


笔直,突出:笔~。~进。~拔。~立。~秀。~括(guā)(衣服、衣料等平整)。~劲(jìng )。伸直,凸出:~直。~起腰。支撑:~节(坚持节操)。很:~好。~香。量词,用于挺直物:一~机关枪。……


笔直,突出:笔~。~进。~拔。~立。~秀。~括(guā)(衣服、衣料等平整)。~劲(jìng )。伸直,凸出:~直。~起腰。支撑:~节(坚持节操)。很:~好。~香。量词,用于挺直物:一~机关枪。……



汉语拼音:tǐng tǐng







  1. 正直貌。

    《左传·襄公五年》:“《诗》曰:‘周道挺挺,我心扃扃。’” 杜预 注:“挺挺,正直也。”《新唐书·魏謩传赞》:“ 謩 之论议,挺挺有祖风烈。” 金 元好问 《和汴禅师》:“挺挺刚无敌,津津润可呵。” 明 唐顺之 《答王生宗道书》:“更愿於义利紧关处极力研析,使不为一切俗情所转,乃是挺挺自作豪杰。” 清 俞正燮 《癸巳类稿·韩文靖公事辑》:“在朝挺挺谅直,不附权要。”

  2. 僵直貌。

    清 蒲松龄 《墙头记》第四回:“可是呢!已经挺挺了,怎么处?”



  1. Ferrand was standing underneath the cage of a canary, his hands folded on his pinched-up hat, a nervous smile upon his lips.


  2. Stem child tendon Ting Ting, Ye Er Mao Zaza which stands to suffer to suffer sharp squeeze squeeze.


  3. and sat erect, pale AS death, looking sadly into little Pearl's wild eyes.


  4. Sure, it's. It's OK to have that feeling.


  5. When my father came home from the pits and had his bath, he would always put on collar and tie whether he was going out anywhere or not.


  1. 他的衣领直挺挺的。

    His collars are as stiff as a board.

  2. 身体直挺挺地立着。

    The body was rigidly erect.

  3. 身体直挺挺地立着。

    The body was rigidly erect.

  4. 她直挺挺地举着手。

    She held up her hand stiffly.

  5. 他直挺挺地仰卧着。

    He was lying flat on his back.

  6. 香樟树得树冠伸得挺挺得。

    Xiang camphor tree canopy of the stretch.

  7. 他气愤地直挺挺地坐着。

    He sat bolt upright in indignation.

  8. 他开始伸伸胳膊, 挺挺上身。

    He began to stretch out his arms and upper body.

  9. 他直挺挺地坐在椅子上。

    He was sitting very straight in his chair.

  10. 他手持着枪直挺挺地躺着。

    He held his gun in his hand and lay very straight.

  11. 那老头已经直挺挺地死了。

    The old man was dead as a doornail.

  12. 她直挺挺地站着,微微有些颤抖。

    She held herself erect, trembling slightly.

  13. 泰纳恩直挺挺地坐在椅子上。

    Tynan bolted upright in his chair.

  14. 他把她揍得直挺挺趴在地上。

    He had knocked her flat on her face.

  15. 病人只能直挺挺地坐在床上。

    The patient can only sits vertically in bed.

  16. 她直挺挺地坐着, 吓得浑身发僵。

    She sat upright, her body rigid with fear.

  17. 那个孩子立刻直挺挺地倒在了地上。

    He immediately fell senseless to the ground.

  18. 人们发现他直挺挺地躺在草地上面。

    He was found lying at full length on the grass.

  19. 然后她挺挺胸, 打起精神上楼去。

    Then she squared her shoulders and started up the stairs.

  20. 吴为成他们直挺挺地站在那里,不作声。

    The two of them just stood there rather stiffly and said nothing.

  21. 昆虫折腾了几下,重又直挺挺地倒了下去。

    The insect, writhed, and lay prostrate again.

  22. 他们已经直挺挺地死了,小个子高喊着。

    They are as dead as two doornails, shouted the little man.

  23. 可我直挺挺地躺着, 衰弱得像一只猫。

    But I was prostrate, and weak as a cat.

  24. 她象一根木桩一样直挺挺地坐着, 一动不动。

    She was as stiff as a post, and never moved or stirred.

  25. 这可怜的少女,已死得直挺挺的,周身冰冷了。

    She was as dead as Caesar, poor wench, and as cold as a church.

  26. 她一下车便直挺挺地脸朝下倒了下去。

    She fell flat on her face as she got out of the car.

  27. 于是伦敦人起身离开,却直挺挺地摔倒在地上。

    So the Londoner stood up to leave and fell flat on his face.

  28. 玛格丽特忐忑不安地直挺挺坐在椅子边上。

    Margaret was sitting nervously upright on the edge of her chair.

  29. 茎儿筋挺挺,叶儿毛扎扎,竖着挨挨挤挤的尖。

    Stem child tendon Ting Ting, Ye Er Mao Zaza which stands to suffer to suffer sharp squeeze squeeze.

  30. 目前我直挺挺地躺在一种矮矮的木架上。

    I now lay upon my back, and at full length, on a species of low framework of wood

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