







汉语拼音:yín yǒng








  1. 亦作“ 吟咏 ”。歌唱;作诗词。

    《诗·周南·关雎序》:“吟咏情性,以风其上。”《晋书·郗鉴传》:“躬耕陇亩,吟咏不倦,以儒雅著名。” 宋 罗大经 《鹤林玉露》卷四:“至 六朝 时乃略有咏之者,至 唐 而吟咏滋多。” 清 俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“ 于庭 先生兼工吟咏,曾赠余诗四章。” 巴金 《一颗红心》:“他在黑暗中闭目吟咏,摸索着写下四十多首诗。”

  2. 有节奏地诵读;吟诵玩味。

    南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·神思》:“吟咏之间,吐纳珠玉之声;眉睫之前,卷舒风云之色。” 唐 杜甫 《至后》诗:“愁极本凭诗遣兴,诗成吟咏转凄凉。”《云笈七籤》卷一○四:“﹝ 杜冲 ﹞闲居幽室,吟咏《道德》。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·宦娘》:“﹝女﹞拾得旧笺一折,上书《惜餘春》词……女吟咏数四,心悦好之。” 柯灵 《三十八年前的一张旧报》:“我有了再次吟咏 小川 同志的旧作的机会。”

  3. 指诗词等韵文。

    唐 刘禹锡 《董氏武陵集记》:“寓其情怀,播为吟咏,时復发笥,纷然盈前。” 清 赵翼 《瓯北诗话·杜少陵诗》:“书生穷眼,偶值声伎之宴,輒不禁见之吟咏,而力为铺张。” 鲁迅 《坟·摩罗诗力说》:“吾之吟咏,无不为宗邦神往。”

  4. 见“ 吟咏 ”。



  1. And the Division into the trial, Phi table chant, forgetting all day tired.


  2. Poetry is wisdom that enchant the heart, wisdom is poetry that sings in the mind.


  3. haggard haggard in the face exposed, the chant sighing voice of expression in voice, and then can be understood.


  4. The northern, many famous scenic poems for the goldfish, etc, according to his poetry, jiaxing has poetic goldfish.


  5. Do not want to secularization, as early as disposable examination, to recite from the appropriate reading.


  6. Many other magnificent natural scenes appreciated by ancient Chinese poets are also disappearing.


  7. But in the liturgy of the conventional wisdom, the praises of price competition are still vigorously sung.


  8. The reader to appreciate the chant repeated reading, imagination, taste the unique charm of poetry.


  9. Female groups and snacks relations, has been writers repeatedly intoned times, there is no gild the lily.


  1. 他吟咏秋天。

    He sang of autumn.

  2. 他们吟咏的祷文。

    Their chantlike intoned prayers.

  3. 吟咏以单调音吟出

    To utter in a monotone.

  4. 快乐地吟咏一个希望?

    A hope, to sing by gladly?

  5. 野兽吟咏着它的圣歌。

    The Beast intoned his song.

  6. 我抚琴吟咏,却听到泪水流淌。

    And tears are heard within the harp I touch.

  7. 诗歌是陶醉心灵的智慧,智慧是心灵吟咏的诗歌。

    Poetry is wisdom that enchant the heart, wisdom is poetry that sings in the mind.

  8. 学生们一遍一遍地吟咏着一样的标语。

    The students chanted the same slogan over and over again.

  9. 召集我心爱的人,我们的吟咏就是舞步。

    Gather my beloved near, and our chanting will be dancing.

  10. 雨后,诗人们吟咏着荷珠与双虹。

    Poets might sing of lotus flowers pearled with rain or double rainbows.

  11. 叙述者与吟咏者论历史演义与咏史诗

    Narrator and Minstrelthe Historical Romance and Poems on History.

  12. 及所司进所试,披览吟咏,终日忘倦。

    And the Division into the trial, Phi table chant, forgetting all day tired.

  13. 以个体的心灵吟咏取代了社会现实反映。

    Replaced social reality to reflect with the chanting of individual's soul.

  14. 这两个人在一起吟咏作诗, 相互唱酬。

    The two people are composing verses, using the same rhyme sequence.

  15. 这两个人在一起吟咏作诗,相互唱酬。

    The two people are composing verses, using the same rhyme sequence.

  16. 让我们祷告吧,牧师用吟咏的声调对会众说。

    Let up pray, the priest intoned to his congregation.

  17. 他的片子总是在平静祥和的烙印中吟咏着宿命。

    His is a very serene and contented brand of fatalism.

  18. 我休闲,邀来自己的灵魂。诗人惠特曼曾这样吟咏。

    I loaf and invite my soul, sang the poet Walt Whitman.

  19. 他时常吟咏诗篇或高唱圣歌来抒发心中的喜乐。

    Often He expressed the gladness of His heart by singing psalms and heavenly songs.

  20. 它希望被大声吟咏,让它的旋律传出舌尖,传进耳朵。

    It wants to be chanted out loud, to sound its music in the ear and on the tongue.

  21. 睡前,为你心中得挚爱祈祷,唇间吟咏着赞美诗。

    And then to sleep with a prayer for the beloved in your heart and a song of praise rpon your lips.

  22. 睡前,为你心中的挚爱祈祷,唇间吟咏着赞美诗。

    And then to sleep with a prayer for the beloved in your heart and a song of praise rpon your lips.

  23. 演员对每句台词都要反复吟咏、咀嚼,才能进入角色。

    An actor must rehearse his lines thoroughly and really ponder them to get inside the character.

  24. 他生活于元末明初,在战乱流离中终生不辍吟咏。

    He lived in Yuan and Ming dynasties, which was a period full of war and chaos.

  25. 在余光中的诗歌中, 不乏以大陆江河为吟咏对象的名篇佳构。

    Among Yu Guangzhong's poems, there are a lot of them chanting and singing of rivers and streams.

  26. 方东树继承了儒家诗学的吟咏情性说,但又有突破。

    Dongfang Shu not only inherited Confucian poetry disposition, but also made a breakthrough.


  1. 问:吟咏拼音怎么拼?吟咏的读音是什么?吟咏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:吟咏的读音是yínyǒng,吟咏翻译成英文是 to recite poetry with a cadence; chant

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