




草木的根:~草(泛指中药)。无~之木。事物的根源,与“末”相对:~末(头尾;始终)。根~(根源;彻底;本质上)。草的茎,树的干:草~植物。中心的,主要的:~部。~体。原来:~来。~领。自己这方面的:~国。~身。~位。~分(fèn )。……


1. 主 [zhǔ]主 [zhǔ]权力或财物的所有者,家庭的首脑:~人。物~。失~(失掉财物的人)。当家作~。旧时臣子称君王,下级称上级,仆人称家主:君~。~上。对事物的意见或认为应当如何处理,决定:~张。~见。~意。~义。对事物有决定权力……


1. 义 [yì]义 [yì]公正合宜的道理或举动:正~。~不容辞。~无反顾。仗~直言。合乎正义或公益的:~举。~务。~愤。~演。见~勇为。情谊:~气。恩~。~重如山。意思,人对事物认识到的内容:意~。含~。释~。微言大~。指认为亲属的:~……




1. 度 [dù]2. 度 [duó]度 [dù]计算长短的器具或单位:尺~。刻~。~量衡。事物所达到的境界:程~。高~。风~。分角的单位,一圆周角分为360度:角~。依照计算的一定标准划分的单位:温~。湿~。经~。纬~。浓~。电能的单位,……



汉语拼音:zī běn zhǔ yì zhì dù






  1. Half a century ago, the prosperity of America's middle class was one of democratic capitalism's greatest triumphs.


  2. China's system is better described as state-sponsored capitalism. You let capitalism operate but you carefully regulate it. Seems to work.


  3. 'I really believe there's a strength in American capitalism that cannot be destroyed, ' he said.


  4. The British were less clear, although there was more support than opposition for a "capitalist" system.


  5. A capitalist society is not the deep source and the only form of economic crises, but the general historical form.


  6. Around half said the problems with capitalism could be addressed through regulation and reform.


  7. Will these policies destroy capitalism while trying to save it?


  8. In the 1980s, he began to have grave doubts about business and even capitalism itself.


  9. And now environmentalists are trying to use capitalism to make the case for shark conservation.


  1. 资本主义制度

    capitalist system

  2. 香港彻底实行资本主义制度。

    In Hong Kong, we practice capitalism to the hilt.

  3. 经济危机根源于资本主义制度。

    The economic crisis originated in the financial system.

  4. 论资本主义制度的内在扬弃

    The Intrinsic Sublating of Capitalist System

  5. 旧的资本主义制度即将灭亡。

    The old capitalist regime is on its last legs.

  6. 旧得资本主义制度即将灭亡。

    The old capitalist regime is on its last legs.

  7. 经济危机是资本主义制度的必然结果。

    Economic crisis is the inevitable outcome of the capitalist system.

  8. 周期经济危机是资本主义制度所固有的。

    The cyclical economic crises inheres in capitalism.

  9. 香港是我国特别行政区,那里实行资本主义制度。

    Hong Kong is a special administrative region of China. A capitalist system is practiced there.

  10. 资本主义制度建立在剥削劳动人民的基础上。

    The capitalist system reposes on the exploitation of the labouring people.

  11. 高尔斯华绥并没有突破资本主义制度的束缚。

    Galsworthy had not smashed the trammels of the capitalist system.

  12. 高尔斯华绥并没有突破资本主义制度得束缚。

    Galsworthy had not smashed the trammels of the capitalist system.

  13. 我们过去常认为资本主义制度很快就会灭亡。

    We used to believe that capitalism would soon die out.

  14. 高尔斯华绥并没有冲破资本主义制度的束缚。

    John Galsworthy had not smashed the trammels of the capitalist system.

  15. 高尔斯华绥并没有冲破资本主义制度得束缚。

    John Galsworthy had not smashed the trammels of the capitalist system.

  16. 资本主义货币制度危机

    crisis of capitalist monetary system

  17. 我们相信社会主义比资本主义的制度优越。

    We believe that socialism is superior to capitalism.

  18. 你能想象资本主义和社会主义制度之间的差距吗?

    Can you imagine the discrepancy between capitalistic and social systems?

  19. 古巴对资本主义和地主制度的废除是一个很大的进步。

    The abolition of capitalism and landlordism in Cuba represented an enormous step forward.

  20. 工场民主,用它取代资本主义的雇佣劳动制度。

    Workplace democracy, which replaces the capitalist institution of wage labor.

  21. 资本主义崛起时,封建制度正在土崩瓦解。

    Feudalism was falling apart when capitalism was rising.

  22. 他指责克劳斯领导的政权制度是混账资本主义。

    He accused Klaus of leading a regime of gangster capitalism.

  23. 他们为彻底消除资本主义人剥削人的制度而努力工作。

    They worked FOR the complete abolition of capitalist exploitation of men by men.

  24. 政治老师说,三权分立是西方资本主义国家的基本政治制度。

    According to our politics teacher, the separation of the executive, legislative and judicial powers is the basic political system of capitalist countries.

  25. 美国实行得经济制度通常被称为资本主义经济。

    The United States has what is usually described as a capitalist economy.

  26. 美国实行的经济制度通常被称为资本主义经济。

    The United States has what is usually described as a capitalist economy.

  27. 但当时各资本主义国家却正在相继放弃金本位制度。

    But most of the capitalist countries were abandoning the gold standard at that time.

  28. 数十年来,官方宣传都将资本主义斥责为吃人得制度。

    For decades official propaganda had lambasted capitalism as akin to cannibalism.

  29. 数十年来,官方宣传都将资本主义斥责为吃人的制度。

    For decades official propaganda had lambasted capitalism as akin to cannibalism.


  1. 问:资本主义制度拼音怎么拼?资本主义制度的读音是什么?资本主义制度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:资本主义制度的读音是zī běn zhǔ yì zhì dù,资本主义制度翻译成英文是 capitalistic system

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