




1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……



汉语拼音:ān shàng






安上 [ān shàng]
  1. 安居上位。

    《易·萃》:“《象》曰:‘賫咨涕洟。’未安上也。” 孔颖达 疏:“未安上者,未敢安居其上所乘也。”《孝经·广要道》:“安上治民,莫善於礼。” 邢昺 疏:“欲身安於上、民治於下者,莫善於行礼以帅之。” 汉 焦赣 《易林·遯之观》:“安上宜官,一日九迁,升擢超等,牧养 常山 。”



  1. More importantly, if I did write such a rebuttal, I'd risk being called a hypocrite by my own children.


  2. Parents are demanding that the school put a gate at the entrance to the playground to protect the children from running into the road .


  3. Yes, you can fly like Superman or put wings on your back and fly the way you think you would fly if you had wings.


  4. See if the frame fits to the door , and if it does , then finish making it.


  5. Doctors gave her a plastic arm for upper-body balance and cosmetic purposes, but she rarely wears it.


  6. The energies around at the moment will definitely lift up your confidence and put you in a pretty happy frame of mind.


  7. Matt Roberts joining his teacher students in an English song at the final celebration party held in the small auditorium of An Shang School.


  8. Disassemble and disconnect the Ball Reversal Valve. Blow the valve clean with compressed air. Reassemble and reinstall the valve .


  9. OK, well can you let us have the number once the phone's connected and I'll make a note here to be advised. And the course?


  1. 窗户安上百叶挡板。

    The windows were shuttered.

  2. 房子被安上了大门。

    The house was gated.

  3. 你会给我安上翅膀。

    You'd put wings on me.

  4. 孔眼钻好了,炸药安上了。

    The hole is drilled, the charge is set up.

  5. 咱们这儿安上电视转播站了。

    A TV relay station has been set up here.

  6. 桌上有一块安上表链得表。

    There is a watch and chain on the table.

  7. 就像是箱子下安上了滑轮。

    It is like a box on wheels.

  8. 安上铰链插销,让门锁更牢靠。

    Fit hinge bolts to give extra support to the door lock.

  9. 漆干之后他们就安上新窗帘。

    When the paint was dry they put up the new curtains.

  10. 我们给门安上了一个新锁。

    We ft ed a new lock on the door.

  11. 不如你尽快给女孩安上起搏器

    Tell you what, you do the girl's pacemaker stat.

  12. 我用它来在电影里安上胡子。

    I use it toput on mustaches for the movies.

  13. 父亲给我的自行车安上了新的外胎。

    Father fitted a new tyre on my bike.

  14. 我们为什么不在门上安上个把手呢?

    Why do not we screw a handle on the door?

  15. 教堂大厅顶部安上了太阳能电池板。

    Solar panels are being installed on the top of the papal audience hall.

  16. 窗戶都安上了铁柵栏,以防止故意破坏。

    The windows are covered with grilles to deter vandals.

  17. 去年我被投诉后保险公司让我安上的。

    Insurance made me put it in last year after I got sued.

  18. 这个玩具一旦拆开,就很难再安上了。

    Once taken apart, the toy is hard to be pieced together.

  19. 湿婆只好找了一个新的头给他安上。

    Shiva had to give him a new head.

  20. 可以给床安上小脚轮,使它更便于推拉。

    Castors can be fitted to a bed to make it easier to pull or push.

  21. 终于,他决定在每只鞋底下,安上两个轮子。

    Finally, he decided to put two wheels under each shoe.

  22. 家家用上了电,户户安上了自来水,日子过得红红火火。

    On domestic family expenses report to go up tap water, the time passes prosperously.

  23. 人造牙冠做好后再去,牙医会把它安上。

    When the crown has been made you go back and the dentist will fit it into place.

  24. 因此我给你安上苛刻的名字,而夸示我的硬骨。

    That is why I gave you hard names and boast of myboast of my callous strength.

  25. 翼被严重裁减, 其机翼被去除, 机腹表面被安上雪橇。

    The Xwing was severely pared down, with its wings removed, and skis mounted on its ventral surface.

  26. 今天,俺老娘教俺才交往两周的对象怎么安上套套。

    Today, my mom taught my boyfriend of 2 weeks how to put on a condom.

  27. 因此我给你安上了苛刻的名字,而夸示我的硬骨。

    That is why I gave you hard names and boast of my callous strength.

  28. 爱心友谊工程经过三年的努力, 今天在安上村落成。

    After three years'hard work, today Project Peace is in An Shang Village.

  29. 她被送往医院,并被安上了一台呼吸机,以帮助呼吸。

    She was brought to a hospital and put on a respirator to help her breathe.

  30. 他很想从机器人身上卸下一只手来给自己安上。

    He wants to replace it with a hand from a robot.



安上,读音是ān shàng,是一个汉语词语,释义是指安居上位。

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