




代,代理:代~。更(gēng )~。。~班。~身。~罪羊。为,给:~他送行。~古人担忧。衰废:兴(xīng )~。衰~。……



汉语拼音:dǐng tì




顶名代替;由 别的人或物接替或代替:冒名~。这项工作对人员有严格的要求,不能随便~。父亲退休后,我~ 他进了工厂。



  1. 顶名代替。

    《元典章·户部三·逃亡》:“甲寅乙卯年间籤军时,有管民官司令 全 ( 宋全 )等顶替逃户 訾德 王仲 充军。” 清 周亮工 《答济叔书》:“人取名字当极僻、极古、极坚者,方能免祸。客曰:‘不然,须取极平常者,庶祸发时,尚有 济叔 一辈人顶替耳。’一笑。” 严复 《救亡决论》:“今姑无论试场大弊,如关节顶替、倩枪联号,诸寡廉鲜耻者之尤,有力之家,每每为之,而未尝稍以为愧也。” 王西彦 《隔膜》:“可是,十七岁的大儿子给别人顶替卖命去了。”

  2. 用其他事物代替;代用。

    萧乾 《一本褪色的相册·〈鱼饵·论坛·阵地〉》:“编辑部拿不出东西来顶替,派出三个小同事到处找我,要我赶紧回去再补发一期。” 赵树理 《三里湾·万宝全》:“第四件是小锤,是用个斧头来顶替的。”

  3. 指父母退休或死亡时,子女按政策规定到父母所在单位担任工作。

    周克芹 《勿忘草》四:“由于父亲的去世,政策使他得到一个回城‘顶替’父亲职业的机会。”《人民文学》1982年第1期:“人事劳动部门有了新规定:职工退休、死亡,子女可以顶替。”



  1. Fourteen of these "measured" rate rises were attributable to Greenspan and three to Bernanke, who replaced him in February 2006.


  2. And her place would be filled up by advertisement. The boss would make an ad to hire someone else to take her place in the store.


  3. He seemed to be the prime candidate to replace Vincenzo Iaquinta, who looked like he was going to leave.


  4. Her manager shut her to stop, " Lala, Mr. Hu's secretary is sick and can't got to work, you need to replace her for a while. "


  5. Becky had a dozen admirers in his place to be sure; and could cut her rival to pieces with her wit .


  6. He said to me, "If anyone can't go, I'd be willing to step in and join you. "


  7. In his place went US investor Dennis Tito, who would go down in history as the first citizen space explorer.


  8. How did Steve play? Did he only play because Bonzi was out, or did he make his way in the rotation?


  9. I'm back, happy to be with you for this Tuesday edition of CNN Student News and I want to thank Tommy for filling in for me.


  1. 轴向流顶替

    axial flow displacement.

  2. 他已被别人顶替了。

    He was replaced by another player.

  3. 她被她的下级职员顶替。

    She was displaced by her junior clerk.

  4. 你故意带了顶替的人

    You brought in ringers?

  5. 在罢工期间顶替罢工工人工作

    to scab on the strike

  6. 除去冒名顶替者喜欢。

    Remove the likes of the imposter.

  7. 她想看看是她顶替的是谁。

    She'd like to see who she's replacing.

  8. 我去找个人来顶替你。

    I'll find someone to fill in for you.

  9. 琼,你今天能顶替约翰吗?

    Will you cover for John today, Jean?

  10. 然后你来顶替她的工作。

    Then you do her part of the work.

  11. 今晚我们应该有人顶替。

    We should be covered for tonight.

  12. 他顶替患病的工人干活。

    He substituted for the worker who was ill.

  13. 今天你能顶替王先生吗?

    Can you take the place of Mr. Wang today ?

  14. 加布被迫顶替家长会会长。

    Gaby was forced to replace the P. T. A. President.

  15. 加布被迫顶替家长会会长。

    Gaby was forced to replace the P. T. A. President.

  16. 我另外找了个麻醉师顶替我了

    I got another anesthesiologist to cover for me

  17. 被自动化设备顶替掉的工人

    workers replaced by automated equipment

  18. 秘书度假期间谁愿意顶替她?

    Who will double for the secretary while she is on holiday?

  19. 他走了,谁来顶替他的岗位?

    After he's gone, who will take his place?

  20. 她还没来,总得有人顶替。

    She never showed up. Somebody gonna take this place.

  21. 她还没来,总得有人顶替。

    She never showed up. Somebody gonna take this place.

  22. 简休假时我来顶替她工作。

    I am covering Jane while she is on leave.

  23. 他顶替了那位生病的工人。

    He substituted for the worker who was iii.

  24. 她周二没来,我只好顶替她。

    I had to stand in for her on Tuesday when she didn't show up.

  25. 我已经决定不顶替他的位置。

    I've decided not to fill in for him.

  26. 要是我万一不能来, 谁来顶替我?

    In ease of my absence, who will take my place?

  27. 顶替请假或生病的人干活。

    working as a substitute for someone who is ill or on leave of absence.

  28. 要是我不能来,谁将顶替我呢?

    In case of my absence, who will take my place?

  29. 你的强大的压力下顶替他人的位置。

    You're under major pressure to fill someone else's shoes.

  30. 这些可以顶替常规的鼠标或键盘。

    Typically, these can masquerade as a conventional mouse or keyboard.


  1. 问:顶替拼音怎么拼?顶替的读音是什么?顶替翻译成英文是什么?

    答:顶替的读音是dǐngtì,顶替翻译成英文是 take the place of; pose as

  2. 问:顶替剂拼音怎么拼?顶替剂的读音是什么?顶替剂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:顶替剂的读音是dǐng tì jì,顶替剂翻译成英文是 displacement agent

  3. 问:顶替液拼音怎么拼?顶替液的读音是什么?顶替液翻译成英文是什么?

    答:顶替液的读音是dǐng tì yè,顶替液翻译成英文是 displacing liquid

  4. 问:顶替层析拼音怎么拼?顶替层析的读音是什么?顶替层析翻译成英文是什么?

    答:顶替层析的读音是dǐng tì céng xī,顶替层析翻译成英文是 displacement chromatography

  5. 问:顶替展开拼音怎么拼?顶替展开的读音是什么?顶替展开翻译成英文是什么?

    答:顶替展开的读音是dǐng tì zhǎn kāi,顶替展开翻译成英文是 displacement development

  6. 问:顶替效应拼音怎么拼?顶替效应的读音是什么?顶替效应翻译成英文是什么?

    答:顶替效应的读音是dǐng tì xiào yìng,顶替效应翻译成英文是 displacement effect

  7. 问:顶替洗脱拼音怎么拼?顶替洗脱的读音是什么?顶替洗脱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:顶替洗脱的读音是dǐng tì xǐ tuō,顶替洗脱翻译成英文是 displacing elution

  8. 问:顶替溶液拼音怎么拼?顶替溶液的读音是什么?顶替溶液翻译成英文是什么?

    答:顶替溶液的读音是dǐng tì róng yè,顶替溶液翻译成英文是 displacing solution

  9. 问:顶替电泳拼音怎么拼?顶替电泳的读音是什么?顶替电泳翻译成英文是什么?

    答:顶替电泳的读音是dǐng tì diàn yǒng,顶替电泳翻译成英文是 displacement electrophoresis

  10. 问:顶替展开法拼音怎么拼?顶替展开法的读音是什么?顶替展开法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:顶替展开法的读音是dǐng tì zhǎn kāi fǎ,顶替展开法翻译成英文是 displacing development

  11. 问:顶替犯罪者拼音怎么拼?顶替犯罪者的读音是什么?顶替犯罪者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:顶替犯罪者的读音是dǐngtìfànzuìzhě,顶替犯罪者翻译成英文是 assume the person of the offender




【读音】dǐng tì 



【示例】清·周亮工 《答济叔书》:“人取名字当极僻、极古、极坚者,方能免祸。客曰:‘不然,须取极平常者,庶祸发时,尚有济叔一辈人顶替耳。’一笑。” 赵树理 《三里湾·万宝全》:“第四件是小锤,是用个斧头来顶替的。”

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