


1. 煞 [shā]2. 煞 [shà]煞 [shā]同“杀”。同“刹”。煞 [shà]极,很:~费苦心。急~。迷信的人指凶神:~气。凶~。凶神恶~。……


1. 有 [yǒu]2. 有 [yòu]有 [yǒu]存在:~关。~方(得法)。~案可稽。~备无患。~目共睹。表示所属:他~一本书。表示发生、出现:~病。情况~变化。表示估量或比较:水~一丈多深。表示大、多:~学问。用在某些动词前面表示客气……







汉语拼音:shà yǒu jiè shì








  • 【解释】:原是江浙一带的方言。指装模作样,活象真有那么一回事似的。多指大模大样,好像很了不起的样子。
  • 【出自】:沙汀《替身》:“保长一只脚踏上板凳的一端,象煞有介事地抽吸起来。”
  • 【语法】:动宾式;作谓语、定语、状语;含贬义


  1. " God bless you , Captain Frank , " came Rupert's deep solemn voice out of the dark when the flare died .


  2. He told me with affected seriousness that he would go abroad to make further studies.


  3. and he would faithfully promise to call again at some future date.


  4. He says he just forgot about it a likely story!


  5. Deviated poems after all have formed contradiction with the glory, making game of the authority with an identity of equality.


  6. Literary production is of game's nature, but the network creation is the game which most pretends to be serious.


  7. As he went spruce and business -like through the streets of Wingsburg , he sometimes stopped and turned quickly about .


  8. More plausibly, Pakistani intelligence officials accuse India of fanning a burgeoning nationalist insurgency in Baluchistan.


  9. Anyway, this got me thinking of whether the particulars of button nomenclature really matter.


  1. 她煞有介事地点了点头。

    She nodded her head significantly.

  2. 他是我丈夫,别说得煞有介事

    He is my husband. Stop saying that like it means something.

  3. 他说他仅仅是忘了 像煞有介事!

    He says he just about it a likely!

  4. 他煞有介事地告诉我他将出国深造。

    He told me with affected seriousness that he would go abroad to make further studies.

  5. 像明星般燃炽, 煞有介事, 让你感觉

    Burning like a star, and convincingly, so that you feel sometimes

  6. 巫师煞有介事的画起了驱魔符节。

    The wizard started to draw a magic figure to exorcise spirits, with a show of gravity and dignity.

  7. 巫师煞有介事的画起了驱魔符节。

    The wizard started to draw a magic figure to exorcise spirits, with a show of gravity and dignity.

  8. 然后他煞有介事地低声说,他名字叫弗迪。

    Then in a grave murmur he said his name is ferdie.

  9. 有些化妆品广告煞有介事地声称能延缓皱纹的出现。

    There were advertisements for cosmetics purporting to delay the development of wrinkles.

  10. 他那神采飞扬的眼睛有一种挑战的意味, 很煞有介事。

    There was a challenge in his sparkling merry eyes, and a certain bravado

  11. 屠维岳的法宝就是说大话, 像煞有介事, 满嘴的有办法, 有把握!

    He just relies on bluff and putting on a show with bright ideas and his swank!

  12. 大家见他煞有介事地说了一套冠冕堂皇的话,个个脸有愧色。

    All looked abashed at this elegant speech, delivered with quite an air.

  13. 他们信誓旦旦要尽其所能,说的天花乱坠,做的也煞有介事。

    They vowed to do their things do their best, what they said was given an extravagantly colourful descriptionvery and have done all apparent seriousness.

  14. 彼得斯站在家门口人行道上,煞有介事地慢吞吞地装烟斗。

    Peters stands on the walk to his house, making an elaborate ritual of filling a pipe.

  15. 象煞有介事地

    with affected seriousness.

  16. 当然得有一个烟囱。约翰煞有介事地说。

    It certainly does need a chimney, said John importantly.

  17. 阿蜜看来相当一本正经,煞有其事。

    Amy looked so grave and important.

  18. 开幕式开始了,我煞有其事地骑马进入了表演场地。

    When the opening ceremony started, I rode out into the arena just as if I knew what I was doing.

  19. 所有这些定义虽然听上去煞有其事,但都经不起推敲。

    All these definitions, while sounding impressive, do not stand up under close scrutiny.

  20. 我不介意有时候帮她的忙,但是这正变变得煞有其事了。

    I don't mind helping her out occasionally, but this is going beyond a joke.

  21. 现在每件事都有点雾煞煞。

    Everythings a little hazy tight now.

  22. 相传有辟邪挡煞, 镇宅之威力。

    Down ward block come, the home's power.

  23. 所有的会众都在用哭腔煞有声势地为我一个人祈祷。

    The whole congregation prayed for me alone, in awail of moans and voices.

  24. 所有得会众都在用哭腔煞有声势地为我一个人祈祷。

    The whole congregation prayed for me alone, in awail of moans and voices.

  25. 他带着一副煞有介事的派头。

    He carried an air of importance.

  26. 投票那天反倒平平淡淡,未免有点煞风景。

    Polling day was uneventful, a bit of an anticlimax.

  27. 这并不是抹煞委员会的工作,而是给它应有的尊重。

    That would not be to shelve the Commission's work but rather to give it the respect it deserved.

  28. 上图瓷面桌上面有很多探出头来的小松鼠,煞是可爱。

    photo above This enameltopped table has funny little squirrels peeking out throughout the design.


  1. 问:煞有介事拼音怎么拼?煞有介事的读音是什么?煞有介事翻译成英文是什么?

    答:煞有介事的读音是shàyǒujièshì,煞有介事翻译成英文是 to make an extravagant show of being in earnest...



煞:很· 煞有:的确有· 介事:那样的事 “煞有介事”又做“像煞有介事”。介:江浙方言,这样。好像真有这么回事似的。 原是江浙一带的方言。指装模作样,好像真有那么一回事似的。多指大模大样,好像很了不起的样子。

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