







汉语拼音:cǎo nǐ







  1. 起草;初步设计。

    郭沫若 《屈原》第二幕:“ 南后 :国王已经听信了 屈原 的话,要和 齐国 重申和亲的盟约,已经叫你们在草拟国书了。” 周而复 《白求恩大夫》二:“ 白大夫 正伏在桌子上在审视他亲自草拟的特种外科医院的计划。”



  1. The guest list is still being drawn up and could change, but as things stand it's right (to say Mr Obama will not be invited).


  2. Ben Bernanke has sketched out a route to the exit, but does not intend to use it for a while.


  3. My last job was in an air-conditioned office in a business park in Woburn, Mass. , as a draftsman designing laboratories.


  4. It is doled out only to properly drawn-up projects, where the home country is sharing at least a bit of the cost, and with audited results.


  5. For the last twenty-six years the most commonly used contracts have been a series of standard forms drafted by the ISO.


  6. It was one of the most sweeping indictments of American capitalism ever drawn by a middle-class group.


  7. Now you can sketch out a more detailed plan of what you'll do each couple of weeks throughout the semester.


  8. When a story presents itself and I catch a glimpse of what I have, I capture it in a swift, skeletal draft.


  9. Tension between them is inevitable; but a redrafted law could surely deal fairly with both.


  1. 草拟合同。

    Draw up the contract.

  2. 草拟发言稿

    to minute a speech.

  3. 法律草拟专员

    Law Draftsman.

  4. 草拟稿修订

    Redraft, fine tune and spell check.

  5. 草拟一个计划

    draft a plan

  6. 草拟一张图表

    Rough out a diagram

  7. 草拟一项计划

    to rough out a scheme

  8. 我草拟计划书

    I draw up a project proposal.

  9. 他草拟这个计划。

    He sketched out this plan.

  10. 蛹草拟青霉

    Paecilomyces militaris.

  11. 我还在草拟第一章。

    I'm still drafting the first chapter.

  12. 这是我们草拟的合同。

    Here is our draft contract.

  13. 他们草拟了一份宣言。

    They redacted a proclamation.

  14. 草拟或起草一份协议

    To draw up or to draft an agreement

  15. 我们草拟出了我们的计划。

    We sketched out our plan.

  16. 文件的初稿是谁草拟的?

    Who made the first draft of the document ?

  17. 我们必须草拟一份合同。

    We must draw up a contract.

  18. 帮我草拟一下这个文件。

    Help me draw up this document.

  19. 我们小组草拟了这计划。

    Our group has drawn up this plan.

  20. 他正在重新草拟第一章。

    He is redrafting the first chapter.

  21. 我们小组草拟了这个计划。

    The plan was drawn up by our group.

  22. 我没有时间草拟这个合同。

    I have no time to draw this contract up.

  23. 法律由众议院民主党草拟。

    The legislation was drafted by House Democrats.

  24. 为此目的, 草拟了示范条文。

    To that end, the model provisions were drafted.

  25. 他花三天草拟一合约。

    He spent three days drawing up a contract.

  26. 成文法的草拟工作继续进行。

    Drafting of statutory law continues.

  27. 顾问首次草拟了这些文件。

    Those were drawn up by the consultants for the first time.

  28. 部长亲笔草拟了那个声明。

    The minister scratched out the statement himself in longhand.

  29. 我为新课程草拟了计划。

    I drew up plans for the new course.

  30. 他得帮忙草拟这份文件。

    He has to help make up the document.


  1. 问:草拟拼音怎么拼?草拟的读音是什么?草拟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:草拟的读音是cǎonǐ,草拟翻译成英文是 draft

  2. 问:草拟合同拼音怎么拼?草拟合同的读音是什么?草拟合同翻译成英文是什么?

    答:草拟合同的读音是cǎonǐhétong,草拟合同翻译成英文是 draw up a contract

  3. 问:草拟契据拼音怎么拼?草拟契据的读音是什么?草拟契据翻译成英文是什么?

    答:草拟契据的读音是cǎo nǐ qì jù,草拟契据翻译成英文是 extend a deed

  4. 问:草拟文本拼音怎么拼?草拟文本的读音是什么?草拟文本翻译成英文是什么?

    答:草拟文本的读音是cǎonǐwénběn,草拟文本翻译成英文是 draft text

  5. 问:草拟诉讼纲要拼音怎么拼?草拟诉讼纲要的读音是什么?草拟诉讼纲要翻译成英文是什么?

    答:草拟诉讼纲要的读音是cǎo nǐ sù sòng gāng yào,草拟诉讼纲要翻译成英文是 framing of issues

  6. 问:草拟案情说明书拼音怎么拼?草拟案情说明书的读音是什么?草拟案情说明书翻译成英文是什么?

    答:草拟案情说明书的读音是cǎo nǐ àn qíng shuō míng shū,草拟案情说明书翻译成英文是 drawing brief




拼音: cǎonǐ 释意“起草;初步拟出。郭沫若《屈原》第二幕:“ 南后 :国王已经听信了屈原的话,要和齐国重申和亲的盟约,已经叫你们在草拟国书了。” 周而复 《白求恩大夫》二:“ 白大夫 正伏在桌子上在审视他亲自草拟的特种外科医院的计划。” 组词: 草拟文件 造句: 江姐正伏在桌上草拟一份学习讨论提纲。

近义词: 起草

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