


1. 强 [qiáng]2. 强 [qiǎng]3. 强 [jiàng]强 [qiáng]健壮,有力,与“弱”相对:~壮。~健。~人。~力。~大。~劲。刚~。富~。列~。~弩之末。年富力~。程度高:~手。~烈。~酸。能力~。胜过,优越,好:……





汉语拼音:qiáng gōng







  1. 猛烈进攻;强行进攻。

    郭澄清 《大刀记》第十五章:“我琢磨着,得在智字上作文章!也就是说,只能智取,不宜强攻。”



  1. As you know, rebounding and being explosive near the basket, on defense and on offense. I always have to be ready to jump and rebound.


  2. Storm is not strong, the main lack of height as well as Chinese women's volleyball team to solve the problem.


  3. A striker was substituted for a midfield player in the last half - hour of play.


  4. A positive force that is attacking the intensive fire from off the South to launch the general offensive, rapidly kill the Loushanguan.


  5. Storm is the team's strength reflected in the new Olympic cycle, Wang Mei is one of hope.


  6. It dispatched roughly three times as many troops to Swat as previously, which allowed it to storm or encircle Taliban positions.


  7. Hxdying become workshop to the world, is China poised to storm the bastions of its high-technology industries?


  8. Gunmen from the Shabab Islamist militia stormed a hotel in Mogadishu, Somalia's capital, killing 32 people, including six MPs.


  9. After some gunfire, authorities decided it was time to storm the bus.


  1. 强攻敌人阵地

    storm the enemy position.

  2. 楔形强攻战术

    flying wedge.

  3. 与其强攻, 何如智

    It would be better to use strategy than to attack by force.

  4. 与其强攻,何如智。

    It would be better to use strategy than to attack by force.

  5. 强攻型打法

    power play.

  6. 与其强攻,何如智取。

    It would be better to use strategy than to attack by force.

  7. 安迪罗兰强攻得分。

    Andy Roland bulldozed through to score.

  8. 排球强攻扣球的新特点

    New Features of Offending Spike in Volleyball

  9. 他强攻篮下,投入一球。

    He broke through the defence and made a shot.

  10. 只可智取,不可强攻。

    The only way to take the enemy position is by strategy, not by forceful attack.

  11. 军事上大规模的持续强攻

    A massive, sustained military offensive.

  12. 提高排球强攻扣球技术之探讨

    On Volleyball Power Spike Enhancement

  13. 叛军屡次尝试强攻这座建筑。

    The rebel soldiers tried repeatedly to storm the building.

  14. 提高主攻手强攻水平的训练方法

    Training Method to Improve Level of Ace Spikers'Power Attacks

  15. 司令员下令强攻以占领敌人要塞。

    The commander gave orders to take the enemy fortress by storm.

  16. 浅析我国男排强攻不强得原因

    Reasons for Storm Not Strong of Our Country's Men Volleyball Team

  17. 影响排球主攻手强攻能力因素的研究

    Research on Affecting Factors of the breaking ability for strong strike of main attackers

  18. 两天后, 步兵强攻突破皇宫的城墙。

    Two days later the infantry stormed through the walls of the imperial palace.

  19. 女子排球优秀强攻选手扣球技术的运动学模型

    The Movement Model for Spiking Skill for Outstanding Women Volleyball Spikers

  20. 我国男子排球强攻扣球技术存在的问题及其训练

    Analyzing on the Problem Existed in Skills of Drop Shot

  21. 就是他们强攻蒙马特,最后导致拿破仑战争结束。

    It was them who took fortifications of Montmartre by assault, thus putting the Napoleon War to its end.

  22. 在几次篮下强攻未果后, 霍斯金懊恼得直拍巴掌。

    In several unsuccessful attack the basket, to the chagrin Hosking allowed Paiba Zhang.

  23. 在强攻们孟买犹太人中心的过程中,一名印度突击队员受伤。

    In the attack the Jewish center to Mumbai, India, a commando injured.


  1. 问:强攻拼音怎么拼?强攻的读音是什么?强攻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:强攻的读音是qiánggōng,强攻翻译成英文是 to take by storm; to storm

  2. 问:强攻打法拼音怎么拼?强攻打法的读音是什么?强攻打法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:强攻打法的读音是qiáng gōng dǎ fǎ,强攻打法翻译成英文是 power play

  3. 问:强攻型排球拼音怎么拼?强攻型排球的读音是什么?强攻型排球翻译成英文是什么?

    答:强攻型排球的读音是qiáng gōng xíng pái qiú,强攻型排球翻译成英文是 power volleyball



基本信息 词目:强攻

拼音:qíang gōng 英文:drive

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