




中国古代称东部的民族:东~。九~(古时称东夷有九种)。中国旧时指外国或外国的:华~杂处(chǔ ㄔㄨˇ)。平,平坦,平安:化险为~。弄平:~为平地。消灭:~灭。族~(诛杀犯罪者家族)。等辈:“诸将皆陛下故等~”。古代的锄类工具。古同“怡”,……



汉语拼音:xīn yí






  1. 植物名。指辛夷树或它的花。辛夷树属木兰科,落叶乔木,高数丈,木有香气。花初出枝头,苞长半寸,而尖锐俨如笔头因而俗称木笔。及开则似莲花而小如盏,紫苞红焰,作莲及兰花香,亦有白色者,人又呼为玉兰。今多以“辛夷”为木兰的别称。

    《楚辞·九歌·湘夫人》:“桂栋兮兰橑,辛夷楣兮葯房。” 洪兴祖 补注:“《本草》云:辛夷,树大连合抱,高数仞。此花初发如笔,北人呼为木笔。其花最早,南人呼为迎春。” 唐 杜甫 《偪仄行赠华曜》诗:“辛夷始花亦已落,况我与子非壮年。” 宋 王安石 《乌塘》诗之二:“试问春风何处好?辛夷如雪 柘冈 西。” 清 龚自珍 《洞仙歌·忆羽琌山馆之玉兰花》词:“ 江 东猿鹤,识人间花事,十丈辛夷著花未?”参阅 明 李时珍 《本草纲目·木一·辛夷》。



  1. Magnolia stellata (often referred to as the star magnolia) - its flowers, which consist of up to 30 petals, open before its leaves.


  2. Objective To investigate the pharmacologic action of the Magnolia biondii Pamp volatile oil nanometer bangosome.


  3. The healing essence of Magnolia aids with stabilisation of the mind and body and protection in general.


  4. Original botanical investigation and identification of "Flos Magnoliae" .


  5. Methods: Fifty SD rats were randomly divided into normal control group, untreated group, and low, medium and high dose VOMBPtreated group.


  6. The extracts of biond magnolia flower comprise a volatile oil part, a water soluble part and an alcohol soluble part.


  7. Comparisons of the growing and blossoming of beautiful Magnolia flowers and how this relates to our life.


  8. Result: A TLC identification method of Flos Magnoliae has been established.


  9. Effect of Compound Xinyi Pingchuan Liquid in Preventing Oxidative Damage of Experimental Asthma Model and Human Embryonic Lung Cell


  1. 辛夷。辛夷花

    magnolia flower.

  2. 辛夷挥发油

    Magnolia biondii Pamp volatile oil.

  3. 辛夷鼻炎丸

    Xinyi Biyan pill.

  4. 辛夷的故事

    A story of magnolia flower.

  5. 辛夷荆芥散

    Magnoliae and Schizonepetae Powder.

  6. 辛夷及栽培技术

    Magnolia liliflora and the cultivation technology

  7. 辛夷挥发油的研究

    Studies on the Essential Oils of Flos Magnoliae

  8. 辛夷与木兰名实新考

    New Viewpoints on the Species of Xinyi and Mulan

  9. 辛夷产量选择指标及选择指数的研究

    Analysis on the Selective Character and Selective Index for the Yield of Flos Magnolia

  10. 辛夷和苍耳子的临床药理研究进展

    Advance in research on pharmacology of Flos magnoline and Siberian cocklebur fruit

  11. 辛夷鼻炎丸对肝功能影响的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Effects of Xinyi Biyan Pill on Liver Function

  12. 复方辛夷滴鼻液的研制与临床应用

    Study on Preparation and Clinic of Compound Xinyi Nasal Drops

  13. 辛夷,中草药名,即玉兰科望春花,亦称辛夷花。

    Xinyi, a herb name, is a kind of spring flower, also called Xinyi flower.

  14. 辛夷不同部位挥发油化学组分的对比研究

    Study on the chemical constituents of volatile oil of different partial Magnolia liliflora

  15. 花冠表面角质层对生药辛夷鉴定的意义

    The Significance of the Cuticle at the Corolla Surface of Flos Magnoliae in Its Authentication.

  16. 通常, 辛夷花理康复援助用来稳定和保护身心。

    The healing essence of Magnolia aids with stabilisation of the mind and body and protection in general.

  17. 辛夷注射液窦腔灌注治疗家兔慢性上颌窦炎

    The therapeutic effects of irrigating therapy with magnolia injection on chronic maxillary sinusitis experimentally induced among rabbits

  18. 目得用正交试验法优选辛夷挥发油得提取工艺。

    Objective To study and optimize the extracting technology condition of the volatile oil of Flos Magnoliae.

  19. 结论纳米辛夷挥发油脂质体对黏膜无明显毒性作用。

    Results The Magnolia biondii Pamp volotile oil nanometer bangosome had little cilitoxicit.

  20. 对照美丽的辛夷生长和开花是如何与我们生活关联的。

    Comparisons of the growing and blossoming of beautiful Magnolia flowers and how this relates to our life.

  21. 目的对辛夷挥发油纳米脂质体药理作用进行初步研究。

    Objective To investigate the pharmacologic action of the Magnolia biondii Pamp volatile oil nanometer bangosome.

  22. 目得对辛夷挥发油纳米脂质体药理作用进行初步研究。

    Objective To investigate the pharmacologic action of the Magnolia biondii Pamp volatile oil nanometer bangosome.

  23. 目的观察纳米辛夷挥发油脂质体对鼻黏膜纤毛的毒性。

    Objective To investigate the toxicity of nasal membreane and ciliary of the Magnolia biondii Pamp volotile oil nanometer bangosome.

  24. 水蒸气蒸馏法提取辛夷精油及在卷烟加香中的应用研究

    Study on extracting oil condition of Xinyi by steam distillation and its application in tobacco flavoring

  25. 复方辛夷滴鼻液的配制及其对蛙口腔粘膜纤毛功能的影响

    Effect of compound magnolia liliflora naristillae on functions of frogs'oral mucosa ciliary


  1. 问:辛夷脂素拼音怎么拼?辛夷脂素的读音是什么?辛夷脂素翻译成英文是什么?

    答:辛夷脂素的读音是xīn yí zhī sù,辛夷脂素翻译成英文是 fargesin



“辛夷”是个多义词,它可以指辛夷(山东省作家协会会员), 辛夷(木兰属植物的花蕾)。

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