




草木的根:~草(泛指中药)。无~之木。事物的根源,与“末”相对:~末(头尾;始终)。根~(根源;彻底;本质上)。草的茎,树的干:草~植物。中心的,主要的:~部。~体。原来:~来。~领。自己这方面的:~国。~身。~位。~分(fèn )。……





汉语拼音:zī běn jīn






  1. Having lots of it on the balance sheet keeps down the bank's cost of funds.

  2. Regulators instead put more emphasis on improving banks' risk controls and did not require them to have excess capital.

  3. They suggested that the agencies should play a less influential role in determining how much capital banks should set aside to cover risks.

  4. The timing is unclear, but economists estimate that up to $100bn of that target could have been shifted to CIC in the first quarter.

  5. How much capital banks should have is one of the biggest questions around right now.

  6. So how much capital makes sense for systemically significant institutions?

  7. Of course, if in the future, then the investor's money is often the initial capital investment projects, leveraging more funds for.

  8. Japanese accounting rules require that any loss existing at the end of the quarter must be deducted from the bank's capital base.

  9. At the moment, Chinese banks are busy raising funds to shore up their capital base after a year of massive lending.


  1. 对资本金充足率的影响。

    The impact on Capital Adequacy Ratio.

  2. 资本金过高是懦弱无能的表现。

    Surplus capital was for wimps.

  3. 这样的一个后果是资本金不足。

    One result has been insufficient capital.

  4. 我们显然迫切需要改革资本金要求。

    We have a clear imperative to reform capital requirements.

  5. 二是先使用项目资本金, 后使用贷款。

    The second is to use capital projects, loans for use after.

  6. 不过,提高资本金要求远非万灵丹。

    Yet higher capital requirements are far from a panacea.

  7. 不过,提高资本金要求远非万灵丹。

    Yet higher capital requirements are far from a panacea.

  8. 财产保险公司负债风险资本金的确定

    An Acknowledgement Issue on Liability Risk Capital of Property Insurance Company

  9. 当然,提高资本金要求会降低系统性风险。

    Certainly, raising capital requirements will reduce systemic risk.

  10. 张峰水库项目资本金测算的理论与实践

    Theory and Practice of the Estimation of Project Capital in Cash of Zhangfeng Reservoir

  11. 国有资本金效绩定性指标的模糊综合评价

    On the Comprehensive Fuzzy Appraise of State Capital Fund Performance

  12. 对国有资本金保值增值率若干问题的思考

    Thoughts and Suggestions on the Value Increasing Rate of the Value Retention

  13. 朋友尤如资本金, 对创业者来说是多多益善。

    Friends like capital, the more friends are the better the entrepreneur is.

  14. 采取多种方式,包括直接融资,充实企业资本金

    Adopt all kinds of possible means, including direct financing, to replenish the capital funds of enterprises

  15. 但是,提高资本金标准并不是各国能够单干的事。

    But raising capital standards is not something that countries can do alone.

  16. 资本金渠道不畅是港口投融资滞后得重要体现。

    Capital gold channel not free is haven those who cast financing lag is important reflect.

  17. 资本金渠道不畅是港口投融资滞后的重要体现。

    Capital gold channel not free is haven those who cast financing lag is important reflect.

  18. 资本金得损失可能在未来几年中导致信贷趋紧。

    The loss of capital could well lead to a tightening of credit in the years ahead.

  19. 资本金的损失可能在未来几年中导致信贷趋紧。

    The loss of capital could well lead to a tightening of credit in the years ahead.

  20. 资本金合计包括企业各种投资主体注册的全部资本金。

    Total capital includes total registered capital of all investors in the corporation.

  21. 股票股利与资本金转增股本形式存在明显的替代性。

    The stock dividends and the capital in cash extension increases the capital stock form existence obvious vicariousness.

  22. 那么管理能力应作为资本金的一种参与剩余价值的分配。

    As one capital of the corporation, management capability should partake surplus value distribution.

  23. 第六, 对衍生品交易实行更高得资本金和担保要求。

    Sixth, impose much higher capital and collateral requirements against trading in derivatives.

  24. 第六,对衍生品交易实行更高的资本金和担保要求。

    Sixth, impose much higher capital and collateral requirements against trading in derivatives.

  25. 或有资本金提供得缓冲越大, 对政府资金得需求就越小。

    The larger the contingent capital buffer, the less need there would be for government funds.

  26. 或有资本金提供的缓冲越大,对政府资金的需求就越小。

    The larger the contingent capital buffer, the less need there would be for government funds.


  1. 问:资本金拼音怎么拼?资本金的读音是什么?资本金翻译成英文是什么?

    答:资本金的读音是zīběnjīn,资本金翻译成英文是 capital money

  2. 问:资本金基础拼音怎么拼?资本金基础的读音是什么?资本金基础翻译成英文是什么?

    答:资本金基础的读音是zīběnjīn jīchǔ,资本金基础翻译成英文是 capital base

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