




1. 给 [gěi]2. 给 [jǐ]给 [gěi]交付,送与:~以。~予。送~。献~。把动作或态度加到对方:~他一顿批评。替,为:~大家帮忙。被,表示遭受:房子~火烧掉了。把,将:请你随手~门送上。给 [jǐ]供应:供~。补~。~养。自~……



汉语拼音:zhī gěi






  1. 供给,支付。

    唐 韩愈 《请复国子监生徒状》:“今请準新补人数,量加支给。” 前蜀 花蕊夫人 《宫词》之八八:“月头支给买花钱,满殿宫人近数千。”《明史·外国传一·朝鲜》:“顾以封疆多故,土瘠民贫,内供本国之军需,外济镇兵之待哺,生穀有限,支给实难。” 郭沫若 《反正前后》第二篇四:“﹝ 赵尔丰 ﹞退回 打箭炉 去继续经营 西藏 ,一切旅费、政费仍由 四川 支给。”



  1. And also, madam, if you would kindly advance me five roubles of her wages. I have got to buy a new horse-collar.


  2. According to the regulations of Ministry of Education, hourly payment is based on the actual teaching hours.


  3. Lip gloss is next. Finish the whole tube.


  4. I intend to pay you three months'wages to tide you over while you are looking for a job.


  5. And they are very different to the team we beat 4-1 earlier this season.


  6. Act Governing the Compensation and Fees for the National Assembly Delegates


  7. "In my last year I will go to Mallorca, the team that gave me the opportunity to grow, " he told the Inter Channel.


  1. 失业支给金

    donation benefit.

  2. 我买了两支新钢笔,一支给你,另一支给你的妹妹。

    I had two new pens, one is for you, the other is for your sister.

  3. 扔一支香烟给我。

    Bung me a cigarette.

  4. 请借支钢笔给我用用。

    Please lend me a pen to write with.

  5. 那有一支左轮就给他用。

    I've got a revolver there which he can have.

  6. 这支圆珠笔是给杨玲得。好得。

    This ball pen is for Yang Ling. All right.

  7. 这支圆珠笔是给杨玲的。好的。

    This ball pen is for Yang Ling. All right.

  8. 他唱了一支外婆教给他的歌。

    He sang a song which he had learnt from his grandmother.

  9. 但那支古巴雪茄给了我勇气。

    Well, or that damn Cuban cigar got me riled up.

  10. 你能把那支枪拿给我吗。米笛太太?

    Will you hand me the pistol, please, Mrs. Meade?

  11. 我不得不再多支些钱给所有这些人发工资。

    I shall have to draw out some more money to pay all these people.

  12. 一根火柴点燃三支香烟会给第三个人带来厄运。

    Lighting three cigarettes from one match brings bad luck to the third person.

  13. 遇到困难时,姐妹们总是给我支招儿。

    My sisters always give me suggestions when I have problems.

  14. 遇到困难时,姐妹们总是给我支招儿。

    My sisters always give me suggestions when I have problems.

  15. 鼻镜太大了,再给我支麻醉

    Larger speculum. Another lidocaine.

  16. 他不等我说完,就立即给我支着儿。

    He gave me advice even before I finished my talking.

  17. 他不等我说完,就立即给我支着儿。

    He gave me advice even before I finished my talking.

  18. 这些电池给每支手臂下的发动机提供动力。

    These cells then power the motors located here under each arm.

  19. 这些电池给每支手臂下得发动机提供动力。

    These cells then power the motors located here under each arm.

  20. 她正试图给这支著名的曲调配上适当的歌词。

    She was trying to get the proper words to this famous.

  21. 能不能请给这支圆珠笔每种颜色配两根替换笔芯?

    Can you give me two refill of each color for the ballpoint pen?

  22. 能不能请你给这支圆珠笔每种颜色配两根替换笔芯?

    Could you give me two refills of each color for the ballpoint pen?

  23. 能不能请价钱给这支圆珠笔每种颜色配两根替换笔芯?

    Can you give me two refills of each color for the ballpoint pen?

  24. 再来唇彩。整支给我用完它。

    Lip gloss is next. Finish the whole tube.

  25. 支起巢箱,给比较小的鸟们提供栖息处。

    Put up nest boxes to provide roost sites for the smaller birds.

  26. 他把一支枪偷偷地带给狱中的那个人。

    She smuggled a gun to the man in prison.

  27. 给我一支吧?

    Can I bum one?

  28. 请给我一支牙刷。

    A toothbrush, please.

  29. 给凯特一支铅笔。

    and a pencil for Kate.

  30. 请给我一支圆珠笔。

    Can I have a pen?

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