




1. 说 [shuō]2. 说 [shuì]3. 说 [yuè]说 [shuō]用话来表达意思:~话。~明。演~。解~。介绍:~合(a.从中介绍;b.商议;c.说和。“合”均读轻声)。~媒。言论,主张:学~。著书立~。责备:数~。文体的一种……



汉语拼音:zī shuō






  1. 谓借取某种说法。

    《韩非子·说难》:“有欲矜以智能,则为之举异事之同类者,多为之地,使之资説於我,而佯不知也以资其智。” 王先慎 集解引旧注曰:“令其取説於我。”



  1. Mexico's consul in Salt Lake City, Salvador Jimenez, said he spoke with Huntsman and urged him to continue the rescue effort.


  1. 他说他们之间不缺谈资。

    He said there was no lack of things for them to talk about.

  2. 我觉得那个募资会对他来说

    And I think the fundraiser was like.

  3. 他说,学校无法满足天资聪颖的儿童的需要。

    Schools, he said, were failing to cater for the needs of gifted children.

  4. 公平点说,国资委从未有多少真正的机会。

    To be fair to SASAC, it never really stood much of a chance.

  5. 朱总理和李资政之间得交往可以说相当密切。

    Ties between the two leaders are close.

  6. 朱总理和李资政之间的交往可以说相当密切。

    Ties between the two leaders are close.

  7. 他说,只要你自己集资,带你的学生来建,就行。

    He said, As long as you collect money by yourself, bring your students to build, you can do it.

  8. 帕特尔说, 米拉克龙是大股东的合资企业。

    Patel said Milacron is the majority owner of the joint venture.

  9. 李资政举例说, 美国就有这种文化上的影响力。

    America has that cultural influence, he pointed out.

  10. 李资政举例说,美国就有这种文化上得影响力。

    America has that cultural influence, he pointed out.

  11. 对大多数人来说, 厕所话题可不是茶余饭后的好谈资。

    For many people, discussing toilets may not be an appealing conversation over a cup of tea.

  12. 说实话。我们希望与贵公司建立一家中型合资企业。

    To be frank, we are going to set up a moderate scale joint venture with you.

  13. 他说, 如果我们只关注一次性注资, 那将是短视的。

    It would be shortsighted if we only focus on a oneoff capital injection, he said.

  14. 他说,重点大学能够提供更好的师资和更多实习的机会。

    Top universities offer better professors and more internship opportunities,'he said.

  15. 简单地说,那是由独资企业所有人个人所有,独自经营的企业。

    Put simply, it is a business owned and operated by one person the proprietor.

  16. 这三人说,他们已自掏腰包为新合资企业提供了资金。

    The men said they funded the new venture themselves.

  17. 但是,库希曼说,采用这种技术所要求的基础设施耗资巨大。

    And the infrastructure requirements are significant, Cushman says.

  18. 熟悉内情的人士说,松下可能会被迫减持合资企业股份。

    A person familiar with the matter said Panasonic will likely be forced to reduce its stake in the venture.

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