







汉语拼音:láo shén








  1. 谓使鬼神劳苦。

    《史记·秦本纪》:“ 秦繆公 示以宫室、积聚。 由余 曰:‘使鬼为之,则劳神矣。使人为之,亦苦民矣。’”

  2. 耗损精神。

    《汉书·叙传下》:“ 汉武 劳神,图远甚勤。” 唐 牟融 《赠杨处厚》诗:“十年学道苦劳神,赢得尊前一病身。” 瞿秋白 《饿乡纪程》十一:“ 克氏 有病,请勿过于多谈,恐怕他劳神。”

  3. 麻烦、劳驾的意思。如:劳神代为照顾一下。



  1. Most letters from his wife were read to him by his secretaryfor he didn't bother to read them himself.


  2. As a teacher of Zhao worry, trouble is inevitable to see the class fifty-six students know.


  3. At bore holes deep wells, it's the same story. Women or young girls have walked for miles to come and fetch water, a time-consuming process.


  4. I believe in paybacks. You get people to help you by telling the truth. Being earnest.


  5. But is also meant that I had an awful time staying awake for it all.


  6. I must make the most of it, and worry well; I shall soon have nothing to worry about.


  7. If being found out was the price, courts could find someone guilty, and not bother imposing a sentence.


  8. Ray plays flamboyant parts in amateur theatricals. He also plays the "mommy" role at home by doing most of the worrying, he says.


  9. The mystery is why, popular as he is, Mr Putin bothers with all these superfluous instruments of control.


  1. 劳神,用神躁

    spiritual exhaustion.

  2. 劳神费力的工作

    warm work

  3. 不费心劳神的工作

    a cushy job

  4. 不值得你劳神的琐事

    cheap things unworthy of your attention

  5. 我为何要为此费心劳神呢?

    Why should I trouble about it?

  6. 做这份工作既劳神又费力。

    In this job you need both brains and brawn.

  7. 我不得不谢绝费时劳神的邀请。

    I have had to fight shy of invitations that would exhaust time and spirits.

  8. 被一件劳神的工作弄得精疲力尽。

    exhausted by a demanding job.

  9. 我得这件事还得烦您多劳神!

    Would you mind helping me with this matter?

  10. 干吗要劳神开导这个叛徒低头认罪呢?

    Why try to get this traitor to admit guilt?

  11. 劳神照看炉上的牛奶,别沸溅了。

    Please keep an eye on the stove the milk boils.

  12. 劳神照料炉上的牛奶,别沸溅了。

    Please keep an eye on the stove in case the milk boils.

  13. 我的这件事还得烦您多劳神!

    Would you mind helping me with this matter ?

  14. 我的这件事还得烦您多劳神!

    Would you mind helping me with this matter?

  15. 这个詹姆士, 老是这么大惊小怪, 操心劳神的。

    James! Always fussy, nervous, anxious!

  16. 爱情是一坛温过美酒, 永远劳神永远醉心!

    Love isan altar wine too warm, never indulging fans forever!

  17. 爱情是一坛温过的美酒, 永远劳神永远醉心!

    Love is an altar wine too warm, never indulging fans forever!

  18. 今晚他若不来,我就不用费心劳神了。

    I mustn't trouble if he doesn't come tonight.

  19. 用另外一种劳神费力的方法达到同样的效果。

    Achieves the same effect in a different and laborious way.

  20. 这两个女人身上仍残留着过度劳神的痕迹。

    The signs of strain were on both women.

  21. 这两个女人身上仍残留着过度劳神得痕迹。

    The signs of strain were on both women.

  22. 您总不至于真的为了这件小事去劳神吧?

    You are not really going to bother with that trifle, are you?

  23. 今晚,他若不来,我就用不着费心劳神了。

    I shan't trouble if he doesn't come tonight.

  24. 我就坐在大厅一侧,犯得着劳神给我发电子邮件吗

    Why are you emailing me when I sit across the hall

  25. 他发现自己已无力应对那份劳神费力的工作了。

    He found he could no longer cope with his demanding job.

  26. 承蒙您劳神将此事提醒我们注意,我们在此谨致谢意。

    We will like to express our gratitude to you for taking the trouble to bring the matter to our attention.

  27. 你整天劳神费力的也不见有进展,我觉得是方法问题。

    I think you've adopted an incorrect method, since you've made no progress from your great energy.

  28. 这就意味着让我们劳神费心的事还真不少,当然了,除非医生们找到对付早老性痴呆病的良策。

    That means we 'll have lots to worry about, unless, of course, doctors figure out how to treat Alzheimer's.


  1. 问:劳神拼音怎么拼?劳神的读音是什么?劳神翻译成英文是什么?

    答:劳神的读音是láoshén,劳神翻译成英文是 To disturb one's mind; A polite remark, referr...



释义: 1、耗费精神 例:劳神照顾一下 | 你身体不好,不要多劳神。 2、客套话,用于请人办事 例:劳神代为照顾一下。

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