


1. 孙 [sūn]2. 孙 [xùn]孙 [sūn]儿子的儿子:~子。~女。跟孙子同辈的亲属:外~。侄~(侄儿的子女)。孙子以后的各代:曾(zēng )~(孙子的子女)。玄~(曾孙的子女)。子~(儿子和孙子,泛指后代)。王~(贵族的子孙后……




1. 空 [kōng]2. 空 [kòng]3. 空 [kǒng]空 [kōng]不包含什么,没有内容:~洞(a.没有内容的;b.物体内部的窟窿)。~泛。~话。~旷。~乏。~~如也。~前绝后。凭~(无根据)。真~(没有任何东西)。没有结果的……



汉语拼音:sūn wù kōng







  1. 神话小说《西游记》中的主要人物,又名 孙行者 ,自称 齐天大圣 。是一个神通广大的天产石猴,有七十二变的法术,会驾斤斗云,一纵十万八千里。曾大闹天宫,勇猛无敌。后保 唐僧 往西天取经,沿途战胜了许多妖魔,体现出蔑视天神世界及其秩序的叛逆性格和对邪恶势力进行顽强斗争的意志。是我国人民所喜爱的具有浪漫主义色采的英雄形象。后人亦常用以比喻本领大的人物。参阅 南宋 话本《大唐三藏取经诗话》、 元 杨景贤 《西游记》杂剧。



  1. However, yesterday, he said he was the Red Boy, not the Monkey King.


  2. Things have happened like this, There was a love affair between monkey king and bai jingjing, So now she loves super gold at first sight.


  3. If I tell you I'm not the Monkey King, what do you to do?


  4. Monkey is the hero of the Journey to the West. A son of Nature without any parentage, he springs out of a magic stone.


  5. Kangkang, you know so much about Chinese literature, Could you tell me something about the Monkey King?


  6. The Monkey King novel understanding of various homes in academia have always been different, since there is no single argument.


  7. In his childhood, Sun Wukong, who lives on the Pure Land out of the secular world, is lively, cheerful, naughty and lovely.


  8. In Journey to the West, the Monkey King a great energy, aggressive, not the energy of the Monkey King, and many things are done.


  9. Monkey was king of a monkey tribe and, as the memorable opening sequence explains, was hatched from an egg in a storm on a mountain top.


  1. 孙悟空经历

    experience of Sun Wukong.

  2. 孙悟空与李逵

    Sun Wukong and Li Kui.

  3. 他饰演孙悟空。

    He plays the Monkey King.

  4. 他饰演孙悟空。

    He plays the Monkey King.

  5. 孙悟空闹龙宫

    The monkey king stormed the sea palace.

  6. 孙悟空神通广大。

    Sun Wukong had vast magic powers.

  7. 孙悟空大闹天宫。

    The monkey king caused havoc in heaven.

  8. 孙悟空三打白骨精

    The Monkey King Thrice Defeats the Skeleton Demon

  9. 我要去看孙悟空。

    I'm going to see Sun Wukong.

  10. 孙悟空形象原型探源

    Seeking the Original Shape of the Monkey King

  11. 大禹神话与孙悟空形象

    The Myth of Yu the Great and the Image of Monkey King

  12. 孙悟空永远是中心人物。

    Monkey is always the central figure.

  13. 给孙悟空戴上了紧箍咒。

    a collar on program trading in the stock market.

  14. 孙悟空春风满面,高登宝座。

    Sun Wukong, his face lit up with youthful vigour, climbed up onto his throne.

  15. 孙悟空形象的宗教文化意蕴

    On the Religious and Cultural Meanings of Monkey King

  16. 据说这里就是孙悟空得洞府。

    People say this is the cave dwelling of the Monkey King.

  17. 据说这里就是孙悟空的洞府。

    People say this is the cave dwelling of the Monkey King.

  18. 据说这里就是孙悟空的洞府。

    People say this is the cave dwelling of the Monkey King.

  19. 孙悟空生龙活虎地登上宝座。

    Sun Wukong, his face lit up with youthful vigour, climbed up onto his throne.

  20. 孙悟空别称之宗教性内涵初探

    The Religionary Meaning of but Appellation of the Monkey Spirit

  21. 孙悟空形象的思想内蕴和启示

    Thoughts THOUGHT The Meaning and Enlightenment of the Image of Monkey King

  22. 孙悟空跳不出如来佛的手心。

    The Monkey King cannot jump out of Buddha's palm.

  23. 孙悟空的形象塑造与禅宗的关系

    This relationship between the portrayal of, Monkey King's image and the Chan sect

  24. 孙悟空形象的时代精神和文化意蕴

    The times features and cultural implication of Monkey King

  25. 孙悟空人物设计褒贬的佛学释疑

    Buddhistic Interpretation of the Creation of the Monkey in the Record of A Journey to the West

  26. 撒旦与孙悟空形象对比意蕴探微

    On the Religious and Cultural Meanings of Images Comparison between Satan and Monkey King

  27. 对哈里?波特和孙悟空作比较。

    Compare the similarities and differences between Harry Potter and the Monkey King.

  28. 据说这里就是孙悟空横空出世得地方。

    This is said to be the exact spot where the Monkey King was born.

  29. 据说这里就是孙悟空横空出世的地方。

    This is said to be the exact spot where the Monkey King was born.

  30. 据说这里就是孙悟空横空出世的地方。

    This is said to be the exact spot where the Monkey King was born.


  1. 问:孙悟空拼音怎么拼?孙悟空的读音是什么?孙悟空翻译成英文是什么?

    答:孙悟空的读音是,孙悟空翻译成英文是 Sun Wukong

  2. 问:孙悟空 (七龙珠)拼音怎么拼?孙悟空 (七龙珠)的读音是什么?孙悟空 (七龙珠)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:孙悟空 (七龙珠)的读音是,孙悟空 (七龙珠)翻译成英文是 Goku



“孙悟空”是个多义词,它可以指孙悟空(飒漫画故事《三眼哮天录》人物), 孙悟空(小说《西游记》中的人物), 孙悟空(日本国民动漫《七龙珠》的主人公), 孙悟空(日本动漫《最游记》人物), 孙悟空(小说《西游记》中的主角), 孙悟空(日本国民漫画《七龙珠》男主角), 孙悟空(小说《西游记》中的主角之一), 孙悟空(游戏《无双OROCHI》系列中的人物), 孙悟空(轻小说《问题儿童都来自异世界?》中人物)。

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