


1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……


1. 风 [fēng]2. 风 [fěng]风 [fēng]空气流动的现象。气象学特指空气在水平方向的流动:~向。~速。~级。~险。~波(喻纠纷或乱子)。~雨如磐(a.指风雨不断,天色黑暗,给人以重压的感觉;b.喻社会黑暗或境地艰难)。~花……



汉语拼音:shàng fēng









  1. 指风刮来的那个方向。

    《庄子·天运》:“虫,雄鸣於上风,雌应於下风而风化。” 宋 文天祥 《渔舟》诗序:“忽有十八舟,上风冉冉而来。” 清 魏源 《圣武记》卷十四:“ 吴 越 之战,敌得风势, 傅瓘 引舟佯避,俟敌过而回舟扬灰以败之,此易下风为上风者也。” 午星 《一个红军女游击战士》:“ 肖大嫂 接连搬了好几捆柴草,堆到碉堡门口,又在上风方向,摆了一摊辣椒和树柴。”

  2. 比喻优势或有利的地位。

    《西游记》第四二回:“ 行者 道:‘兄弟,虽不曾救得师父, 老孙 却得个上风来了。’” 鲁迅 《且介亭杂文·说“面子”》:“他既然没有面子,自然就是 中国 有了面子,也就是占了上风了。” 巴金 《谈我的短篇小说》:“国内反动势力占上风,一片乌烟瘴气。”



  1. Sure, I might have gotten up enough 'will power' to defeat it once in a while, but my sweet tooth was always the victor in the end.

  2. Anakin continued to hold his own alone, urged to the offensive by Palpatine's goading.

  3. Politicians give maybe the prime example of the battle between the comparative merits of imagination versus that of experience.

  4. It would be a fine consummation to take the upper hand, and drive him like a herd of sheep.

  5. 'The will of the people will prevail in the end, ' this person said. 'But the question is how much blood must be shed in the process. '

  6. He smelled the tar and oakum of the deck as he slept and he smelled the smell of Africa that the land breeze brought at morning.

  7. He knew that if the subject had been one on which Humphrey held strong views they would have prevailed.

  8. But in the end ambition was the better master, and he agreed to go with me one evening to Victor's elegant flat in St. James's Place.

  9. All this raises the question of who has the upper hand on Wall Street now.


  1. 占上风, 占优势

    have the upper hand

  2. 哪一方占上风?

    Which side gained the upper hand ?

  3. 驶舵向上风

    put up the helm

  4. 我们占了上风。

    We got the upper hand.

  5. 屋顶上风声飒飒。

    The wind was whispering in the roof.

  6. 上风井口扇风机

    upcast fan

  7. 我已占了上风。

    I've got the upper hand.

  8. 政府开始占上风了。

    The government was beginning to get the upper hand.

  9. 原野上风又太大。

    The fields are too windy.

  10. 我们占上风比较妥当。

    Its better for us to gain the upper hand.

  11. 幸而理智占了上风。

    Fortunately, common sense prevailed.

  12. 冲动似乎占了上风。

    Impulse seems to have the upper hand.

  13. 把船头转朝上风

    claw away

  14. 通过岬角的上风侧

    to weather

  15. 转而占了某人的上风

    to turn the tables on somebody

  16. 看来他已经占了上风。

    He seems to have cornered the market.

  17. 我认为我已经占了上风。

    I think I have got the better end of the staff.

  18. 我队下半场占了上风。

    Our team gained the upper hand in the second half of the game.

  19. 极端分子正逐渐占据上风。

    The extremists are gaining ascendancy.

  20. 我的好奇心占了上风。

    My curiosity got the better of me.

  21. 我的好奇心占了上风。

    My curiosity got the better of me.

  22. 我的好奇心占了上风。

    My curiosity got the better of me.

  23. 我得好奇心占了上风。

    My curiosity got the better of me .

  24. 即使他不是,还是我们占上风

    Even if he's not, we still have the upper hand.

  25. 美国在火力上也占据上风。

    The US also had superior firepower.

  26. 这个工厂在镇子的上风向。

    The factory is upwind from the town.

  27. 接着赌徒的冲动占了上风。

    And the gambler's instincts took over.

  28. 接着赌徒得冲动占了上风。

    And the gambler's instincts took over.

  29. 他知道自己现在占了上风。

    He was aware of having an advantage now.

  30. 他认为理性终究占了上风。

    He believed that rationality had triumphed.


  1. 问:上风拼音怎么拼?上风的读音是什么?上风翻译成英文是什么?

    答:上风的读音是shàngfēng,上风翻译成英文是 windward; advantage

  2. 问:上风口拼音怎么拼?上风口的读音是什么?上风口翻译成英文是什么?

    答:上风口的读音是,上风口翻译成英文是 uptake

  3. 问:上风的拼音怎么拼?上风的的读音是什么?上风的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:上风的的读音是shàng fēng de,上风的翻译成英文是 windward

  4. 问:上风船拼音怎么拼?上风船的读音是什么?上风船翻译成英文是什么?

    答:上风船的读音是shàng fēng chuán,上风船翻译成英文是 windward yacht

  5. 问:上风位置拼音怎么拼?上风位置的读音是什么?上风位置翻译成英文是什么?

    答:上风位置的读音是shàng fēng wèi zhì,上风位置翻译成英文是 Weather Gage

  6. 问:上风道式通风机拼音怎么拼?上风道式通风机的读音是什么?上风道式通风机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:上风道式通风机的读音是shàng fēng dào shì tōng fēng jī,上风道式通风机翻译成英文是 updraft ventilator




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