背心正面有保护垫料有三个口袋。

    The vest as a protective padded front panel with three pockets.

  19. 说明垫料对各种厩养马匹的重要性

    Know why beds are important for stabled horses

  20. 垫料, 衬料用来做垫或衬的一种柔软的材料

    A soft material used to make pads or a pad.

  21. 用垫料填塞装饰性地加以衬垫和缝制

    To pad and stitch ornamentally.

  22. 加水量将取决于你所使用的垫料。

    The amount of water you add will depend on the bedding material you use.

  23. 泡桐刨花用作实验小鼠垫料的研究

    Study of Paulownia Shavings as Bedding for Laboratory Animals.

  24. 软木合成垫料粘合耐久性的测试方法

    Standard Test Method for Binder Durability of Cork Composition Gasket Materials

  25. 我国实验动物垫料的质量评价研究概述

    Overview for evaluation of laboratory animal bedding quality in China

  26. 几周之内, 蚯蚓就会移动到新垫料中。

    Within a few weeks the worms will move to the new bedding.

  27. 每半平方米垫料添加2把土并将其拌匀。

    Add two handfuls of soil for every half square meter of bedding material and mix well.

  28. 蚯蚓堆肥的垫料要保持湿润, 但不能太湿。

    For composting with worms, you need bedding that is moist but not too wet.

  29. 认为杨木和玉米芯是比较理想的木材垫料原料。

    In fact, the white poplar and corncob are ideal bedding materials.

  30. 两小时后, 将仍然停留在垫料表面的蚯蚓拿走。

    Remove any worms that remain on top of the bedding after two hours.


  1. 问:垫料拼音怎么拼?垫料的读音是什么?垫料翻译成英文是什么?

    答:垫料的读音是diàn liào,垫料翻译成英文是 bedding

  2. 问:垫料费拼音怎么拼?垫料费的读音是什么?垫料费翻译成英文是什么?

    答:垫料费的读音是diàn liào fèi,垫料费翻译成英文是 dunnage charges

  3. 问:垫料找平基床拼音怎么拼?垫料找平基床的读音是什么?垫料找平基床翻译成英文是什么?

    答:垫料找平基床的读音是diàn liào zhǎo píng jī chuáng,垫料找平基床翻译成英文是 equalizing bed



发酵床主要由有机垫料组成,垫料主要成分是稻壳,锯末,树皮木屑碎片,豆腐渣,酒糟,粉碎秸秆,干生牛粪等,占 90% ,其他 10% 是土和少量的粗盐。把菌液和上面的垫料均匀的混合发酵一段时间。猪舍填垫总厚度约30 厘米左右。在使用过程中观察猪舍的卫生状况,可以不断的补充垫料,土的用量为总材料的 10% 左右,要求是没有用过化肥农药的干净泥土;盐用量为总材料的 0.3% ;益生菌菌液每吨填料用2-5公斤。 基本上每平米的用量。 将菌液、稻壳、锯末等按一定比例混合,使总含水量达到 60% ( 注意:干材料也已经含水超过 10%) ,保证有益菌大量繁殖。用手紧握材料,手指缝隙湿润,但不至于滴水。加入少量酒糟、稻壳焦炭等发酵也很理想。 材料准备好后,在猪进圈之前要预先发酵,使材料的温度达 50 度,以杀死病原菌。而 50 度的高温不会伤害而且有利于乳酸菌,酵母菌,光合作用细菌等益生菌的繁殖。猪进圈前要把床面材料搅翻以便使其散热。材料不同,发酵温度不一样。

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