







汉语拼音:dù fǔ



  1. Insulted, Du Fu left the city to the outskirts and lying on the ridges of the field, poured out his sentiments towards Heaven.


  2. Du Fu is most skillful in using alliteration and assonance in his poems and he uses it most often than any other poets.


  3. Just as Confucius and Mencius are the sages of the Confucians, Tu Fu is called the sage of poets.


  4. but different in that Li Bai took the moon as a symbol of his own spirit; while Du Fu regarded the moon as an aesthetic existence.


  5. This assertion was so closely connected with realism advocated by DU Fu that it had a profound effect on the Xin Yuefu movement.


  6. I consider it a rare honor since, under the same cover, there are names of such great poets as Li Po and Tu Fu.


  7. Poems by Du Fu, Li bai and Wang Wei among others stand out in the halls some of the features that all good poetry shares.


  8. I've written one poem in response to a Tu Fu poem about his overturn his wine glass, and his wood stove has grown cold, and he is bitter.


  9. It can be said he had some similar emotions with Du Fu that his poems embodied the aesthetics carrying on Du Fu's realism.


  1. 杜甫草堂博物馆


  2. 论诗哲杜甫

    On Poetic Philosopher Du Fu.

  3. 杜甫与陶渊明

    Tu Fu and Tao Yuanming.

  4. 杜甫送别诗略论

    On The Valedictory Poems Of Du Fu

  5. 我喜爱杜甫的诗。

    I am fond of poems by Tu Fu.

  6. 我喜爱杜甫得诗。

    I am fond of poems by Tu Fu .

  7. 杜甫与唐代诗坛

    Du Fu and the Poets World of the Tang Dynasty

  8. 论杜甫的美学思想

    On Du Fu's Aesthetic Thoughts

  9. 陇右杜甫草堂考

    The Verification of Du Fus Humble Cottages in Longyou

  10. 论杜甫与史官文化

    On Du Fu and Culture of Official Historian

  11. 谈杜甫的论画诗

    Du Fu's poems on paintings

  12. 杜甫亦具有闲逸情调。

    Du also possesses leisure sentimentalism.

  13. 杜甫陇右行迹及诗作

    The track of Dufu and his poems in Longyou

  14. 杜甫劳动妇女诗浅探

    On the Poems about the Laboring Women by Du Fu

  15. 杜甫仕宦心态之研究

    Study on the Psychology of the Official Career of Du Fu

  16. 杜甫草堂是一座纪念馆。

    The Du fu's cottage is a commemorative museum.

  17. 杜甫的生命意识和生命追求

    DU Fu's Life Consciousness and Life Pursuit

  18. 试论杜甫的咏月诗

    Discussions on Du Fus Poems of Ode to the Moon.

  19. 论杜甫的入声韵脚诗

    On Entering Rhyme of Du Fu's Poems

  20. 论杜甫楼阁诗的高楼意象

    On the Images of High Pavilion in Dufu's Poem

  21. 试说杜甫三首望岳诗

    On Du Fu's Three Overlooking Yue Poems

  22. 鲁迅与李贺,杜甫关系初探

    On Lu Xun and Li Huo, Du Fu

  23. 杜甫是我国著名的诗圣。

    Dufu was the renowned master of Chinese poetry.

  24. 杜甫是我国著名的诗坛圣手。

    He is renowned for his rendition of Tchaikovsky.

  25. 李白和杜甫是同时代的人。

    Li Po and Tu Fu were contemporary.

  26. 杜甫选择秦州寓居的体质原因

    The Physical Reason Why Du Fu Chose to Stay in Qinzhou

  27. 杜甫写的有些诗歌和饮酒有关。

    Some of poems composed by Du Fu are associated with wine drinking.

  28. 杜甫写得有些诗歌和饮酒有关。

    Some of poems composed by Du Fu are associated with wine drinking.

  29. 纪念馆收藏了杜甫诗作和绘画作品。

    The museum has a collection of Du fu's poems and paintings.

  30. 杜甫对陈寅恪诗歌创作的影响

    The Influence of Du Fu on Chen Yinke's Creation of Poems


  1. 问:杜甫拼音怎么拼?杜甫的读音是什么?杜甫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:杜甫的读音是DùFǔ,杜甫翻译成英文是 Du Fu, a Tang Dynasty poet

  2. 问:杜甫草堂拼音怎么拼?杜甫草堂的读音是什么?杜甫草堂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:杜甫草堂的读音是,杜甫草堂翻译成英文是 Du Fu Thatched Cottage



“杜甫”是个多义词,它可以指杜甫(同名话剧), 杜甫(唐朝著名现实主义诗人)。

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