









汉语拼音:cā bō lí



  1. At this point, the fate of God on this joke for us, and she also reached out to give me a Cabo.


  2. On the game : Will the city do not rats, owls there to wipe the windshield, take only part-time.


  3. The utility model can be widely used in any place where mankind society needs to clean glass.


  4. Microfiber brush is widely used in cleaning car, glass and household appliances.


  5. Some cleaned the windows, some swept the floor, and others cleaned the wall inside.


  6. It was a summer school, I and good friend Choi moon in the classroom Cabo.


  7. Every year at Chinese New Year, people have to do many things. Clean the house, wash clothes, clean the windows.


  8. Let me clean the windows. I can do windows very quickly.


  9. Our cleaning equipment: vacuum cleaner, polishing machine, belts, ladders, and occasional, glass and other special tools.


  1. 擦擦玻璃杯

    to wipe at the glasses.

  2. 登在窗台儿上擦玻璃

    step onto the sill to clean the window

  3. 这小女孩正在用布擦玻璃杯。

    The girl is rubbing the glasses with a cloth.

  4. 那一定是擦玻璃的工作人员打破的。

    It must have been our staff responsible for cleaning the window who broke it.

  5. 那一定是擦玻璃得工作人员打破得。

    It must have been our staff responsible for cleaning the window who broke it.

  6. 但是如果有个钟点工来擦玻璃就好多了。

    But if we had a maid to clean the windows, it would be much better.

  7. 我们之中三人扫地拖地板,其余的人擦玻璃。

    Three of us sweep and mop the floor and the remainder clean the window.

  8. 操那些擦玻璃得, 把我干净得风挡玻璃给弄脏。

    Fuck the squeegee men dirtying up the clean windshield of my car.

  9. 操那些擦玻璃的,把我干净的风挡玻璃给弄脏。

    Fuck the squeegee men dirtying up the clean windshield of my car.

  10. 学生们都在做扫除。一些在扫地,还有一些在擦玻璃。

    All the students are doing some cleaning. Some are sweeping the floor, are cleaning the windows.

  11. 一些同学擦玻璃, 另外一些扫除地板。我们有说有笑的。

    Some of us cleaned the windows and others swept the floor and talking.

  12. 它可广泛用于人类社会需要擦玻璃的任何场所。

    The utility model can be widely used in any place where mankind society needs to clean glass.

  13. 其中那些能够擦玻璃、看家和扫地的机器人开始畅销。

    Sales are taking off for robots that wash windows, scan for intruders and sweep the floor.

  14. 先用湿海绵擦一下玻璃,然后用一块干布擦干净。

    Sponge the glass, then clean with a dry cloth.

  15. 他跳出来,从工具箱里抓了一块抹布开始擦挡风玻璃。

    He jumped out, grabbed a rag from the rag bin and started cleaning the windshield.

  16. 她走到窗前坐下, 擦着玻璃上布满的水汽, 一脸的焦虑。

    She went and stood at the window with a greatly disturbed look on her face.

  17. 你擦挡风玻璃的时候, 可否也帮我检查一下水箱, 机油和轮胎?

    While you're at it, you check the water, oil, and tires, too?

  18. 请擦一下挡风玻璃。

    Please wipe the windshield.

  19. 帮忙擦一下挡风玻璃吧。

    Could you clean the windshield?

  20. 擦净窗户玻璃并给百叶窗除尘。

    Clean windows and dust blinds.

  21. 一颗小石子擦过挡风玻璃

    A pebble glanced off the windshield.

  22. 请你擦一下挡风玻璃和车窗好吗?

    Would you clean the windscreen and the windows, please?

  23. 答把透视玻璃澈底擦净。

    A perspective on the glass should be carefully cleaned.

  24. 我听见一片玻璃掉到地板上擦碎的声音。

    I heard a pane of glass crash one to the floor.

  25. 用玻璃杯前,把水雾擦净。

    Clear the mist off that glass before you use it.

  26. 把玻璃窗弄湿, 然後擦擦乾净

    Wet the window and then give them a good clean

  27. 把玻璃窗弄湿, 然后擦擦乾净。

    Wet the windows and then give them a good clean.

  28. 在擦玻璃窗之前,把揩布弄湿。

    Damp the cloth before you clean the windows.

  29. 黄色的烟在窗玻璃上擦着它的嘴。

    The yellow smoke that rubs its muzzle on the windowpanes.

  30. 她把玻璃上的水渍用海绵擦掉了。

    She sponged the water stains off the table.




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