


1. 占 [zhān]2. 占 [zhàn]占 [zhān]迷信的人用铜钱或牙牌等判断吉凶:~卜。~卦。姓。占 [zhàn]据有,用强力取得:~据。霸~。强~。处于某种地位或情势:~理。~优势。口说,口授。估计上报:令民得以律~租。……


1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……


1. 风 [fēng]2. 风 [fěng]风 [fēng]空气流动的现象。气象学特指空气在水平方向的流动:~向。~速。~级。~险。~波(喻纠纷或乱子)。~雨如磐(a.指风雨不断,天色黑暗,给人以重压的感觉;b.喻社会黑暗或境地艰难)。~花……



汉语拼音:zhàn shàng fēng






  1. 谓占据有利地位;处于优势。

    巴金 《灭亡》第十二章:“虽然宣传部办事的人除他而外,还有两个委员,但大部分的事都要他做,而且他如果不负责,另一派人底意见就会占上风而被采纳了。”



  1. He knew that if the subject had been one on which Humphrey held strong views they would have prevailed.


  2. Politicians give maybe the prime example of the battle between the comparative merits of imagination versus that of experience.


  3. 'The will of the people will prevail in the end, ' this person said. 'But the question is how much blood must be shed in the process. '


  4. On the contrary, your company is running smoothly with its ambition and getting the advantage with a strong momentum.


  5. Moreover the current Fed chairman's comparatively benign view of the economic outlook seems to be in the ascendant.


  6. But those who are early to bed and early to rise do not always have the upper hand, researchers say.


  7. For the moment, however, underground bookies seem to have the upper hand.


  8. Even if President Ford had chosen Senator Baker to run with him, the chances of the Republicans capturing the South would have been slim.


  9. We've always been competitive, and he has always tried to get the better of me no matter what we did.


  1. 占上风, 占优势

    have the upper hand

  2. 哪一方占上风?

    Which side gained the upper hand ?

  3. 政府开始占上风了。

    The government was beginning to get the upper hand.

  4. 我们占上风比较妥当。

    Its better for us to gain the upper hand.

  5. 即使他不是,还是我们占上风

    Even if he's not, we still have the upper hand.

  6. 所以我是谈判占上风的一方。

    I'd say I'm in a very good position to negotiate.

  7. 然而这并非始终是占上风的观点。

    This was not always the prevailing view.

  8. 占上风的候选人名义上被为总统。

    The dominant candidate is nominally nominated for president.

  9. 你就要娶我了,你不会占上风的。

    Now that you're marrying me, you don't get to win anymore.

  10. 在竞选期间比民建联对手占上风

    Having the upper hand over his DAB rival during the campaign

  11. 她事事都想占上风, 以致家庭出事端。

    Her desire to dominate has caused trouble in her family.

  12. 美德本应占上风, 然而其影响却锐减。

    Virtue, which should have been triumphant, had taken a bad tumble.

  13. 他开始厌恶占上风,厌恶不受羁绊的自由。

    He began to have a new horror of winning, of the victories of untrammeled autonomy.

  14. 而办法就是不让你的竞争对手占上风!

    The idea is not to let a competitor get you!

  15. 她事事都想占上风, 以致家庭出了事端。

    Her desire to dominate over others has caused trouble in her family.

  16. 一旦过度兴奋占上风, 交易者的麻烦就大了。

    However, the moment euphoria takes hold, the trader is in deep trouble.

  17. 这不是一个强烈情感和价值观占上风的世界。

    It's not a place where strong sentiments and values prevail.

  18. 在争论中你占上风的时候越多,你失去的朋友也越多。

    The more arguments you win, the more friends you lose.

  19. 这是一个常识、妥协与合作应当占上风的时刻。

    This is a time when common sense, compromise and partnership should prevail.

  20. 我们需要有一种我们所笃信的价值终将占上风的远见。

    We need a vision true to our deepest values to prevail.

  21. 我们都渴望一个和平,安全和正义占上风的世界。

    We all yearn for a world in which peace, security and justice prevail.

  22. 在此之前, 常识已占上风的时候, 我们只有猜测和传闻。

    Until then, common sense has to prevail when all we have is conjecture and hearsay.

  23. 这将营造一种和平与安全将占上风的有利的国际环境。

    That will engender a favourable international environment, where world peace and security will prevail.

  24. 据称,无论两个组成要素中哪一个会占上风都是迟早的事。

    Purportedly, either of the two constituent elements should prevail sooner or later.

  25. 不应再让搅局者占上风, 降低中东实现稳定与和平的可能性。

    Spoilers should not get the upper hand again, and diminish the chance of stability and peace in the Middle East.

  26. 我们占了上风。

    We got the upper hand.

  27. 我已占了上风。

    I've got the upper hand.

  28. 幸而理智占了上风。

    Fortunately, common sense prevailed.

  29. 冲动似乎占了上风。

    Impulse seems to have the upper hand.

  30. 看来他已经占了上风。

    He seems to have cornered the market.


  1. 问:占上风拼音怎么拼?占上风的读音是什么?占上风翻译成英文是什么?

    答:占上风的读音是zhànshàngfēng,占上风翻译成英文是 better; to have the weather gauge of



zhàn shàng fēng ㄓㄢˋ ㄕㄤˋ ㄈㄥ 占上风 谓占据有利地位;处于优势。 巴金 《灭亡》第十二章:“虽然宣传部办事的人除他而外,还有两个委员,但大部分的事都要他做,而且他如果不负责,另一派人底意见就会占上风而被采纳了。”

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