




1. 哈 [hā]2. 哈 [hǎ]3. 哈 [hà]哈 [hā]张口呼气:~欠。~一口气。象声词,形容笑声:~~大笑。打~~(开玩笑)。伛,弯:~腰(稍微弯腰)。哈 [hǎ]方言,斥责:~他一通。姓。哈 [hà]〔~什蚂〕蛙的一种,雌的腹……



汉语拼音:xī hā







嘻嘻哈哈 [xī xī hā hā]
  1. 形容嬉笑欢乐的样子。

    《儿女英雄传》第六回:“他便吮破窗櫺,望窗外一看,果见两个和尚嘻嘻哈哈醉眼模糊的走进院门。” 鲁迅 《且介亭杂文·阿金》:“但在 阿金 ,却似乎毫不受什么影响,因为她仍然嘻嘻哈哈。” 茅盾 《拟<浪花>》:“‘嗨嗨,小孩子做两套棉衣,一个八岁,一个六岁。’ 阿二 回答,还是一副嘻嘻哈哈的神气。”

  2. 嬉笑打闹。

    《水浒传》第一○四回:“那三个女眷,通是不老成的,搬些酒食与 王庆 、 段三娘 暖房,嘻嘻哈哈,又喝了一回酒,方才收拾歇息。”《官场现形记》第四九回:“有几个却不免有点放荡起来,同家人小厮嘻嘻哈哈。” 赵树理 《小二黑结婚》二:“村里的年轻人们觉着新媳妇太孤单,就慢慢自动的来跟新媳妇作伴,不几天就集合了一大群,每天嘻嘻哈哈,十分哄伙。”



  1. HIP-HOP music has few rules. singers just do what they think and rap it out in a clever or creative way.


  2. And I'd like everyone to look out for how I'm attempting to create more identity for Chinese hip-hop with this album and the previous one.


  3. The singer recorded an interesting mix of hip-hop and Chinese opera, creating a distinctive new sound ready to challenge listeners.


  4. There she goes again With fishnets on, and dreadlocks in her hair She broke my heart, I wanna be sedated All I wanted was to see her naked!


  5. I don't really like classifying music into genres lately. What's the point? Pop music is a bit of dance, rock and hip hop these days.


  6. Remarkably, it has been a style guide for pretty much every subsequent musical genre: punk, metal, emo, hip-hop, Britpop.


  7. hip-hop singers who will vent all the anger and discontent are the lyrics in the hip-hop music into a highly infectious and spread the art.


  8. What hip-hop can do is bring a little bit of awareness to those people who want to understand more.


  9. One teenage girl, curled in pain in her wheelchair, stood unaided to dance to a hip-hop song she had written.


  1. 采样器和嘻哈

    Before Samplers and Hip Hop

  2. 重摇滚,硬核,工业,嘻哈。

    Heavy rock, hardcore, techno, and hip hop beats.

  3. 嘻哈变成流行的主要潮流。

    It went mainstream in term of fashions.

  4. 我喜欢嘻哈之类的音乐。

    I love hip hop stuff.

  5. 你是嘻哈巨星,你还记得吗?

    You Are A Rap Star, You Still Remember Your Dream?

  6. 他的歌带有浓烈的嘻哈色彩。

    His songs have a strong hip hop flavor.

  7. 他的歌带有浓烈的嘻哈色彩。

    His songs have a strong hip hop flavor.

  8. 嘻哈音乐无疑影响了美国文化。

    Hip hop music has definitely affected American culture.

  9. 嘻哈音乐无疑影响了美国文化。

    Hip hop music has definitely affected American culture.

  10. 如果嘻哈该死那我们就一起死

    If hip hop should die we die together

  11. 嘻哈风格学院风格韩版风格朋克田园

    Bohemian OL Hippie Academic Han Version Style National

  12. 瞧瞧这话, 不嘻哈都被视为不合群。

    Look at this, not hiphop is considered a loner.

  13. 他们跟我解释你是跳嘻哈爵士

    They are explaining to me that you are doing hip hop jazz

  14. 许多青少年认为嘻哈风格是很酷的。

    A lot of teenagers think the hiphop style is phat.

  15. 许多青少年认为嘻哈风格是很酷得。

    A lot of teenagers think the hiphop style is phat.

  16. 他们的音乐是雷鬼和嘻哈风格的组合。

    Their music is a cross of reggae with hip hop.

  17. 你从来没有想到嘻哈能发展到这份上来

    You never thought that hip hop would take it this far

  18. 这个嘻哈组合决定脱离现在签约的唱片公司。

    The hip hop group decided to part ways with its record company.

  19. 此外还有国际嘻哈音乐, 不仅仅是美国得。

    Then there is the international hop scene, not just from the US.

  20. 此外还有国际嘻哈音乐,不仅仅是美国的。

    Then there is the international hop scene, not just from the US.

  21. 嘻哈的相册和录像对互联网是个巨大的冲击。

    Mashup albums and videos have been a huge hit on the internet.

  22. 嘻哈是我的热情!我爱摇滚,流行音乐跟霹雳舞!

    Hip hop is my passion!I love to pop and lock and jam and break!

  23. 谁是嘻哈文化中最优秀的说书人?Nas还是Biggie?

    Greatest storyteller in hip hop? Nas or Biggie?

  24. 戴金色或银色的帽子是嘻哈一族的流行趋势。

    Wearing gold or silver caps was a hot trend in hip-hop.

  25. 那么, 告诉你的朋友们这周的嘻哈公园会很精彩的!

    In fact tell your friends because this weeks xi ha gong yuan is real.

  26. 那么,告诉你得朋友们这周得嘻哈公园会很精彩得!

    In fact tell your friends because this weeks xi ha gong yuan is real.

  27. 接着, 这位舞蹈领袖问我要不要看一些嘻哈舞。

    Then the dance leader asks me if Id like to see some hiphop.

  28. 从下往上滚的反向波,增加了你的嘻哈舞步。

    Roll from the bottom up for a reverse wave that adds to your hip hop dance moves.

  29. 在嘻哈生活每个回帖底部都有一个翻译按钮。

    At the bottom of each comment on Xiha Life there's a Translate button.

  30. 现在, 从大众广播到电视广告, 嘻哈音乐似乎无所不在。

    It seems that hiphop music is ubiquitous these days, from popular radio to TV commercials.


  1. 问:嘻哈拼音怎么拼?嘻哈的读音是什么?嘻哈翻译成英文是什么?

    答:嘻哈的读音是,嘻哈翻译成英文是 Hip hop

  2. 问:嘻哈甜心拼音怎么拼?嘻哈甜心的读音是什么?嘻哈甜心翻译成英文是什么?

    答:嘻哈甜心的读音是Xīhā tiánxīn,嘻哈甜心翻译成英文是 Heartsdales, a Japanese pop artist

  3. 问:嘻哈音乐拼音怎么拼?嘻哈音乐的读音是什么?嘻哈音乐翻译成英文是什么?

    答:嘻哈音乐的读音是,嘻哈音乐翻译成英文是 Hip hop music

  4. 问:嘻哈斗牛梗拼音怎么拼?嘻哈斗牛梗的读音是什么?嘻哈斗牛梗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:嘻哈斗牛梗的读音是,嘻哈斗牛梗翻译成英文是 Pitbull

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