


1. 转 [zhuǎn]2. 转 [zhuàn]3. 转 [zhuǎi]转 [zhuǎn]迁徙;流亡:老弱~乎沟壑。不直接的,中间再经过别人或别的地方:~送。~达。~发。~运。周~。改换方向:~弯。向左~。改变位置:~移。改变形势、情况:~……





汉语拼音:zhuǎn jiāo






  1. 把一方的东西交给另一方。

    《二十年目睹之怪现状》第六回:“再不然,递到 通州 知州衙门,托他转交也可以使得。” 柳青 《铜墙铁壁》第十九章:“他把头一黑夜为九团刨了粮的单子留下,托本村的妇女交给 兰英 ,让她以后转交区上办理去。”



  1. You can't tell me that now God is will in' for you to turn over his church to those money-grubbin', power-crazy Philistines.


  2. But Mr. Potok said the center had not passed any information about Mr. Page to law enforcement.


  3. If all that gasoline is burned, it would equal the amount of energy transmitted by the sun in one hour.


  4. We have begun to leave Iraq to its own people.


  5. If you do not wish to have your information on-passed to third parties for promotion of the activities, please against the box.


  6. Last month, these lawyers were told that the case does not hold, then the case was referred to the county environmental safety group.


  7. "If I turned the body over to the local authorities, I got less money, " he said.


  8. It is paraded during the opening ceremony of each Game. At the end of the Games, the Olympic Flag is presented to the next host city.


  9. before transferring the personal data and documents supplied by you to any third party , of ta will seek your express consent.


  1. 转交我们办理

    Pass sth. On to us for attention

  2. 货仓转交证明书

    certificate of handling over stores

  3. 转交给另外的人

    To turn over to another.

  4. 请把杂志转交给汤姆。

    Please hand on the magazine to Tom.

  5. 申请书应通过秘书转交。

    Applications should be forwarded through the secretary.

  6. 旋转交轴剃齿法

    rotary crossed axis shaving

  7. 声明书应当转交各方当事人。

    The Declaration shall be delivered to the parties.

  8. 请把这张便条转交张同志。

    Please send the note on to Comrade Zhang.

  9. 责任被转交给我们了。

    The responsibility devolved on us.

  10. 时,控制权转交到循环之外。

    Control is transferred outside the loop.

  11. 写给他的信件由律师转交。

    Write to him care of his solicitor.

  12. 案文转交给了起草组。

    The text was referred to the drafting group.

  13. 这座大楼将转交给其长子。

    The building will devolve to his eldest son.

  14. 请把这个包裹转交给李老师。

    Please pass this parcel on to Teacher Li.

  15. 那交给你转交给别人的厚礼?

    The bounteous largess given thee to give?

  16. 该奖品被转交给获胜者。

    The prize was delivered over to the winner.

  17. 她把信转交给玛丽了。

    She passed the letter to Mary.

  18. 他写的信由我的朋友转交给我。

    He wrote me in care of a friend of mine.

  19. 工作组转交的5起案件发生在2003年。

    The five cases transmitted to the Working Group occurred in2003.

  20. 你接下来要确认你的请求转交秩序。

    You will then have to confirm your request to transmit the order.

  21. 你们把政权转交给革命军事委员会。

    That you relegate power to the war revolutionary committee.

  22. 这个计划被转交给了其他组。

    The plan was handed on to the other team.

  23. 这个计划被转交给了其他组。

    The plan was handed on to the other team.

  24. 我写给他的信由李同志转交。

    I wrote to him care of Comrade Li.

  25. 贵方发盘已转交有关部门考虑。

    Your offer has been passed on to the interested party for study.

  26. 一切来函均由我的秘书转交给我。

    Any communications should be sent to me care of my secretary.

  27. 我把印子请毛主席的秘书转交。

    I gave the seals to Chairman Mao's secretary to be passed on to him.

  28. 你能把包裹转交给玛丽吗?

    Would you a parcel to Mary?

  29. 我们会把您的信转交给他。

    We will forward your letters to him.

  30. 你能把包裹转交给玛利吗?

    Would you please forward a parcel to Mary?


  1. 问:转交拼音怎么拼?转交的读音是什么?转交翻译成英文是什么?

    答:转交的读音是zhuǎnjiāo,转交翻译成英文是 pass … on

  2. 问:转交人拼音怎么拼?转交人的读音是什么?转交人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:转交人的读音是zhuǎn jiāo rén,转交人翻译成英文是 passer

  3. 问:转交发报机拼音怎么拼?转交发报机的读音是什么?转交发报机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:转交发报机的读音是zhuǎn jiāo fā bào jī,转交发报机翻译成英文是 Handover Transmitter




拼音:zhǔan jīao释义[pass on;transmit] 转递交付麻烦你把这封信转交给李老师

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