







汉语拼音:wǒ měi






  1. 我们。

    元 王实甫 《西厢记》第五本第一折:“感蒙赏赐,我每就此吃饭。” 元 无名氏 《陈州粜米》第三折:“ 老包 姓儿仯,荡他活的少,若是不容咱,我每则一跑。”《水浒传》第五回:“庄客道:‘可奈这箇和尚要打我每。’”



  1. Undaunted, the young fellow looks at him and replies, "I make $200 a week. Why? "


  2. I used to dig the garden every week, but I lost heart when all the plants died.


  3. I checked my computer every 10 minutes to see if I had been traded and must have checked my phone at least100 times! ! ! ! ! ! !


  4. "I was not scared at the time, " he said. "But I slept with Lincoln for the next six months. "


  5. Melissa and I will have two classes each weekend. She told me that count in me, she has found three language partners. Good for her.


  6. I come here every three months, and it's amazing how much more sophisticated the people are looking on the streets.


  7. If you ask me how many calories are in a particular dish, I'm not allowed to tell you even if I know.


  8. I spent countless hours birthing both. It was an expensive reality, ultimately costing millions and absorbing every ounce of my energy.


  9. On Sunday nIght I walked a mIle to my abode, and made a poInt of askIng my whereabouts of every one I met.


  1. 我每赌必输。

    When I gamble, I always lose.

  2. 我每周日都来。

    I came every Sunday.

  3. 我每周日都来。

    I came every Sunday.

  4. 我每学期换课

    I'd switch classes every semester.

  5. 我每星期喝八瓶。

    I drink eight bottles a week.

  6. 我每隔一天洗澡。

    I have a bath every other day.

  7. 我每分钟打65个字。

    I type 65 words per minute.

  8. 我每割出一道伤痕,

    One more notch I scratch

  9. 我每静念那十字架

    When I Survey The Wondrous Cross

  10. 我每星期一出去吃饭。

    I dine out every Monday.

  11. 我每小时价值多少钱?

    How much is my value per hour

  12. 我每三周来一次

    I come here every three weeks.

  13. 我每隔一天去一次。

    I go to there every other day.

  14. 我每件事都很顺利。

    Everything went right for me.

  15. 我每周日都会去少年宫。

    I go to the Children's Palace every Sunday.

  16. 我每分钟能打75个字。

    I can type 75 words per minute.

  17. 我每三年休假一次。

    I have a furlough every three years.

  18. 我每时每刻都很愉快。

    I'm happy every hour of the day!

  19. 我每星期去游泳一次。

    I go swimming once a week.

  20. 我每小时付给你10美分

    I ll pay you 10 cents an hour.

  21. 我每九天有两天休息。

    I get two days off every nine days.

  22. 我每星期天早午餐合吃。

    I go to brunch every Sunday.

  23. 我每回感冒背都疼痛。

    Each time I catch a cold, I have pain in my back.

  24. 我每小时的工资是10美金。

    I am paid 10 dollars an hour.

  25. 我每小时得工资是10美金。

    I am paid 10 dollars an hour.

  26. 我每一口吃得都很香。

    I enjoyed every bite.

  27. 我每一口吃得都很香。

    I enjoyed every bite.

  28. 对, 我每星期上两次课。

    Yes, I go to twice a week.

  29. 我每隔三天购物一次。

    I go shopping every three days.

  30. 我每两周做一次头发。

    I condition my hair every two weeks.

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